War after war, whether is new one?

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 07, 2005 05:32PM
War after war, whether is new one?

1812 + 65 = 1877 Falling Osmanli colonialism
1877 + 64 = 1941 Falling of Fascist colonialism
1941 + 64 = 2005 Struggle against totalitarian modes,
for democratization.

You can look on www.genevo.org/p2i.htm
Table 16.

1938 the Munich agreement brought " the world to the Europe ".
In 64 years army of the USA and coalitions will
conduct antiterrorist operation, which has brought protection against terrorism and peace for all.
What else is necessary for USA and Europe to do to create final peace?
Posted by: gruff [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 08, 2005 05:46AM
Speak English please.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 08, 2005 08:48AM
Statistically unsound ramblings
Posted by: write_englsidh_espale [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 10, 2005 12:53AM
freedom of words IS strangled
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 10, 2005 01:57PM
England runs democratic colonization policy,
do you hear this for the first time?

Attack to London by Iraqi insurgents is possibly
connected with their strategy of anticolonial war.
Their calculation is connected with discredit of policy of
London in Iraq and disengagement of English armies.
For US government leaving of England from Iraq
would be disintegration of a coalition and individual
opposition to the world community.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 11, 2005 09:42AM
64 years ago governments of the Europe convinced people
that barbarians live in Russia, now Asia.
What in your opinion destruction of Iraq is justified by?

War in Iraq goes against presence of colonial armies.
If London refuse democratic colonization of Iraq
and accelerate disengage of armies, political positions of armed
democratls which are supported by London and Ankara will
weaken in Russia.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 12, 2005 07:52AM
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 12, 2005 07:53AM
About what international sympathy London asks?
London tries to present attack of insurgents
as world tragedy. Fifty person was lost, whereas
democrats divided people in Iraq and tens person daily perish. The world tragedy is played by democratic colonialists in Asia.

1938-1945, London kindled war against new Russian type of the device of the state, as a result 60 mln.people was lost.

2002-???, London has kindled war against developing Asian type of the device of the state.

How many should be lost, your opinion?
Posted by: gruff [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 12, 2005 04:06PM
Russia is clearly hurting in the worst way.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 13, 2005 06:23AM
To stabilize a situation in Iraq and region it is possible having revived
the Iraq national state. An example in development of the state -
achievements of Iran and other Asian countries.
I offer some of measures below:

1. An immediate deducing of armies of the USA and coalitions.
2. Creation of uniform national army.
3. Deportation of the democratic government.
4. Giving authority to leaders of Iraq.
5. The organization of elections of authorities.
6. Payment in current 5 years for destruction of the state by the countries-invaders.
7. S.Husejn's rehabilitation and clearing militarian captives.
8. Nationalization of natural riches for the term of not less than 3 years.
9. Amnesty to participants of the armed pro-American formations.

The USA and coalition can do nothing about it and then
after a while new war begin.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 13, 2005 08:20PM
Hatred is connected with democratic colonization,
this is a cheap moral substantiation which
colonizers are covered by.

Despite attack in London the government of England refuses
to tell the truth about Iraq and garbles the facts.
Without democracy the English government became profascist
and conducts a society to demoralization. Truth is hided from the people,
it is done to keep colonial financial streams.

Why should other people suffer from the colonial government of England?
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 14, 2005 06:50AM
You think how the Europe before 1938 - communism bad,
fascism - good. The campaign on the East - will rescue the Western society.

In Asia there is their own society. Terrorists are situated where invaders are. If to invade one more country terrorism will grow.

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 15, 2005 07:43AM
Attack to London in a threshold of the summit of the G8,
has broken a new wave of democratic colonization,
has strengthened anticolonial resistance
and became significant event in struggle
with the international nazism and profascism.

The reason of terrorism in London.
Democracy in England is constructed on the basis of totalitarian
control over the person. Therefore the society supports
state policy and is out of internal political problems. Such society is used
by the government for promotion of colonization and development of Mother country.
It is not possible to defend antifascist and anticolonial opinions
in such system.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 15, 2005 08:09PM
Terrorists who attacked London and terrorists which work under covering of London in their countries - are people with different points of view.
Terrorists who are supported by London are armed democrats in their native land, they are helpers to
London in it’s democratic colonization, a treacherous column. London supports dissidents specially
to destroy other states and colonize them.
These invited democrats regret about happened attacks to London directed
against democratic colonization of developing countries and the countries of the third world.

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 17, 2005 08:41PM
Rigid administrative selection of persons who define a policy of the state, and ideas discussed in a society. For realization of these problems the society and its citizens are controled.
In a totalitarian society there can not be equal rights for citizens, that we can see on an example of structure of authority in England.

Ideology of terrorism is the anticolonialism.
Against what ideology English government struggles?
And what ideology advances?
May be colonialism? Iraq?
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 21, 2005 06:56PM
I think, that the terrorism in England is connected with occupation of Iraq,
and London does not wish to disengage armies because it is possible to get
a loss of profit for the English companies in Iraq.
Whether war will have been thrown to the territory of England?

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 22, 2005 06:33PM
With falling of English ideology of military colonization in Germany (in 1945) and with growth of national-liberation movements, distribution of ideology of democratic colonization had become an answer to the challenge of the epoch. U.Cherchill was the founder of the international development of idea. The essence of the idea consisted in creation of democratic elections on the basis of interests of colonialists. Financial resources and the advanced political technologies provided visibility of the democratic elections and a victory of representatives of colonialists. Now the erroneousness of Cherchill’s idea as a tool for suppression of anticolonialism is obvious on an example of civil and emancipating wars in Iraq. But the English government won’t be able to put U.Cherchill to prison, he has died.

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 23, 2005 08:34PM
Englishmen have been put into frameworks of support of a struggle of colonialists,
it is also democracy. It is the democracy refined from reality.
The government of colonialists spreads nazism in a society,
having delegated to the England the maximum right - to define destiny of people.

In front of London there is a question: system democracy for the sake of safety
in the interests of colonialists, or freedom in the interests of people and releasing
occupied countries from democratic colonization.

US government reflects with an interest
about what will be in London, the center of world ideology?
In fact if London fall, it will be necessary to change the policy.

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 24, 2005 04:11PM
England which made so much for nazism, has remained out of work after occupation of the Europe by nazis. Hitler not only ignored interests of England but also "put to the place" his neighbour. To Hitler it was enough, and further - to the East.
There was no second front. The England-American front was urgently opened and question about repartition of the Europe was rised then.

Hitler's policy was based on
political views of London in many respects. Hitler headed a policy of colonization.
So " the policy of pacification" actually was a policy of the consent with
Hitler's actions, but it was replaced by policy of treachery to Hitler after, though
ideological views of London have not changed.

Iraq (2002) was disarmed and was ready to cooperate with the United Nations, S.Husejn was deceived, now terrorists protect the country from democratic colonialists.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 08:39AM
1. The economy of Germany after defeat in the First World war was completely under the control of the English capital (reparation, credits).
By 1932 Englishmen did not know what is more favourably for England - credits or reparations, and democratic elections passed under the control of the English capital.
2. Hitler has won democratic elections owing to support of London.
Money come also directly from abroad: English oil king Deterding, a friend of Hoffmann and Rehberg, supplied Hitler with currency on a regular basis (he gave 10 million of dutch guldens once).
3 England never consider seriously to Hitler. Hitler was a hope as a force which is capable to control people.
4 When war began? Was Czechoslovakia occupied after partition of Poland? England initiated war.
5 Hitler was not going to occupy England. Hitler understood, that England is the leading colonial power, and England understood that there must be no friends in war for colonies.
Military actions against England had inconsistent character.
Luftvaffe never undertook concentrated attacks to the British radar stations, and they had huge value for defense of the country. Hitler counted, that having transferred bombardments on cities of England he will compel London to go for negotiations. Negotiations about what?
6. The second front was conducted in Africa in trying to solve colonial problems.
Only people's liberation movements and USSR battled against colonialism. For England the main thing was preservation of owned colonies and repartition of the Europe.
7. 60 million person was lost because of a colonial policy of England which come to deadlock.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 08:44AM
Your ramblings are becoming more and more incoherent as your mind deteriorates. Isn't it time to seek help?
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 05:32PM
Falling of pro-English authority in democratic
protectorates approaches falling of authority in mother country.

In the English society where there is a leadership of mercenary interests
and concentration of authority at financial circles,
colonialists represent safety from acts of terrorism
as the basic condition of preservation of their democracy.
Safety is provided by indifference to colonized
people, unauthenticity of the information, neutralization of opposition,
development of political apathy in a society, the statement of fear for the life.
Posted by: gruff [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 26, 2005 03:07PM
You've convinced me, Oleg. Your theory is absolutely correct. What now?
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 27, 2005 08:58AM
England with the out-of-date antinational form of the board, being
in a precritical condition, being nuclear empire, represents
the basic danger to the world from itself.
Danger is represented also by the foreign policy of England, loosening
the peace relations, developing and aggravating political conflicts.
Before disarmament of England, with a purpose of prevention of occurrence armed
conflicts provoked by England, it is necessary to consider England as a possible aggressor.
It is necessary to conduct defending policy as protection against English colonialism
and to redirect weapons from politically illiterate conductors of war
to their source. England should know that it will not avoid responsibility any more
for kindling of war and for colonization. Disarmament of England
and transfering all authority to democratic bodies would remove military
intensity in the world.
Posted by: John_Bull [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 27, 2005 04:04PM
Oh, I =do= apologise, Oleg. I hadn't realised it was all our fault. So you suggest we disarm and leave ourselves to the tender mercies of all those dangerous lunatics out there? I don't think so. Our democracy may not be perfect but it's the best we've got and we're prepared to defend it. In any case, why are you singling out England? What about Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which are all part of the UK? Still, if you're serious, why don't you write to that nice Mr Blair? He's well known for listening to the advice of lunatics.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 28, 2005 07:58PM
Main principles of English democratic colonization which invaders of Iraq follow by, Hitler sounded 64 years ago.
" We shall declare, that we are compelled to occupy, operate and pacify, that it is done for the sake of the population; that we provide order, communications, feed. We should represent ourselves as liberators. Nobody should guess, that we prepare the final order, but it will not prevent us to take to necessary measures - to send from the country, to shoot - and these measures we shall accept. We shall operate as if we here only temporarily ".
After S.Husejn disarmed the country, and democratic colonialists occupied Iraq, Iraq insurgents use the remained means of conducting emancipating war - terror for emancipating the country.
Democratic colonization goes to a counterbalance to own development of the countries of Asia.
Using natural aspiration of people to an establishment of a free society,
and backwardness of system of the state and local management, before occupation, democratic colonialists aggravate contradictions arising on this way, collide a society together to irreconcilable opposition.

Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 30, 2005 07:32AM
Similarities are not present, except for:

1. In opinion of London in Sudetes in 1938 human rights were broken,
and Czechoslovakia threatened the peace in the Europe.
In opinion of London in Iraq in 2003 human rights were broken,
and Iraq threatened safety in the world.
2. London lobbied occupation of Sudetes in 1938 and Iraq in 2003.
3. Military force in these operations is assigned to the most armed countries
during corresponding times.
4. Sudetes and Iraq had become the important strategic and raw resource.
5. London shifts the responsibility for occupation on the countries-allies.
Attitudes before the allied countries change.
The policy becomes internal matter.

As well as 64 years ago a priority policy of London is a struggle for
human rights in the East.

Does similarity comes to an end on this?
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 30, 2005 12:38PM
I'd give up, if I were you: nobody is ever going to understand what the hell you're on about. If you want to debate a topic on this forum, it's best to do it in English.
Posted by: Oleg281 [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 30, 2005 08:54PM

In the USA people supported ideas of Freedom during formation of a state system. With coming to international scene the government of the USA has changed idea of Freedom under influence of London to the doctrine of Democracy. Democracy has become the system of the modern control over the person in the hands of colonialists. In international relations it is a form of colonialism.
Civil emancipating war in Iraq becomes regional movement of people and the governments for Freedom from Democratic colonization.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.138.38.---)
Date: July 31, 2005 11:32AM
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