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Born in a Hawaiian manger.
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Born in a Hawaiian manger.

"a man with long hair"

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Comments for: Born in a Hawaiian manger.
We are fucked Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 12:10AM

Barack Jesus didn't waste any time delivering on the change he had promised to bring to Washington. Within two weeks he had alienated both the right with his orders to close Gitmo and allow 9/11 bombers to become Americunts, and the left with many of his cabinet appointments, his vow to continue extraordinary renditions (because WE DO NOT TORTURE! we just send them places that do) and get the troops on the first flight home from Iraq (with a two year lay-over in Afghanistan).

He then pissed off most of the people who voted for him by announcing he would sell China the parts of America they don't already own and give the billions to the asshole Jew bankers who helped Armenians bring the global economy to its knees by providing them unlimited amounts of credit to go with their food stamps and welfare.

He is currently trying to pass a stimulus package that would provide substantial investment for alternative energy, causing great butthurt to climate-change deniers & sore-loser Republicans who feel that this is big-government spending that will usher in a new era of socialism in America. Obama tried persuading the American sheeple by spinning it as vital for national security and economic recovery before going into the usual tree-hugging bullshit. This was passed by the Senate and will work as follows:

Create 5 million new green collar jobs.
Introduce a carbon cap-and-trade system.
Increase investment in solar, wind & biomass energy.
However, much to the delight of conspiracy-theorist Paultards everywhere, Ron Paul has spoken out against this package saying it will turn this economic recession into a depression:
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 12:16AM

Good ,the more you don't like ,the more i do. Means he doing his job. Go back to your trailer and let us evil aliens take over.

Today the EArth ,tommorow your Uranus.
You suck Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 12:21AM

madmex2000 you suck
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 12:38AM

no thanks, i'll wait for the real onesmoking
PostMaster Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 04:43AM

Why do Conservatives constantly call Obama "The Messiah" and then tell everyone that it's Liberals who call him that?
DoneGone Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 10:29AM

Why do Obama bashers put so much work into making so many ridiculous images and apocalypse shouting statements?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 12:05PM

"Why do Obama bashers put so much work into making so many ridiculous images and apocalypse shouting statements?"

Maybe it's because that is what he is bringing about.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2009 03:03PM

people call him the messiah because that's what the librals think they elected. i think they thought they elected Will Smith or some bullshit.smiling bouncing smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 03, 2009 10:53AM

They thought they elected Hancock.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: April 03, 2009 08:25PM

It's full of pork.
Liberal Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2009 01:56AM

Who is depicting and calling him Jesus?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2009 02:24AM

the anti christ
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2009 10:24AM

You all supported him like you thought he was a God.