Results 1 - 10 of 10
17 years ago
I think we really need a new sister site, Originally when this site had only 25ish pages of pictures it was all comedy pictures, and landscapes and things that people actually want to look at, and then it got overwhelmed with porn so porn613 was created to clean it up, and now 1 in every 3 images is a picture of bush standing at a random podium mid speech, and the picture either has crude speech
17 years ago
is it just me, or is pulse a conversational assassin? he kinda like, walks past and injects a random comment and then vanishes?
17 years ago
I'm not getting any of these selection problems, I'm just running stock standard firefox with no plug-ins or add-ons and everything is working like it should
17 years ago
Hehe nice work DK, and the thumbnail gifs was a great idea. I have two idea on how to make them stand out, 1) have a small ASCII decal around the videos, like a ....^ .<...> ....V (without the dots, the forum auto edits them out ) or something else, nothing intrusive but still visible. 2) Have a translucent overlay over them with a play symbol, but that of course would
17 years ago
Haha you cheap cheap people
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Nope DK not a movie, and bad luck shaDEz I'm from Ireland but I'm not in Ireland!
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
7. Debate
I'll give a situation, which actually happened, and I want you to discuss who's actions were stupider. Personally I say the pack of people but I've found a lot of people who think the single guy was more in the wrong. And before someone makes a smartass comment about how this is a story about me trying to enlarge my ePeen I'll say this: I was not involved, I was on a park bench outside a pub acro
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
18 years ago
shaDEz you are one fucked up retard.... but scribbles is the ownage
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
18 years ago
Get names you silly whores to be sure to be sure
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
18 years ago
If some people think some of his shit is too offensive then we just get shaDEz to ride his ass and delete his bad posts =P problem solved. Or should I say If much people say much of witetrash photo is ugly after we just get penisBOy to watch him close and rubbishbin his evil post =| problem solved. (now with all the keystrokes I saved in the second version I can go to english classes)
Forum: Everything else / general chatter