Posted by: Oven_Magnet [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 24, 2005 02:57AM

On that egroup I came upon.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 24, 2005 03:01AM
"Can one of you wetbrain liberals answer for me;

1.) In what medical journal it defines when the "fetus" becomes a human being at any other time but conception.

2.) Where in the Constitution abortion is mentioned whatsoever.
a.) Where in the Constitution does it say the abortion must be carried out in the first trimester, as the "Justices" originally
"interpretted" in Roe V Wade????
b.) If there is such a passage in the Constitution, can you locate where the "Miranda Warning" is
mentioned in the Bill of Rights as well??

3.) What is the difference between partial birth abortion and infanticide.

4.) If it is "unconstitutional" for states to outlaw abortion, wouldn't this same amendment apply to the outlawing of prostitution or the
recreactional use of illegal narcotics?

5.) If the biological father is expected to take full legal responsibilty for the child after the pregnancy is carried out. Why should he
have no say if it's born or torn?
a.) Why can the father not force the woman to have an abortion. And if she so refuses why must he pay for it?
b.) Why can't he object to it's termination, aren't half of babies chrom- ozones his. Doesn't it take 2 to make a baby??
c.) Is it murder if the woman kills the baby after it's born? What medical journal or text in the constitution makes such a distinction??

6.) Do you consider it murder if someone forces a woman to have an abortion totally against her
will, or inflicts injury on her in such a way, as to causes her to lose child.
Or is it only murder when the mother decides so??

Don't worry I'm not holding my breath, and neither should you... after you go jump into the water with the other lemmings and take a deep breath while you and the rest of the Nation drowns in the evil you so stupidly follow."
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 24, 2005 11:41PM
First of all, get your spelling and grammar right.

Second, most of the people supposedly concerned with a, "culture of life," are usually those who support killing people who are have been alive for a few days or years, without the slightest bit of hesitation.

1. Iraq, Iran.
2. Anywhere in Latin America, Europe, Africa, or Asia, as long as it supposedly helps US interests.
3. Supposed criminals who, "deserve," the death penalty.
4. Non-Christians.
5. Non-whites.

When those who advocate useless wars and the death penalty can stop advocating these measures, then perhaps "liberals" will consider your assertions.

Thirdly, have you ever heard of a condom? Condoms help prevent abortions, because they help prevent pregnancies! What a concept!

Fourthly, the abstinence only programs have been scientifically proven not to work, in dozens of studies. They are simply not as effective as showing kids how to slap a rubber on a guy's cock.

A recent study also concluded (meaning, did not PROVE, but gave more evidence to the idea that) those teenagers who go through abstinence only programs, when they finally lose it and decide to fuck, don't know to use a condom. So, they end up getting STD's and pregnant at HIGHER rates than those who use safe sex measures.

Condoms are a good thing, and a good compromise for those who hate abortion. But of course, I doubt you would even want to acknowledge
that, since Jesus told you abortions are wrong.

Fifth, Jesus never said that, did he?! Tell me where in the Bible it says that Jesus specifically outlawed abortion. Please, tell me.

Now for my personal views. I believe in abstinence, personally. I won't fuck until I'm married. Period. I also know that there are many who do not, no matter how many times you tell them not to fuck. So give them condoms, to protect them!

Also, personally, I know that an abortion is something that NO woman looks forward to. This is just a fact! No woman goes, "Hey, what fun, I'm going to have an abortion today!" It just doesn't happen.

So, give them condoms! Give them the pill! No conception means no pregnancy, means no chance of an abortion even being considered! And no, people who use these measures don't fuck more! They just don't. That's been shown in non-biased scientific studies as well.

I won't hold my breath for your pathetic response either. Just because you want to protect potential white christian lives, doesn't mean I have to get into a moronic argument with you. I just wanted to post this so that people would have a counterpoint to your questions.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 02:05AM
Hey ashkannedNazi kike! Why don't you answer those questoins first. Why should anybody answer yours first.

Boy all that inbreeding doesn't just make you ugly and nasty, it also explains your tremendeous neurosis and incomprehention levels.

Tell me ashcan, was my puntuation (the word your stupid ass was looking for) all correct there?
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 02:18AM
Gee kike, who the fuck doesn't know what a condom is that is older than 12?? And what does that have to do with what abortion is?? You obfuscating asscrustnazi.

Don't answer []
Posted by: Dr_Goldberg [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 25, 2005 02:51AM
Oy vey! I've performed over 1,000 abortions, and I know exactly what it is I am performing.

However, I have talked each Jewish woman out of the procedure, because only then would I consider it a murder. Just as the Talmud dictates; Yebamoth 61a []

You can call all these gentile liberals sheep, but all gentiles are goyim (cattle)!

Q.) What do you call a girl goyim who has just had an abortion?

A.) De-calf-inated! LMAO!!
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: July 31, 2005 09:10PM
Hey anonymous@26225, your puntuation may be all right, but your SPELLING sucks. Look in your dictionary under p u n c t u a t i o n
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 05, 2005 04:14PM
OK liberal soft cunt, next time I will bother putting my stuff through the spell check, and you post something of any substance whatsoever? Deal?

Remember, you can't just FEEEEL you are keeping your end of the deal, douche juice wetbrain.
Posted by: Anonymous21132 [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 08, 2005 01:53AM
Me again. Good... punctuation, spelling, except for the "feeeeel," but... your grammar is still lacking. Made up words don't help either.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 08, 2005 10:57AM
The trouble with posting anything longer than a couple of lines to 613 is that nobody reads it.
Posted by: Republiucks [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 12, 2005 10:04PM
Life begins when it's dripping off your hands after tossing yourself off. Go practice your intellectual infantilization elsewhere.

Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 13, 2005 02:30AM
More evidence of just how intellectually "challenged" and dumb liberals are.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 14, 2005 01:57AM
1. A zygote(where sperm enters egg and creates a cell) is not a fetus. So no medical journal would make the mistake to say that.

a. Only in STATE constitutions is abortion mentioned. Eventhough there is a debate if even that is constitutional. Hence the Supreme Court ruling where the court found states' outlawing of abortion violated the 4th amendment of the bill of rights.

b. nowhere.

c. How you made the leap from abortion to Miranda I don't know. They have nothing to do with each other.


Partial birth abortion is killing the fetus before the birth of a child.

Infanticide is killing of an infant after birth.

4. The 4th amendment clearly states "The right of the people to be secure in their persons". An amendment which only guaranteed to those BORN in the US or a naturalized citizen.

5. The father is NEVER expected to take full legal custody of a birthed child. Only 1/2.

a. The zygote created is in the woman's body. Hence, it is apart of her. Until, the child is birthed it is apart of her body. A male that causes a birthed child is required to pay 1/2 for the expenses for that birthed child. He took part in the act which could lead to a birthed child so he should pay 1/2. Being a dumbass by getting a woman pregnant when that man did not want to have a birthed child is no excuse not to pay.

b. Until there is a birthed child, the developing zygote is a part of the woman's body and she makes the choice as to her future.

c. If the mother or anyone kills a birthed child it could be described as a murder as the law is written in all 50 states and US territories. That is of course setting aside cases of self-defense or unintentional homicide.

No medical journal would speak to this because legal issues not involving doctors are not in their domain.

Only state constitutions speak to this matter. They lay it out as I have.

6. Your query is tough to answer. I will try.

If a someone punches a pregnant woman in the stomach to cause a miscarriage and a miscarriage occurs and the mother lives, then no, no murder has occured. However, the lesser charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm would apply to the someone. The sentence is 30 to 45 years in most states.

It is not murder for a mother to cause her own miscarriage or have an abortion. The developing zygote is a part of her body.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: August 22, 2005 01:18AM
Further proof you don't need to have a smart rebuttal if you can just attack your opponent.
Posted by: OrganicFreeRangeLemming [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: October 24, 2005 10:56PM
What's a "liberal lemming"? I thought they were all Tory.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (82.96.100.---)
Date: December 09, 2005 08:58PM
Two people have sex but one gets pregnant,the female can chose to stop the pregnancy but the man upon being informed cannot.When the baby can survive outside the woom yet the female has it killed it should be considered infanticide to.In simple terms if I choose to end my girls pregnancy by punching her in the gut at 9 months I will acording to law be hit with assault even if the baby dies in woom.Trust me I would never dream of killing a baby no matter what but these are the loopholes and another law just makes another loophole.Soon it will be the mentally Ill and criminally insane that have to fight for life.Thats the way the Germans were before WWII nazis.Abortions,euthinasia,then genocide.
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