Zimbabwe land of black racist

Posted by: Tiw [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 05, 2005 08:54PM
I did not mean that the people who took the land in the first place were justified in doing so as they were not as it didn't belong to them but those doing the taking now are equally wrong in doing so and should be stopped. If Mugabe had really wanted to use the plan you mention in your message then he could have forced it through, instead of turning a blind eye to the crimes that have been taking place because of his followers putting his plan into action and this includes murder. Murder is wrong, it doesn't matter if it is black on black, black on white, white on black or white on white, life is precious and should be protected.
Posted by: eddy [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 08, 2005 01:39PM
But you seem to mean that the injustice of the infrastructure should not be corrected, and that Mugabe's Government passed the legislation they did based on Revenge. However I seem to mean that the legislation could also have been passed because of an injustice that needed to be corrected to build a better future and say good bye to the past domination and unfair practices that are rooted in outdated colonial systems, seeing dynasties control at the expense of the people, formenting agitation that could have disrupted into civil war by war veterans who would have lost their patience with Mugabe 20 years after they fought to liberate their country from Apartheid.

You also seem to mean that Zimbabwe should continue to try and build upon a foundation based on injustice. which has not worked in Zimbabwe for the past 20 years, nor in any other African country for the past 40 years. And all this time has manufactured countless, complex new injustices that will take a long time to settle.

I do mean that the reason for war, famine, corruption, poverty, starvation, civil wars, unpayable debts, ... are a result of Africans trying to build a foundation ontop of injustice, and the external forces in conflict with their interests forcing them to keep to an outdated colonial system.

How come the media is so one-sided in its portrayal of Zimbabweans as black racists, so confident that this is a case of revenge when it could equally be a case of resisting injustice. Why is there a blind spot for discerning injustice or isn't there enough information to make more balanced judgements.

Whatever the situation there is enough information out there for people truly interested in making more accurate and analytical statements, rather than contributing to the ongoing genocide of African peoples.

Can we say that the real interest is to see Africans either accept their lower-caste status or be genocided.

Africans are very familiar with this mentality, this is the talk of the old colonial system.

In my analogy of the picture you posted, the vulture represents all those who stand to benefit from the old colonial system watching as the African Identity, the African Will, the African Spirit is broken and dies, so they can swoop in using the machinerys of the old colonial system to reap anticipated rewards restore control of the minds of the people and their resources.

A picture like that, I wonder is it revenge for "black racism" or is it superior intelligence making a symbolic statement to teach people of inferior intelligence what is too complex for them to understand? I wonder really do you truly believe that Murder is wrong, because you seem to think, of low importance, the causes of poverty, corruption, war, famine, starvation i.e. apart from "Africans are negatively bent on revenge, that is why they have all these things happen to them"

By the way Murder is wrong this is a fundamental moral value shared by every human society, If Mugabe is guilty, it is his individual failing and hopefully he will be brought to justice, as they have constitution, rule of law, documentation of the events, an active opposition, there are many ways to catch him. Though I believe if proper justice is to be done it should happen on a wider scale, not just Mugabe but also the injustices of the white farmers and any other Leaders or individuals who delayed the process for their profit or committed criminal acts should be prosecuted to the latter as well.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 08, 2005 08:55PM
only a fool bites the hand that feeds(it) them,nature does a very good job of keeping checks & ballances,when rabbits and deer over populate they catch disease and die back to a manageable number then the process resumes,why does this when applied to africans shock people?people being brought under controll by mother nature,mother nature is grand.
Posted by: Tiw [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 08, 2005 11:00PM
Eddy, I did not mean to say it was right to steal the land of other people but it happened and the land was put to profitable use and was able to feed the country. I heard that Zimambabwe is the "Breadbasket of Africa" (I hope I didn't make a mistake with the quote). My point is that Mugabe helped ignorant peasants steal the land from working people who knew what they were doing and how to farm so now there are very few farmers who know how to do the job in Zimbabwe and the people starve (this is the reason I posted this pic). It seems to me that Mugabe doesn't give a damn about anyone (black or white) other than himself and is happy to let much of his country starve to death so that there will be fewer people left to feed and so make it easier in the future, it also means there would be fewer people left to revolt against him as well, either because they are deaad or too weak through lack of food to stand up to him (he and his family are well fed).

I do not subscribe to the nature theory of intelligence, I believe that we all have the same potential as each other but due to circumstance not all are able to realise their full potential whilst others waste their time with nonsense.

If Mugabe really wanted to prove he was better than his opposition or the previous colonial system he should have gone about his reforms in a more enlightened manner. He should have bought the land from the farmers at a fair rate and ensured that it only went to people who knew how to farm and make best use of it and wanted to do it, not to lazy parasites as seems to be the case from the reports I have seen of the changover.

22518, you are sick. Dealing with mass deaths of animals in this manner is one thing but people are NOT the same, no matter where they are from!
Posted by: Stiffler [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 10, 2005 06:32AM
225128 you hit the nail right on the head. Take a look at the worlds most devestating diseases and viruses and look at where they originate from. How about AIDS, ebola or the evian flu. Scientists are already predicting that the world is heading for a massive flu pandemic and it will start in Asia. How about a year or so ago when people around the world were wearing face masks to protect from catching that nasty virus that supposedly started at a Chinese hotel in their sewer system. If not for the fact that countries like India and China aren't third world countries and actually have some sort of handle on how to deal with these outbreaks then they would be in the same boat as Africa. I learned this shit in the 9th grade with a fruitfly experiment. Take one male and one female fruitfly and stick them in a 25 gallon sealed fishtank. The things breed like mental until the space in the fishtank can't support them anymore to the point that they simply all die off until only one female and one male is left and the whole process starts over. Mother nature is one powerful bitch.
Posted by: pudding [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 10, 2005 12:52PM
Pity you did not continue your education, Stiffler. You might have discovered differences between a fruit fly and a human.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 10, 2005 01:06PM
You might also have learned the difference between evian and avian. The people who bottle that expensive water are going to love you.
Posted by: Stiffler [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 13, 2005 02:02AM
Gimme a break already! When I was in the ninth grade I was all of 13 years old and the teacher we had used the experiment to show the parallels with what goes on in the real world. Land mass (fishtank) and population (fruitflies) directly relate. Given enough time the inevitable will happen as it is in Africa. Given that Africa is thirld world, they're having a tough time coping. It's not even a land mass issue really as Africa isn't exactly small. It's more the fact that the land they do have is just a big dust bowl and can't be used to grow anything to eat.
Posted by: Tiw [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 13, 2005 08:59PM
Africa can be used to grow as much food as it needs but because of corruption and inefficiency many of its people starve to death. I admit that much of it is barren and desert but I also know that they could use something called irrigation to make the land more fertile, this is a technique used all over the world for thousands of years with great success.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 20, 2005 01:03PM
You know the world is complex but when talking of Africa you think really simple minded like the guy who uses his brain from the ninth grade to try to have an intelligent conversation about a vast continent such as Africa.

Here's an article:

AFTER four decades, Africa's holocaust still continues. But, who really cares? The British author, Joseph Conrad, wrote on what he had seen during his travels to Africa then, "the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience".

Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central Africa's Great Lakes' District, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland and Zimbabwe are victims of their wealth. One cannot exclude South Africa and Namibia from that list, as they still suffer the consequences of colonialism and apartheid. In fact, both countries' economies are still exclusively owned and controlled by foreign interests.

Interestingly, all mentioned countries rate among the wealthiest as far as strategic resources are concerned. Yet, it is the formerly poorest nations of the European Community, who benefit hugely, by retaining economic control over their "former" colonies. Add to that club of neo-imperialists the new member, the exporter of "neo-liberal democracy, capitalism, human rights and freedom of the media, freedom of association and independence of the judiciary", the exporter of "wars; international awards; third rate, amoral television soapies; Hollywood; NGOs and influential foundations" - currently the world's most ambitious and brutal conqueror - the United States of America.

Particularly gold and diamonds have been mined through wars, wildcat prospecting, well-networked smuggling, straight theft, coercion and political collusion. Due to their nature of high-value and low bulk a robber-economy attracts adventurers and shady operators like cow-dung attracts flies, as observed among others, by Wayne Madsen in his book 'Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993 - 1999' and Janine Roberts in her book, 'Glitter & Greed, the Secret World of the Diamond Cartel'.

For the "civilized" western G-7 and their benefactors to wear diamonds and gold, back their bullion with gold, make their manufacturing industries boom in the "global village" and to benefit from the energy of Africa's oil and gas, Africans pay the highest price - they pay with their lives and loss of land.

"It is simple. Unless you give us back our nationhood, you can never claim your own." Those were wise words from the late Aboriginal leader in Australia, Rob Riley, whose people, the Aborigines were almost wiped out by the criminal colonizers, all "Christians" by their own admission.

Those words could also have come out of tens of millions of mouths of Africans, whose continent had not just been conquered by slave traders, colonial powers and neo-imperialists, but abused to the extent that in the 21st Century the 'international western community' could be held responsible in any international court of law for complicity in plundering, raping and mass killings, war mongering and character assassination, therefore perpetuating history's largest holocaust in a clearly structured way.

This evil mission continues - the higher the chaos in Africa, the higher the profits from the strategic resources in Africa.

Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, aptly said "let us not forget that the equivalent of a tsunami happens every week in Africa".

May I enlighten you? - The author, Adam Hochschild writes in his book, "King Leopold's Ghost", a historic research on Belgium's colonizing of the Congo, "the worst of the bloodshed in the Congo took place between 1890 and 1910". Hochschild referred to the killing of well over ten million Congolese in the space of twenty years of colonial occupation.

Today, Belgium's capital, Brussels, is also the head office of the European Community. Its other city, Antwerp, is Europe's diamond-center. However, Belgium does not produce a single carat of a diamond.
Posted by: eddy [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 20, 2005 02:19PM
Hello Tiw,

Here's a more objective analysis, it's diplomatic and tries to apportione blame to all the players: Zimbabwe Government, Western Governments, Zimbabwe White Farmers, Zimbabwe Black War Veterans.

What should be noted here is that the structure in place enables all the criminals to benefit at the expense of the people of the land and at the expense of the unification and progress of the nation.

I feel the reason for the unstoppable effects of this situation is that people run around chasing elusive effects;

leading to the vicious cycle of hatred and revenge.

while the cause is not being addressed:

instititutionalised injustice.

My point is whatever Mugabe may be blamed for, his actions are exposing the sources of the problems in Africa, whether he acts or nots Africa will continue to have casualtys.

However solutions that highlight the problem sources which have been given almost no-priority in the past, are more likely to safeguard a better future.

its up to the International Community to be reasonably and suitably informed before they make comments about Africa i.e. if they are interested to engage Africa or they will just be agents of propaganda dispersal and only instrumental in enslaving Africa.

Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 25, 2005 03:21AM
I wish everybody would just pull out of africa and leave us niggers alone,hell magumbo can't even wear a bone in his nose anymore without strange looks and comments,I don't even remember when I'VE had a pot of pigmy soup.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: March 25, 2005 08:43PM
That is the point, pull out, Africa doesn't need vultures.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: April 14, 2005 02:26AM
Hello, before you continue to read please forget everything you know. Leave your job training and management techniques behind because they will be of no use. Try to remember a time when you were a child. When justice meant more to you than doing what you were told. When you believed in a naturale law of what is good and what is wrong. Killing is wrong. You have always known this. Stop reading now unless you have some kind of humanity left inside of your body. Do the right thing when you read this letter. Do what ever you can. No matter what position your in. If you work for the united nations you are a step ahead. You have the ability wether you know it or not to make a difference in this world. Just by writing this letter I have done something. The world will change. I will help you change it yourself.

In Rawanda thier has been a genocide. Genocide that has been allowed to continue since the early 90's. It is something that the United Nations is aware of. Of course nothing has been done. People know that it exists but they are safe and away from the pain. There is pain that is being felt at this very moment you are reading this. Things happening you cannot imagine. Wide spread chaos and murder. Justice is the only option. Perhaps 800,000 people have been murdered. I do not like to spew out numbers because it seems that no one can comprehend them. Today when you are at work imagin all of your co workers have died and
multiply that by a few hundred thousand maybe. Then you can understand that 800,000 people is something to be afraid of. You should not feel jaded by this but feel empathy. Feel pity and shame for what has happened. It is sad that people feel that it was right to help the persacuted Jewish peoples in occupied Europe but no opinion is held now for Rawanda. I just want you the reader to please share this sadness with me. Embrace it because it is indeed horrible. It makes me hate myself. But it gives me power to know that with this knowledge I can try to help. No there is no try for I will help. I am helping now and so will you. I know you because your are me. We are alike and we both feel pity for these people.

I know that there was a time in everyones life when they believed they could change the world. Change it now while you still can because we will die. We will die someday and we must be sure that the world does not forget us. Make sure we are not left behind in history. If you realise your potential to have your believes transported into the world you can do anything. I do not know if this letter will help. It is a vauge letter. Not very well put together. But their is heart inside of it. Their is passion and hunger for something bigger than ourselves. The world will go one much longer after we cease to exist. Make sure that your spot in its history is sealed as someone who tried to help others in need to be someone who transcribed his or her believes past themselves and into eternity to live on forever.

My name is not important. I am 18 years old and I live in America. I love my country and my world. I know that someday there can be change in both. There is much to be learned by all. It was once told to me that the wisest man on earth knows he is not wise. He is aware of himself and his faults in a way that makes him perfect to institute change. I will take this journey one step at a time. Army, UN whatever it takes. Four years from now there is no telling where we will be. Do what you want with this letter but do it out of your humanity whatever that is.

PS. This letter is not intened to single out Rawanda. It is an example. There are many more problems at hand other than Rawanda.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: April 14, 2005 03:02AM
and your liberal high school teacher is?
Posted by: Stiffler [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: April 16, 2005 09:23PM
You're going about this the wrong way. You need to convince Bush that there's oil there and I'm sure he'll jump in and help.
Posted by: Unknown [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: June 29, 2005 08:28AM
Can't you be better. This website is the most stupid website i have ever been to. What will the people say."get a life!"I suppose they will say that the person who designed the website is stupid and dumb.Not to mentoin an idiot!who design and made this website anyway!!!!!!!!!! from ??????
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: July 21, 2005 09:20PM
Blind Hope is what you all have,the strong always take from the weak. Always have and always will. The way to have a halfway decent life is to go with the flow to be honest. Become a ecepted human in you actions. Or fight and go down. It's better then grass scurts and acting like uneducated animals.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: July 21, 2005 09:22PM
LOL my spelling sucks
Posted by: our_power [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 08, 2005 05:15PM
Posted by: our_power [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 08, 2005 05:17PM
Posted by: destructor [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 12, 2005 05:33PM
Way to go our_power, you'll wake up whites and bring on the 4th reich in no time.
Posted by: whatever [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 13, 2005 02:02PM
i think the blacks had every right to seize the land from the white farmers. i also think it's beautiful that they are now going to starve, because they are stupid niggers who don't have a CLUE about how to run a farm OR country.

enjoy your land, niggers!
Posted by: we_need_to_go [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 13, 2005 02:05PM
personally, i'm glad that humans will be extinct soon. while i hate niggers more than other races of people, i still hate all people.

keep fucking & breeding, you MORONS!
Posted by: destructor [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: November 14, 2005 07:13PM
Please refrain from using the word "nigger". Even though I myself am a racist I try to keep things realistic. Negroes actually are more stupid than every other race on the planet and I find it annoying that people cheapen this important fact by resorting to vulgar words and comments.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (69.4.229.---)
Date: January 18, 2006 06:15AM
Don't get me started ! Listen it's just like here in USA, there always cryin' about anything they even think they can scam on if someone says anything to them they bring up the slave thing, first of all moolies today don't know anything about real hardship they just play hardship to get things. Now back to slavery, when Europeans went to Africa and wanted slaves the tribe higher ups loved it, it became there best resource they were in on it fifty percent, yes it was Africans fucking Africans over just like today and that doesn't mean just in Africa it's all over the world anywere they are they fuck everybody over it's called genetics it will never end !!!
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