Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: October 07, 2005 09:21AM
The naivety of 44118 astounds me, not to mention his hysteria. Paedophiles may be sick (and I am in favour of Draconian treatment for them)but they are well aware of how they are regarded by society and what would happen if they were known, so does he really imagine they'd tell him so he could keep his children away from them? We do, indeed, need to be on guard to protect our children but we also need to be sensible. I am reminded of a case in the UK where a mob marched on the house of a paediatrician because the ignorant savage inciting them didn't know the difference between a paediatrician and a paedophile.
Posted by: GiR [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: October 12, 2005 08:25PM
Wow, it's too bad I wasn't apart of this earlier! ^_^
Did you ever maybe think that attraction isn't a choice? Do you think the people that look at CP or Lolicon are just acting on what attracts them? Kinda like how gay people didn't CHOOSE to be attracted to other gay people, they can only choose what to do with the feeling once they have them. Im sure it would much easier if people had no sexual attraction towards children at all, but some people HAVE to deal with it.

The only other thing I wanna say is, don't bring child abuse into this, its totally NON Relevant. You can't abuse a drawing, as far as I know. Lolicon is a fantastic way to channel desires away from the 'REAL 'abusive material. If you want to talk about Child Abuse, take a look at #1 cause, wich is child negligence by the parents. A child whos entered into a consentual relationship with an adult is FAAAAR better off then some kid who's been ignored his/her whole life.

Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: October 13, 2005 09:45AM
People can be attracted to minors without wanting to kill or hurt them. Being sexually attracted is a natural, commen thing even if most wouldn't admit it. Just like someone having a rape/bondage/whatever fantasy, doesn't mean they actually want to be raped/hurt/whatever. They just want to imagine it in a safe way.

Lolicion is like watching a movie, such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Just cuz you like watching a pretend guy pretending to kill people with pretend blood etc... sure doesn't mean you want to run out and do it to someone for real after watching.. if it does well heck send the FBI down to the movie theatres and start loading them up.
tongue sticking out smiley

Sure, some people will go out and kill someone after watching a movie like that. The chance of that is very low tho, doesn't mean they are going to stop making horror movies, and chances are the person would have commited their crime with or without the movie.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: October 13, 2005 10:16AM
I also want to say, it should be fairly obvious to you all there is mass hysteria when it comes to child pornography.. and there is good reason. Hurting someone, sexually or not, is wrong because everyone has the right to their own bodies and personal space.I feel that way on corperal punishment, spankings, and every kind of abuse, sexual and otherwise, adult or child.

Because children are very vulnerable, and delicate, people react to this kind of stuff hysterically.

Its no wonder why, as we are all (mostly) hardwired neurologically to be EXTRA protective, and VERY concerned with childrens welfare, our child or others, because we need our species to survive. That is the wiring behind the feelings. Without that, human beings wouldn't exist because we would not be bothered to care or give that extra 150% when it comes to children and babies.

Now this is the confusing part.. in our society, children and sexuality has become blurred, not to be talked about, shunned, etc..
Children ARE sexual beings, weather we want to admit it or not. We were all children once. We are now adults. We are sexual.

I am coming from a viewpoint of someone who has had a few sexual experiences with adults as a child. Not pornography thank god, but some were negative and some positive. My negative experience became negative because the person that was showing me so much love and affection, whom I felt very close to and loved, suddenly pulled away from me with no explanation, telling me only that if someone found out it would be very bad, etc. I felt shamed, deserted, horrified. I just wanted this person in my life, with whome I had a emotional and loving connection with.

I truely felt as though I was heart broken, and the experience has ever left me. What was damaging was not what happened between us that was intimate, but how he left me and made me feel very alone, and unloved.. just like if someone I was deeply in love with today suddenly up and left, telling me only that our relationship was wrong and must come to an end. UGH!

Child and adult relationships can be absolutely beautiful, amazing and wonderful. And many exist.. why don't you hear of them? Because they are not abusive.

Pedophiles that love children do not rape them. They do not hurt them. They do not want to cause pain and anguish. They love the child they are involved with, the way you love a husband or wife.
Their relationships are often life long, if not lasting romantically, as a close, trusted friend and someone considered family and loved very much.

People that call themselves pedophiles and hurt children are wrong. It is wrong to hurt any person, or animal, in my opinion. I would never hurt someone that I love. Not my dog, my family, my boyfriend, my children, no one.

Any true child lover will agree 100% in accordance with all of you on any case of abuse, molestation, rape, murder and horror!!!!!

They do not want to see images of children being assaulated!
Even images where it is not clear, or even where the child looks happy, there is NO WAY to tell what circumstance that child was in or what was really happening to them. There is no way to be certain, and that is really scary.

Child lovers, would rather watch the disney channel.

I would say 50% of people downloading child porn are people whom are not pedophiles but simply curious and unaware of the harsh consequenses possible for their simple, stupid action of even downloading one image. (up to 5 years in prison in Canada.)

the point I am trying to make is that, anyone who wants to view real child pornography (depicting sexual acts like blowjobs, sex, touching of genitals etc) is either in denial, curious and/or not thinking, or is really disturbed. It is wrong to tell yourself the child was happy and not being hurt. Guess what you have no way to know that.

Lolicon, because drawn, offers no threat to real children.

I see violent, horrific lolicon the same way as child pornography in the way that its sick and if you love little girls you don't want to see them being tortured and abused. That is really disgusting and horrific, and turns my stomache. Its the same as people who want to see scat (people shitting). SICK!!!!!!!!!!

I like lolicon that is pretty and non violent, loving etc. I think its beautiful, and is very nice to look at. As a 21 year old femaleI hope you all will deliberate before you release all your cruel and hasty responses. Think about what I have written, sexuality is a part of as all. It is a beautiful thing that should be celebrated.

Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: October 16, 2005 05:21AM
Hi all. Chanced upon this site as I was doing some research on Japanese Anime and this thread had some really interesting responses. First off, for the most part, I agree with 220148 when she said that lolicon offers no threat to real children...(now that I've learned what lolicon is while doing this research). Before you all jump to conclusions and make biased statements, here me out first.

Some of you may be thinking that I take my stance cuz I might watch lolicon or child porn or get off on any form of little girls. To that, you're way off. I'm happily married with alittle girl of my own whom I will fight the whole world to protect. But for the life of me, I just couldn't understand some of the "negative" responses towards "pedophiles" that I've just read in this thread. Don't get me wrong, child porn and all its similar forms are disgusting and horrible, but here's the thing; I WILL NOT BE THE FIRST, NOR THE SECOND, NOR THE THIRD, NOR EVEN THE LAST PERSON to condemn all "pedophiles" or "potential" pedophiles. "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone". And no, I'm not a christian either, but that statement should be upheld by anyone that calls him/herself a "Human Being". Yes, "ACTED UPON harmful pedophilia" is one of the lowest of low, but should that perpetrator be horribly condemned for the rest of his/her life? Does he/she not have the right to live after a satisfactory punishment? Every person that has ever lived, that is living now and that will ever live has the right to a second chance no matter what crime is committed or how horrible it is.

It saddens me to think that I'm a human being just like those who say, "Castrate those pedophiles", "burn them to ashes". Wow! How narrow-minded and high & mighty they are. They are passing judgement as if they know what "might" have happened or "what lead" to a molestation. Because our society and media have so tabooed the subject of pedophilia, underaged sex, etc and turn every incident into a horrific, titanic story, everybody cringes at the word of "pedophile" or "child porn". Well folks, here's the truth. A Pedophile is not satan in disguise nor are they a demon. IT IS ONLY WHEN A PEDOPHILE ACTS UPON HIS FANTASIES AND HARMS A CHILD IS WHEN THEY BECOME THAT DEMON! Do what you wish to that person then, but how do you dare judge them if he/she hasn't committed a single offense!! Wow! Such ignorance!

For those of you who might be thinking, "well what about the child that was molested?". Well here's my counter to that. I know about that poor child that was molested. How? Cuz my little girl was molested! I know how it feels and being a parent, I wanted to kill that molester and strangle every ounce of breath out of him...but I didn't, nor did I wish to castrate him or let the world know about him nor post his image on every pole, subway and building. My girl was hurt and has changed, yes, but at the same time...that molester got what he deserved, but I WILL NOT HOLD IT OVER HIS HEAD! And yes, I had it in me to forgive him.

So what does all this have to do with this topic of lolicon? Well, it has alot to do with it. The bottom line is, everyone of us has something we're into that others may think it as vile and wrong. Whatever it may be, weather it be lolicon, beastiality, BDSM, etc, so be it. To each his own so long as it harms no one else. The last thing is, to say ALL Pedophiles are molesters is to say that ALL gays have AIDS.

As a final note. To all those who are quick to judge and condemn and hate those who are different, "Ignorance is quick to the tongue".
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: November 13, 2005 04:10AM
I will say this. Acording to most Books and laws, I MYSELF am a Pedophile. But I whould NEVER hurt a child, I respect children because of their Innocence, and Neive as u may think them, they know what is righ and wrong. Thus no human should harm a child for any reason. People are iggnorant to say im bad, no im not.. But for one thing - If you have been reading about Pedo's This long...maybe you should learn to see urself, and relize maybe YOU like Innocence Like me...
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: November 18, 2005 10:50AM
Everyone should have the right to satisfy their sexual desires, even pedophiles, as long as they don't hurt/rape others. Unfortunately, sex is so taboo that vaginal intercourse 18+ is the only REMOTELY acceptable form. Imagine a world where all sexuality is accepted. Where anyone with any interest can have the occasional casual conversation of his feelings. There would be a larger, safer "sex" industry (including prostitution), resulting in more jobs for the horny teenager and less sexual repression (which would reduce sex crimes). People would be a little happier and more than one of our society's problem areas would be lessened. All sexuality is natural, it's just a matter of how you act on it in this horridly repressed world.
Posted by: gruff [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: November 19, 2005 03:51AM
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: November 20, 2005 01:22AM
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: December 26, 2005 01:59AM
Obese woman are disgusting too. Should we kill fat chicks because they are disgusting? Deformed people are disgusting also. Should we kill them? There is no more of a victim in lolicon then there is in a cartoon where the Wily Coyote gets smashed with a rock or falls of a cliff. Of course, there are the control freaks out there, who care more about controlling people than actually being moral. It is a proven scientific fact that most humans enjoy seeing neo natal features, thus, aesthetically, lolicon fans have good tatse. Now child porn is different, THERE IS A VICTIM. Who is the victim in lolicon? Another thing I find amusing with anti-lolicon Christians is that in the Christian story Mary was 12 when God supposedly impregnated her, I guess God is a child mollester? Moreover, Mohammed married a 10 year old girl. If anyone is sick, it is your religious figures. Most pedophiles (besides God and Mohammed) are not child mollesters, and the majority of child mollesters are not pedophiles. By definition I am a pedophile, but that's more so because I live in a country where all the bitches are fat and ugly. All I know is, that since I've started collecting Lolicon, my life has been that much better, and by no means am I swayed by public opinion lest it be the law. I'm living my life for me, not for you or your Uncle Billy, not for God, nor Jesus, but for me.
Its funny how there is no outcry about Iraqi children getting blown to bits and pieces and then they go and cry foul about a bunch of drawings. Most Americans are such total hypocrites.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: December 26, 2005 08:21AM
koddie porn is good!
Posted by: Anonymous333 [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 06:23AM
I agree with the fact that real child pornography is sick and therefore any forms of such things should be greatly and swiftly dealt with. However there are others such as me who like lolicon for good reasons. Child represents innocence and pureness(if that word even exists)many 'pedophiles'(such as me) would rather get killed then harm a child however seeing that so many women just cheats on their boyfriend/husband id rather spend the rest of my life with a younger girl who would really love me and never want anything but beeing with me. I know nobody ,especially girls, wont believe this but id rather spend a sexless life with such a loving girl then having sex with a girl that can leave me or cheat on me(ive been cheated b4 and i know how it feels).Therefore lolicon can help these people have something that looks like wut they would love coz they know itll never in real life.Today so much people simply divorces and dont even think that their children can b very affected by it(some even commited suicide).Last id like to say that i dont consider myself as a pedophile because i dont really like child pornography(let it b real or lolicon) wut i like is child-adult romance.
Posted by: pulse [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 07:44AM
I'm so completely disinterested in this subject it's not even funny. As I said before, I don't give a shit what you do in the privacy of your own home, I'm neither judge, jury, nor executioner - but do not bring it onto this site. It's really very, very simple.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 12:40PM
if urs so disinterested y are u even writing that?
Posted by: pulse [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 01:13PM
Because I have to lay down the rules of the site, and make sure people who clearly have no grasp on reality understand them?
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 02:30PM
y dont u just remove this thread then?
Posted by: pulse [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 24, 2006 02:57PM
Because then people who clearly have no grasp on reality won't see it, and will post the shit.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 25, 2006 07:41AM
Posted by: pulse [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: January 25, 2006 03:02PM
don't make me kick you in the teeth
Posted by: Brispla [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: February 17, 2006 09:40PM

Barely Legal Teens is bad enough.I myself like looking at young girls
but 18 and under is just sick.The World Wide Web should be ashamed
of the shit they are alowing to go on.And the assholes who post the
shit and are profiting from it should hang.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: February 25, 2006 08:02AM
I stumbled across this site and thread by accident after doing a google search. I haven't seen it before, probably won't see it again, and haven't a clue what the offending picture looked like - but after reading the full years worth of diatribes and rants above, I'll put in my own outsider's two cents worth before leaving you all to bicker amongst yourselves:

If the owner of the site says that "the picture" offended him and he believes it violates his own personal Terms of Service, then fine, delete it and move on with life. His site, his computer, his bandwidth, so his call. If you disagree, say your peace and don't visit again if it bothers you that much. If I own a site and my rules say that I won't allow pictures of red 1967 Mustang Convertibles (maybe because something bad happened in the back seat of one 20 years ago with my college girlfriend and I can't bear to be reminded of it), then I have every right and privelege to ban users and remove pics of said Mustang Convertibles. My site, my rules, don't sulk if you get slapped for going against them.

That said...

It makes me wonder about the collective social state of America more than a wee bit when I see so many people get so obviously angry and upset because of something that they see (or, probably, have never seen, since it was apparently deleted at the begining of the above thread) in some hand-drawn or computer-drawn cartoon. This cartoon and others like it are affecting your personal existance and lives HOW???

I'm pretty bland - I've never taken drugs, never got drunk, never got kinky in bed, very seldom had 2-ways, much less 3-ways or the like, have been active in our church for many years, and I'm most certainly not advocating child porn or sex with minors. I should probably be as right-wing as you come - but for goodness sakes, can't the people of this land grasp the difference between reality and fantasy, and between a real threat and a perceived threat???

I've never taken drugs and don't want to be around people that do - but if someone buys some shit with their own money and then takes it back to their own house to smoke/sniff/snort/whatever, and then passes out and goes to work the next day after they sober up, why should I care? If you don't bother me or anyone else, do whatever you want to your body. From what I've observed of people around me who have been known to partake, weed users are relatively harmless. Crack or meth users as a general rule get addicted to the point where they lie/cheat/steal to get their next fix. I've lost friends and money from the latter (until I figured out their problem), but never from the former. Perceived threat vs. Real threat.

Same thing with people that drink - if you don't go out and drive drunk or try to do your job drunk, I don't care if you get toasted while ruining your own liver and pass out on your own bed. Just don't bother me or anyone else and we'll get along fine. Drinking alone or give your keys to the designated driver? Perceived threat. Drive/work drunk or start getting violent when you get drunk? Real threat.

If you smoke? Well, as long as you don't blow it in my face and I don't have to be in a room that smells like stale smoke, puff away and kill your own lungs. Have a ball. A bunch of employees huddled under an awning when it's 10 degrees outside, or off in a well-ventilated inside "smoking section"? Perceived threat (but a good reason for them to quit, hint-hint). Chain smoker who lights up in my house or at the desk beside me at work? Real threat.

You want to hide in your bedroom and look at drawings of naked kids or read a sex story about two 10 year olds banging it up? beat away. Get your rocks off however you want to and go on with life. As long as you're not pushing it in my face or someone elses (that hasn't asked you for it), I could give a care less. Lay a hand on a real child? Try to get someone else to lay a hand on a real child? Take a photo of a real naked child? Then I've got a problem. Beating off to drawing or a story, or even to some memory you have of your grade school neighbor when you played doctor, or your current neighbor's kid? Perceived threat/fantasy. Having sex with a minor, taking nude photos of them, or asking someone else to do same? Real threat/reality.

A lot of authors and screenplay writers have killed a lot of people in their books and movies, and done some really twisted stuff, but it's FANTASY, people... The guys that wrote Silence of the Lambs and the Haloween series didn't write from their life-history, nor does any sane person I've ever heard think that there is a chance that watching those movies will cause other sane people to copy-cat them. I have a hard time believing that the people that write these sex stories or draw these naked drawings that you talk about, regardless of the ages of the males and/or females in them, take it any farther than the writers that wrote your murder mysteries, wrote the screenplays or created the special effects for your horror films, or drew the death and destruction in your Marvel comic books...

People, spend your time worrying more about what's going on over in Iraq, about the terrorists who are known to want to do us harm, about the KKK, the neo-Nazis and other hate groups that go around beating up and killing people just beause they're different, about the meth labs in your own counties - and about whether your own kids are going to get pregnant or contract HIV because they're too ashamed to have you find a condom in their room but too horny to not need it, and because you're too prudish to admit to yourself that they've figured out what to do with their growing lower parts, and can't bring yourselves to talk to them about it like the adult you're supposed to be. If the mere mention of some (admittedly perverse) cartoon is getting that level of reaction and admonition, then I'm afraid that we've went gotten more prudish than the Brits of the Victorian era ever were.... Have you happened to forget that it wasn't more than 50 years ago that children swam naked in public pools right next to adult strangers, and sat right down next to their fathers and goodness knows who else in the multi-seat outhouses when they did their bathroom business?? Just how did we get from there to here??? sigh...
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: February 25, 2006 11:53AM
Enough! Enough!
Enough only Michael Jackson!
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: June 30, 2006 12:19AM
Pfft, Okay you neo Nazis... if Lolicon is bad so is the Novel Lolita. So is everyone that dresses like a child.

Let's just all crap on freedom of speech.

Lolicon has no victims and since none of it is taken from real life, there's not a victim.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: June 30, 2006 06:53AM
This thread has an inordinate amount of views. Advertising and marketing companies will soon be putting "Kiddie Porn" in the banner headline of every product they want to sell because of all the sick fucks like us can't resist clicking on it!
Posted by: hnsaybe_karve [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: August 10, 2006 05:15PM
onwbzk enohjv ecob cgdnhl mkpxsu vpfbnkmir gcfqvdw
Posted by: owxhey_zehjgmc [x] - (205.188.116.---)
Date: August 10, 2006 05:15PM
dcrohpjmq hcajtye uhqiez gjpnscd gfstnmiu smkv gruoztiys []
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