Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 21, 2009 10:28PM
My monitor died this morning, so I got the monitor from my old Computer. When I added niggahead to this guy's body, [] I darkened the color of NGH skin so as the match the skin on the body. It looked fine. Now that I'm using this monitor NGH face looks purple! Is he showing up as purple to you as well? My other monitor must've been going to shit for a while. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 22, 2009 01:42AM
Nevermind. Got my answer. Hopefully it won't happen again. angry smiley
Posted by: fossil_digger [x] - (76.185.252.---)
Date: August 22, 2009 04:44AM
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 30, 2009 02:54PM
Not that anyone gives a rat's ass, but since going through my post history with this monitor, wow, can't believe all the mistakes I was making due to the color on my previous monitor being all fucked up. angry smiley
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