Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: May 15, 2023 02:50AM
Question: If your vehicle gets 350 miles to the tank, are you fucked?
woberto Report This Comment Date: May 15, 2023 03:49AM
are several fuel stops but not much else down there.

Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: May 15, 2023 09:00PM
woberto: Okay, thank you for the clarification. Not the last stop, but
the best stop.

pulse Report This Comment Date: May 16, 2023 12:15AM
Yeah, Cocklebiddy and Eucla that are mentioned on that map also have fuel
stops. So they're about ~250-300 miles apart.
Probably want a spare tyre though.
woberto Report This Comment Date: May 16, 2023 01:05AM
"Fuckin' Australians.
I hate that country, that continent, whatever the fuck it is.
Don't we do nuclear testing there, or something." - Ford Fairlane 1990
woberto Report This Comment Date: May 16, 2023 07:27AM

Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 02:43AM
Hey 'Berto, lemmekno when Oz surpasses our "little ol" state in
"Texas is ranked as the 9th largest economy among nations of the world by
GDP, ahead of Canada, South Korea, Russia, and Australia."

pulse Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 03:29AM
Just direct comparing these 2 states, not the countries as a whole:
GDP per capita $78,455 (2022) ($A118,000)
Unemployment 4.0% (March 2023)
Western Australia
GDP per capita A$135,479 (2022)
Unemployment 3.1% (April 2023)

Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 04:49AM
Sheeyut Roscoe, guess the most obvious question is what else can you say when
your country finds itself still lagging behind South Korea and even Ruskieville
when just one of the US states lays you low. BTW, even California has a bigger
economy that Oz, but they're just barely above us ... give us 10 more years and
hold our beer

pulse Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 04:53AM
Russia has 149 million population, South Korea has 51 million, California has
39 million, Texas has 29 million and all of Australia 25 million.
So your state has ~15% more population than this whole country and Russia is 6x

California approaching double.
I'd hope you have a bigger economy.
pulse Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 04:58AM
2021 numbers;
Texas entire GDP $1.815TN
Australia entire GDP $1.553 TN
So per capita about the same.
Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 05:02AM
Just in case you missed the point, here it is again for emphasis:
"Texas is ranked as the 9th largest economy among nations of the world by
GDP, ahead of Canada, South Korea, Russia, and Australia."
If you can refute it, get busy pulse, just don't play the "per capita"
card again as it's irrelevant when considering gross GDP

pulse Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 06:28AM
No it's not
29 million people
25 million people
I'd HOPE you're bigger
It's not what you've got, it's how you use it.
woberto Report This Comment Date: May 19, 2023 11:52AM
Since 1836 Texas has built and maintained it's economy on slave labour.
California caught on and now almost all of the USA is propped up by Mexican
Oy yeah you got oil baby but all of your primary produce comes from slave
Milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, nuts, corn & wheat would never make it to
market without your Mexican slaves.
Tar/pitch and paper a roof? Mexicans.
Wood frame a house? Mexicans.
Get new tyres (tires for you yanks) for you car? Mexicans.
I don't call that an economy Kim.
Your country is fucked.
They will out breed you and your kids 5 to 1.
All those big numbers you mentions don't make your standard of living any
But in Australia, those numbers are directly related to my standard of
That's the hard part for an economy, wealth generation.
Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 21, 2023 01:36AM
'berto, yakno what they say about people in glass houses casting stones,
Seems like a quick search of references regarding slavery in Oz [] shows you cats were practicing slave and slave-like
practices far after we Texans had freed our slaves after the Revolutionary War.
Convicts, Aborigines and Coolies ring any bells?
Secondly, I always find it interesting when folks 1/2 a world away claim to know
all about us, our lifestyle and culture when the reality is they know nothing
but BS.
Early Texians, as settlers to the then Mexican owned lands were called, lived
and worked alongside the Mexicans you seem to want to call our slaves. In fact,
when the Texians declared their independence from Mexico many in the Texian Army
were indeed Mexicans themselves who fought as equals with the Texians against
their own home country.
As was the case before the war w/Mexico, and to this day, the Texas and Mexican
cultures have always intermingled. There's plenty of towns here with Mexican
names and having lived here for 66yrs now I've never heard a peep about that
What I expect you were alluding to as us having Mexicans as slaves is how some
unscrupulous people have been known to pay illegal immigrant Mexicans less than
what others make for the same work. Though in my entire working career I've
never worked for anyone that did so, I still know that yes, it's happened. I
also know that sometimes Mexicans business owners themselves do this to other
Mexicans, just like the Mexican Coyotes are well known to reap huge profits from
illegal immigrants they help cross into Texas, some even get sold to sex
trafficers, which is damned sure the worst kind of slavery, something they do to
their own countrymen and women, but I digress ...
The reality still remains that Mexicans, even the illegal ones here, get paid
for their labor so your claim they are slaves is complete bullshit.
It's also common knowledge that large groups of male illegals are known to rent
houses and sometimes will trade cooking, cleaning and even sexual performance by
female illegals in exchange for their food and lodging. BTW, THEY freely choose
where and how they live.
Of course Texas has oil, lots of it, and natural gas as well, which greatly adds
to our GDP as a state. We also have a thriving tech industry, are home to
countless national as well as international corporations, and yeah, there's a
lot of crops grown here too.
Texas has been a favorite destination for a myriad of companies and enterprises
for decades, with companies constantly relocating here. Our lack of a state
income tax, business friendly regulatory systems and lower costs for housing as
well as a lower cost of living in general when compared to many other places are
huge draws. Hell, just the Dallas/Ft Worth area alone has seen a steady stream
of 30,000 new folks a month for many decades now.
Lastly, for all the reasons mentioned above, and not slavery as you claim, Texas
does indeed have a larger economy and hence a greater GDP than Australia

pulse Report This Comment Date: May 21, 2023 07:17AM
And.... Four MILLION more people.
You seem to keep skipping over that. Again, I'd hope it's bigger.
As for 30,000 new people per month for decades.. let's say 2 decades. 20 years x
12 months.
7.2 million migrants in 20 years, 7.6 million population in the area.
Everyone who moves there immediately dies?!

Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 21, 2023 01:07PM
Please pardon my error pulse, that number should be annually, not monthly, so
good on ya for catching that
Those of us in my generation can recall as a kid there was a mostly uninhabited
spanse of 30 miles between Dallas and Ft Worth which today has completely
disappeared due to the continuing urban sprawl. All the outlying suburban areas
have exploded similarly making one huge sprawling mass of humanity.
Coming in from the east on interstate 30 headed due west at 60 mph from the
furthest outlying suburb of Dallas it takes close to 2 hrs. till you'll get to
the furthest edge of Ft Worths suburbs.
If ya wanna keep harping on the per capita data I'll cede your point but the
economic reality still remains that when comparing strictly GDP data, well ...

woberto Report This Comment Date: May 22, 2023 02:30AM
We love ya Kim, you know we're just pushing your buttons right?
Everywhere you go in the world, if they don't know or understand what an
Australian is, the official description is "British Texans".
We are the same brother.
Mrkim Report This Comment Date: May 22, 2023 03:32AM
'berto, so you were just fuckin w/me? You mean I penned that damned novella for
the helluvit
Ever since I found this site, well, we'll just say a cuppla moons back, I came
to understand that you Ozzymandians are the closest thing on the planet to we
BTW, don't kiss it on the left and not to the right, right in the middle is YOUR