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It makes sense that a lot of Australia's rock surfaces were artificially flat.
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It makes sense that a lot of Australia's rock surfaces were artificially flat.

"a rocky cliff with trees and a sunset"

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Comments for: It makes sense that a lot of Australia's rock surfaces were artificially flat.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: April 20, 2023 09:47AM

Artificially leveled rock surfaces. There are just so many places like this, eroded by about the same amount, so, judging by rates of erosion, not many centuries before the British arrived. Yet the Aborigines not only didn't do this, they didn't have the means.
jimmyblacksmith Report This Comment
Date: April 20, 2023 12:25PM

Abo's didn't have the means to do much, they were/are stuck in the stone age chucking spears at animals.
40 thousand years (or 60 thousand depending which activist you speak to) , and they are still sub-human garbage.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2023 04:40AM

The activists are full of garbage. Either the aborigines were once something much more than what Captain Cook found, and a drought crushed their society to the stone age, then a change of belief kept them there, or there were other people here.

Note that if an aboriginal baby is adopted by westerners, they become just like their new family. I have met a few of these. The only difference is the skin colour. Yet there are how many instances of aboriginal children taken out of school for doing too well (in Dubbo particularly), so they don't become "like the whites", or aborigines who do well at whatever their job is, and the culture demands they share it all with people who don't work. And so on.

If you're in NSW, take a trip to Pyramul one day. It's farmland with no public picnic spots or anything, but from the road, look at Mt. Pyramul. It's on private land and a pyramid, North, South, East and West, earth and steep. That's not natural. One day, when the activism is gone, an archeologist will dig it, or pay for a flyover by a geophysics outfit (ground penetrating radar).

There are lots of other sites too, but if you search 'pyramids in Australia' you get hit with all sorts of rubbish, mystics who make things up and political activists who cover up, and there's the madman with a book to sell. Facts don't seem to matter. An archeologist dug at the so-called Gympie Pyramid in Queensland and found it's an artificially terraced hill (not pyramid) used for iron ore mining and smelting in ancient times - by people who didn't have bellows. Yet you don't hear about it (I just searched for it online and couldn't find the link).
Anon Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2023 02:42AM

I'm not clicking that.

Why don't you like Quasi? He went to the trouble of providing the site, I don't remember if he's the one called a Marxist or Klu Klux Klan, but really, it reads as if someone didn't get their happy nappy.
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2024 04:10AM

I've stood on archeology that's far more convincing. Either the Aborigines were once much more, or someone else was here.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2024 07:42PM

I'm not clicking that.

well just search google for "Didgeridisco (Get Schwifty)" and click the youtube link .. I'm genuinely curious what Aussies would think about The Urban Shaman playing the didgeridoo..
pulse Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2024 01:06PM

Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2024 09:05AM

Look at the edge of the flat surfaces, the top is harder than the rock underneath, it's been given a hardening treatment.