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Bye Bye Now... Bye Bye!
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Bye Bye Now... Bye Bye!

"a cartoon of a man holding a gun to his head"

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Comments for: Bye Bye Now... Bye Bye!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 06:01AM

And thank the current Administration for the "Ammo"!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 06:16AM

Time will tell
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 12:01PM

All political parties should be desolved, including your precious democratic party.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 12:44PM


This Republican horseshit was stupid in 1972. Still stupid in 1980. Not one iota more intelligent in 1984 and '88. We got a brief respite in 1992 and '96.

And it came back to town dumber than ever in 2000 and '04.

Some people just smarten up slower than others.


I tried to tell ya. You wouldn't listen.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 01:00PM

I didn't really hate G.H.W. Bush, though. He was a decent guy.

This in spite of the fact that he did spawn the worst President of all time, which, it bears noticing, took some doing..

Especially when taking into account Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon and their resultant, respective shitting all over the U.S. Constitution

Just a little something to think about while your wallet empties.

Title: "Hot Plate Heaven in the Green Hotel"

Artist: Zappa, Frank (1988)

I used to have a job
An' I was doin' very well
Depression came along
An' everybody start to yell
Where'd they go, them good ol' days,
'An all that crap we used to sell?
Now I'm in Hot-Plate Heaven,
at the Green Hotel

Republicans is fine,
If you're a multi-millionaire
Democrats is fair,
If all you own is what you wear
Neither of 'em's REALLY right,
'Cause neither of 'em CARE
'Bout that Hot-Plate Heaven,
'Cause they ain't been there

They really oughta go
'N find out how the hall-way smell --
They'd benefit to know
'Bout what the bums in there could tell
(Of course we're only dreamin',
But I s'pose it's just as well
That's ALL you get to dream
Up in the Green Hotel)

Nature didn't put me here
An' neither did my fate --
I musta been some evil ol'
Republican candidate!
He's over here in Washington,
But I wish he was in HELL
'Cause I'm in Hot-Plate Heaven
At the Green Hotel

Things is slightly better now;
They hope we will forget
The misery of 'TRICKLE DOWN',
An' jelly-bean etiquette
The Regal Presidential Style
Has simply not worn well,
An' neither has my rags,
Up in the Green Hotel
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2008 10:56PM

take Obama with you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2008 12:29AM

under slick willy my income was bad, but under GW it doubled!!!
so fuck your sandniggers & dyke cunts we need another GOP president...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2008 03:35AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> under slick willy my income was bad, but under GW
> it doubled!!!
> so fuck your sandniggers & dyke cunts we need
> another GOP president...

Exactly!!! The only ones that support Bush are the ones that profit directly and that is few and far between..... DICK!

And jgoins, quit doing your damnest to DIVIDE AND CONQUER, just because someone puts "one side" down does not necessarily mean that they are for the "other side"... good try.

Different paths... same destination........ not to mention a lot of work to push those sides as far apart as possible.... some of the DICKS reading this know exactly what I'm talking about.

Time for school, watch these and learn, if you listen to fossil, not to watch, then you are led into darkness, exactly where they prefer you to be, most of you act the way you were brought up to, your parent and grandparents were played right into line, if they knew the truth these days they would be proud of you if you did what needed to be done instead of what's expected of you in "society".... it's NOT pick one side or the other, it's, see reality and do what needs to be done to restore the Constitution of the United States of America, quit blinding yourselves into comfortability.... "comfort" is the enemy of FREEDOM!

Hey shadez...... learn boy!
You don't have to watch, just listening is fine. McCain doesn't believe in none of this, he is an opposite!


This guy was a Democrat, but, knew all about that video up above and seen, what was up, what was really going on in our country.... and died!


Anybody that is a Republican in any way shape and/or form and votes for McCain just because he's running with a big "R" in front of his name is a true dumbass, you are being led into slaughter with a smile, he is one of the wishy-washiest politicians on the planet... not to mention fought AGAINST looking for and bringing home any POW's from Vietnam!... and yes, I am a conspiracy theorist that believed that there were POW's left..... McCain came home as a "POW", sucked up, and then worked hard for the "higher ups"!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2008 03:56AM

i feel left out, you didn't invole me in any of those eeeeeevil plans. eye
popping smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/05/2008 03:57AM by fossil_digger.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2008 12:01PM

This country does not need a woman or a niggar in the whitehouse so what does that leave us? I do not vote for any political party I vote for the person but this time I am only voting against people and not for any any certain one. I will not throw my vote away on Nader so that leaves only McCain. You can call me a racists and a chauvenist if you like but know that I am not alone in this country. There are many others who feel the same way but are too afraid to appear politically incorrect.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 19, 2008 10:21PM

And what is the relation of "Artist: Zappa, Frank (1988)"
and he being an expert in "politics"???
So what's next are we gonna listen to a sandniger telling
us what music we should buy??????.............the
finger smileythe
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2008 05:38AM

McCain is nothing but a traitor!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2008 11:18AM

If Obama gets elected there will be a race war on the horizon for us. McCain is the safer choice.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2008 11:06PM

Hey Jgoins do you really think America is gonna vote Obama in ?
drinking smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 22, 2008 12:04PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Hey Jgoins do you really think America is gonna
> vote Obama in ?
> drinking smiley

God I hope not.