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Wordpad.... Saaaaaaatan!
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Wordpad....  Saaaaaaatan!

"a black and white text with symbols"

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Comments for: Wordpad.... Saaaaaaatan!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 10:29AM

Maybe the 3's are the tablets of the ten commandments, looks nothing like the twin towers. Basically it means nothing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 11:30AM

This has been proven over, and over to be a myth. Any one who actually has enough intelligence to tie a shoelace knows that the 33 in wing ding is nothing more than a representation of a Word document.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 01:11PM

Try using your brain and problem solving skills for something useful.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 04:48PM

I hate this kind of stuff.
The Truth Teller Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 06:21PM

HaHa! I think this is just a coincidence. Sure the Israeli Mossad (CIA Counterpart) and certain elements of the U.S. government set up the 9-11 attacks and blamed "radical muslims" (READ: Israel's enemies).

Yeah, secret Jew, G.W.Bush, was in on the deal. So were many of his Jewish appointees. Don't forget that all these Jews in our government have dual citizenship. By Israeli Law, all Jews, no matter where they live, are citizens of the State of Israel.

So you can see why these Jews assume positions of power in our government to do the bidding of their brethren in Israel. The U.S. is used as a proxy to fight wars for Israeli interests. Syria, Iraq, and Iran are a threat to Israel so Zionists install "Manchurian Candidates" in our government to carry out these wars. And because the Jews run the American media, they can produce the propaganda to mislead the American people.

That's why so many Americans believe in that crazy conspiracy theory the government touts that 19 hijackers flew those planes into those buildings. Jeeez, you'd have to be a really dim bulb to believe that whopper!

Check these websites out and become informed:


quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2007 09:23PM

And the beet goes on.
And the beet goes on.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2007 11:37AM

"That's why so many Americans believe in that crazy conspiracy theory the government touts that 19 hijackers flew those planes into those buildings. Jeeez, you'd have to be a really dim bulb to believe that whopper!"

Talk about conspiracy theories, you swallowed the biggest one yet. Anytime someone uses the word truth in a title or their username you can bet what follows is far from the truth. I remember 9/11 and within hours the sites like you presented here were stating their conspiracy theory about the government and the Jews, even before an explanation was presented by the governnment. I gave up on conspiracy theories many years ago and my health has improved dramatically. Try it yourself, give up the conspiracy theories and feel better, live your life without them.
The Truth Teller Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2007 12:16PM

^^^Dim Bulb
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 08:56AM

It's not a conspiracy, it is a fact, there were Israeli guys pulled over in a van that dogs sniffed for explosives and the dog said.... yes!

Here's one of the cops that pulled those Israeli guys over...



Gee, another van... WITH EXPLOSIVES! They just went home, back to israel.


Most people have never even heard about it. NO MORE REPORTING ALLOWED! IT'S JUST EXPLOSIVES ON 9/11.... THEY ARE THE GOOD GUYS, NOT THE BAD!




Lucky for them our Head of Homeland Security is an Israeli citizen too, no charges, no nothin', oh well, no reason to charge them with a silly conspiracy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 09:14AM

Posted by: quasi - Mad Poster (IP Logged)
Date: August 05, 2007 04:23PM

"And the beet goes on.
And the beet goes on."
- quasi

Uh quasi, it's "beat"... just messin' with you. When I read your post this popped into my head instanly.....

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 10:52AM

Where's the beef
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 02:02PM

Ah so grasshopper, but .... The Kings version of "Switching To Glide" was precluded by a cuppla decades by Sonny and Chers "The Beat Goes On". Just a guess but I bet this is the one quasi was alluding to.

And to the "truth teller" whose self imposed concepts of truth were espoused above : it would serve you well to remember that "the truth" is a totally subjective concept and is seldom true to anyone but the purveyor of such ponderances. To wit ... your "truths" and my own are likely miles apart from the ideas you obviously embrace above, but your version and my own are both "truths" to one other, irregardless of whether they are realistic truths in the grand scheme of things.

All in all "the truth" is only totally true to the one viewing it as such winking

One quote that always comes to mind when considering conspiracy theories is one I penned years ago, initially as a thought on one of my Exs, but here it is : "Simple minds are easily led" eye
rolling smiley

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 09:02PM

Mrkim, go smoke another one, the truth is, that shit is on record, it really happened. So, you will just blow off vans with explosives in New York on 9/11.... just a coincidence?

I think maybe you ate a little square piece of paper! tongue
sticking out smiley
The Truth Teller Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 10:07PM

Mrkim and jgoins can't debate the issues, they're too cowardly to, instead, they debate my name, The Truth Teller.

Cowards, HaHaHaHa!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2007 10:08PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Mrkim, go smoke another one, the truth is, that
> shit is on record, it really happened. So, you
> will just blow off vans with explosives in New
> York on 9/11.... just a coincidence?
> I think maybe you ate a little square piece of
> paper! tongue
sticking out smiley

Alrighty then, let's just see what I can do here for the individual with the little dinky balls the
finger smiley

I kidnapped the Lindberg Baby, I also shot JFK and did Lee Harvey Oswald by proxy through Jack Ruby, I was standing off the set as the fake moon landing took place takin pictures, I helped Saddam Hussein hide the WMDs before the US invaded Iraq and then just for fun I also set the charges under the bridge the other day to make it collapse.

Now then, since all this has just been transmitted lickity split world wide across the net, makin it all well documented and well and truly recorded, and most especially since it's now ON the web, it MUST be the truth, right ?

The problem is dude or dudelet smiling bouncing smiley that just because I stated the above bullshit and documented it by posting it here or anywhere else for that matter dudn give it one single shed of credibility, nor lend it in any way as absolute fact .... anymore than does your posting the shit above.

So .... thanks for playin "Let's Get Real" and by all means do come again next week when we'll be exploring the bats in another anons bellfry the
finger smiley


PS: I'm all outta doobage and haddn seed any such tabs in years but .... I do gladly accept donations winking
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2007 12:19AM

Oh my "truth teller" I'm so amazed at your incredible powers of observation and accumen at parading OTHERS ideas about a cobbled up conspiracy theory. Yes, oh mighty poster of others links, I bow to your omniscience. Had I the dazzling capability to post others thoughts as do you, why ALL humans capable of truly independent thought and logistical processing of ideas should by god BOW to my will !!!

Get a fuckin life and try coming up with realistic ideas YOU can prove and I MIGHT be impressed dill weed, though if I were you, I wouldn't recommend holding my breath till that happens. But .... on second thought, why don't ya give that a try anyway smiling bouncing smiley

Whatta marooneye
rolling smiley

The Truth Teller Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2007 12:51AM

^^^Dim Bulb
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2007 01:17AM

^^^ I see you risen to your highest level once more ^^^ with that dazzling display of intellect.

Just as an aside to ya "truth", my first comment in this thread was purely about the concept of one persons concept of truth in relation to anothers, pure and simple. No effort was made to condemn your ideas, only to point out that truth is a subjective concept all in all.

If you had worked a bit harder on those reading and literary comprehension skills the simplicity of it all might not have so easliy evaded you smiling bouncing smiley

I do however hold a firm belief that ANYONE espousing to know or have an absolute handle on "the truth" only in fact points out their own inherent misunderstanding of what the real truth is. Thanks for helping me get that point across thumbs

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 08, 2007 10:57AM

Truth, if there had been any truth to what you said and if it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt there would be a revolution in the United States, but clearly there is no proof of what you say only supposition and inuendo none of which is proof. Even though I don't believe the government or the Jews had anything to do with 9/11, I maintain an open mind and would examine real evidence to it. You on the other hand do not have an open mind at all. You already believe the conspiracy theory and accept no other evidence to the contrary.
Jewboy911 Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2007 07:00PM

So, listen, fellas, I'm Jewish, and, believe me, all of us Jews know what REALLY happened on 9/11, and, well, they'll probably track me down and kill me for revealing this, but it wasn't us! Sure, we killed that Christ guy a while back, and we, like, TOTALLY control the entertainment industry, not to mention ALL the banks, but, no shit, I swear on the Torah, we didn't do the World Trade Center! Honest! Like I said, I'm Jewish, and we all discuss this stuff behind your backs when you guys aren't looking, and that's the word out there, really! So, if you want to hate us, that's OK, we're used to it, and we're not too crazy about you, either, but you're gonna have to find some other excuse besides the WTC, because that one... it wasn't us. Sorry!
The Truth Smeller Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2007 07:11PM

Here's another cool trick in WordPad:

1) Open Microsoft Word
2) Click on Format > Font
3) Choose the font setting "Arial"
4) Change the font size to 72 for better viewing.
5) Click "OK"
6) Hit the "Caps Lock" button
7) Now type" E,L,O,H,S,S,A, N,A, M,A, I
8) Print out the page
9) Hold it up to a mirror to see the hidden message!