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Hurricane Irma
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Hurricane Irma

"a hurricane from space"

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Comments for: Hurricane Irma
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2017 05:11PM

Looks like that fucker's gonna rip Florida a new one. And, there's still 2 more ginnin around out in the ocean.

My boss and I were talkin the other day and I mentioned how you cats in Oz called 'em cyclones and he said that's because they rotate backwards of what our hurricanes do. Learn somethin new every day (*binladen*)

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2017 06:04PM


this is the reality of the recent "disasters"
woberto Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2017 12:22AM

quasi - "I can see my house!"
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2017 10:07AM

Yup. Also our drains drain clockwise compared to you guys.

Planet eh?

Wonder how drains work at the equator...
Fat Aussie Bastard Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2017 08:57AM

This is one time where I'm happy for America to say "Ours are bigger than yours!"
Good, you can fucking have it. We don't want to end up with a whole neighborhood of lootin' thievin' niggas
breaking into our homes as well.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2017 03:12AM

Although Irma was larger, Harvey that hit Texas and Louisiana and milled around the coast for a week did a shit load more damage. The storm surge from Harvey when it hit came in at 15'/5 meters high, compared to Irmas 2'. Also, Harvey dropped over 4 feet of rain.

People in Florida were out and about sweepin up the free branches and shit in a cuppla days while there were whole towns along our coast that pretty much just don't exist any more. Gonna take years for the Texas gulf coast to return to normal and surely some places were so devastated they may never be rebuilt.

I LOVE the coast, feel complete when I'm there. Nothin like walkin down the beach in the mornin with a cuppa joe and just soakin in the wind and water. But, I know I'll never live there sad

quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2017 10:59PM

After going to South Carolina to get away from a direct hit from Irma, my son and I returned last Thursday to find our homes intact though I was without power 'til this afternoon. We dodged a bullet here when Irma sucked in a bunch of dry air after leaving Cuba then turning slightly east of us. Many inland communities are reeling from the damage and in some small fishing communities south of here where the eye came ashore people are dying and having limbs amputated from infections brought on by trying to clean up in the tainted waters left behind. Yeah, it's real picnic compared to Texas.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2017 05:56PM

Death toll from Irma in Florida 42
Death toll from Harvey in Texas 82

Wow man, since turnin all libocrat on us facts just don't seem to bother you at all anymore huh Q man?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2017 06:21PM

i'd say the 2 hurricanes are hard to compare, because they are both, kinda sorta, different animals affecting different circumstances. the flooding of Harvey is almost unheard of, whereas the emptying of bays in Florida pushing all the water inland and out the other side is quite an amazing phenomenon. harvey was dumping rain for a week or more, and Irma (in Florida) was over in 2 days....basically
i hate using death tolls to decide the intensity or level of damage, but prefer to use the after effects as a better guide, and i think Houston (and south) might have that title.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2017 01:28AM

on the flip side, if Maria hits Florida....Quasi wins.....sorta
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2017 08:40AM


I think both sound pretty fucked. You should come here. We have BBQ places too!
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2017 12:43PM

More destruction and higher death toll - something to be really proud of I guess.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2017 11:45PM

Q man, you started the snark w/your "picnic" remark, I was just settin the shit straight. And hell no there's damned sure no glory in us having more deaths or damage from Harvey. The point I was makin was that you came back yakkin about how bad it was in Florida, glad to hear your casa was spared any damage BTW, when Irma went from a 4 to a heavy rain storm in a matter of hours, nigga please!

So sorry if my comment "triggered" you. Need me to send ya a hot cocoa/soft pettable puppy safe space care package? If need be I could even schedule you a free horsie ride rock

quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2017 12:57AM

"People in Florida were out and about sweepin up the free branches and shit in a cuppla days while there were whole towns along our coast that pretty much just don't exist any more."

But I started the snark with my picnic comment. That's rich. You tried to turn two horrible natural disasters in this country into an interstate pissing contest and then make it political with your lame, childish attempt to insult me by calling me a libocrat or whatever the hell it was. Pretty pathetic. And btw, we've got coastal towns and inland communities that pretty much don't exist anymore with the hardest hit being the elderly. It may not be of the same scope as Harvey in Texas but it's no less tragic and is literally right out my back door.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2017 02:10PM

i had a bother in law's ex and her 4 kids and 6 grand kids stuck in Texas City (about 15-20 miles north of Galveston) with them telling them that they were low on the evac list because only their yard was flooded. then their power went out and they still couldn't get on the list. this went on for like 10 days. they got their power back on, i think, on the 11th day. i've never felt so helpless in my life, there was no way to get there to get them, no way to get someone there to get them out, and all we could do was check in with them every few hours.
i hope everyone you know is safe and had no damage because both storms were devastating enough to get my step sis to never ever stay there in a 'cane again. and she's got a harder head than me. smiling
we told them to get in the fucking car and come to Dallas ASAP when there still was a chance to get out, but they refused. it could have cost them their lives. i was glad to hear that you had enough sense to get the fuck out, but i think South Carolina could have been right in the path also, so i am extending a personal invitation for you guys to zip your asses to Dallas any time you want to escape, we have plenty of room. i will pick you up at the airport myself. smiling
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2017 10:39PM

Thanks, fossil. I made sure to see which way Irma was headed when we rolled out of here and where we went in SC was out of the cone plus after being over land for so long she'd be weakened down to a tropical storm. It was windy with only a bit of rain there when the heart of the storm passed far to the west but no big deal though even at there were a few trees down and power out for a couple of days - the power grid in upstate SC isn't really up to tropical storm rigors. I've been in FL for four decades and this is the fourth time the threat was enough to evacuate though only once, with Hurricane Charley in 04, did we get a direct hit here, and a Catagory 4 at that. When I leave I watch which way the track trends and go the other way, lol, but this one followed us right up the state before turning west while we went east. It's a hard thing boarding up your home and leaving without knowing there'll be anything to come back to which was how it looked almost for certain with this one, but a slight turn to the east and some dry air sucked into it spared us here and sent the horror more inland. That's another hard thing about these storms; if you don't get smashed some other poor folks will so I don't take kindly to making light of this crap. Homes are wrecked, businesses shattered, and lives turned to hell. It was a few tree branches down and a few days without power for me this time but there are a lot of people only a few miles from here who are just devastated, and the devastation runs right up the middle of the state, including the loss of 50% or more of the juice orange crop so if you drink OJ you'll feel it too in a smaller way.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 03:22AM

Having known since my very 1st visit to the coast that I felt a oneness and sense of completeness standin on the shore, the right side of my brain has always just as surely told me "fuck this place, it's blown off the map with fair regularity".

I would LOVE to live on or near the coast, though I know the folly of such a decision carries with it a set of undeniable realities that make it an unrealistic choice in the grander scheme of things. 2 things I know for certain: 1. DFW is never gonna be destroyed by a hurricane and 2. that makes it a far better choice of living quarters than any place that could ever be devastated by a hurricane.

Maybe it's time people who live in places prone to periodically being destroyed by such forces of nature face the sad truth that these places really just are not suitable choices for a domicile. I mean, no matter how wonderful day to day life is anywhere, how great is it really when you hafta wonder if your casa will even exist next year, the year after or 10yrs down the road?

This relates just as surely to people who choose to live in Tornado Alley or areas known to to be periodically stricken by earthquakes. I mean really, how many times should anyone expect the generosity of their fellow man be extended to them for the poor choices they've made about where they choose to live?

Call me heartless, an asshole, a dickhead, or whatever else you care to but never forget to call me a realist while you're at it (*binladen*)

quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 10:44AM

Yeah, it takes some pretty serious cojones to live in a dangerous place like this, pay the wicked homeowners insurance premiums, and not permanently slink off and hide in some safe space like DFW.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 11:50AM

Cajones to live in a place where you hafta pay through the nose for insurance and then slip away to the safety of some other zip code every few years while holding out hope you'll still have a home that's habitable when you return? In that case cajones seems synonymous with stupidity

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 02:46PM

Puerto Rico is in deep shit
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 04:51PM

Yep.those cats got totally hammered

quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2017 08:46PM

Nah, I'm crazy, not stupid.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2017 05:02PM

As I often do while preforming mundane tasks, while I was just out in my still partially flooded yard (it wasn't as widely covered but while Harvey was dealing his blow elsewhere, Florida had a tropical wave and its own flooding going on which Irma and all subsequent rains have only piled on to) doing the last of the "sweepin up the free branches and shit" (I guess that's suppossed to be tree branches though a lot of them sure broke free), I was pondering distances from coasts and where it's safe from the menace of hurricanes while taking into account the most recent storms and guess what? I checked google earth and Dallas ain't as far away as it needs to be to be really safe from these things. The center of Irma traveled over land, which generally weakens hurricanes, for about 600 miles and was around 200 miles from the other zip code I "slip(ped) away to" where there was still damage and days long power outages. That other zip code is also about 190 miles from it's own coast while Dallas is about 260 miles inland.

The problem here isn't people who are stupid enough to live near the coast or those who "feel complete" there but but are too chickenshit to stay (though the distances involved now show they're not as safe as they imagine they are where they are), the problem seems to be people who feel superior in thier beliefs and lack empathy and understanding for others. I gave up religion long ago, I'm more of an atheist leaning agnostic, and some of the most decent, caring, honest people I know are atheists - when my son nearly died in a motorcycle accident the first folks to offer real help were atheists while some Christians could only offer prayers and not even share the link to the gofundme page I started which would have cost them absolutely nothing but still could have helped. That said, MrKim has lately become the sort of self centered, little caring, hateful atheist that the theists love to point to when asking where can people derive their morals from if they don't believe in God. And the thing I find hilarious about it is that his bedfellows are now the self centered, little caring, hateful evangelicals who when anyone disagrees with them start raving about "libocrats" or "libtards", "Ovomit" or "Obummer", or "Killary", juvenile babblings that are the product of whiners who are the actual people who are so afraid they believe they can make the entire US a "safe space" with walls and immigration bans. They've forgotten that freedom is often not safe and E Pluribus Unum. They're the first ones who would be in line to join up if Trump could somehow create his own Gestapo to rid the conutry of dissenters like me who are not neccessarily liberals but are independents able to view some liberal ideas outside of the box of conservatism. Kim, emboldened by your own messiah now in the White House you like to talk tough like people expect Texans to be, like many Texans are including some of my family members who are, by the way, living just a few miles north of Houston and gave me quite the anxious time during Harvey, but you're just a frightened little shit that wants to hide behind walls or miles inland while trying to impress people with nothing more than a vocabulary that's better than most. Fuck off. Rant over.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2017 05:32PM

by the time they reach us, all their punch has been absorbed. i'd be amazed if we ever experience a cat 1 here.

Harvey had a chance to hit us @ about a 1, but there was a serious front pushing it away.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 25/09/2017 05:34PM by fossil_digger.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2017 06:10PM

Most hurricanes wouldn't but one like Irma could. She traveled 600 miles over land and still had enough strength to knock down trees and power poles from 200 miles away. I wouldn't have thought it either but I saw it with my own eyes. Dallas very well could get an ass whoopin'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 25/09/2017 06:14PM by quasi.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2017 03:54AM

welcome to the internet, where people argue about who has better hurricanes...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2017 08:11PM

that's hypnotizing.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2017 11:17PM

I would upvote PJs comment if I could.

Comment of the week smiling
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2017 04:02AM

Oh My, I've been roundly assailed by a snowflake/snowbird ... what ever shall I do eye
rolling smiley

Guess to save time aaand keestrokes I'll just slice n dice my way through the below:

"As I often do while preforming mundane tasks, while I was just out in my still partially flooded yard (it wasn't as widely covered but while Harvey was dealing his blow elsewhere, Florida had a tropical wave and its own flooding going on which Irma and all subsequent rains have only piled on to) doing the last of the "sweepin up the free branches and shit" (I guess that's suppossed to be tree branches though a lot of them sure broke free)"

This must be the cry me a river segment so I'll iet it slide other than to mention all my other friends in Fla. were the ones who mentioned the sweeping up tree branches, so I'll accredit this to the "I need to add more drama here so people will feel sorry for me." Hi Ho.

"I was pondering distances from coasts and where it's safe from the menace of hurricanes while taking into account the most recent storms and guess what? I checked google earth and Dallas ain't as far away as it needs to be to be really safe from these things. The center of Irma traveled over land, which generally weakens hurricanes for about 600 miles and was around 200 miles from the other zip code I "slip(ped) away to" where there was still damage and days long power outages. That other zip code is also about 190 miles from it's own coast while Dallas is about 260 miles inland."

Yep, the travelling over land part is why it went quickly from a 5 to a 1/heavy tropical storm. The difference here is to reach DFW it would hafta travel completely over land for the 260 miles you mentioned, which is why DFW will never experience the full force of a hurricane.

"The problem here isn't people who are stupid enough to live near the coast or those who "feel complete" there but but are too chickenshit to stay (though the distances involved now show they're not as safe as they imagine they are where they are), the problem seems to be people who feel superior in thier beliefs and lack empathy and understanding for others."

Mmmmmk, gonna hafta beg to differ here dude. I LOVE the Texas coast, the Atlantic coast and even the Florida coast, been to all 3, but again, as much as I've enjoyed bein there I have always remembered the news I've seen and read over the years of the horrors that can befall those who choose to live there. To me, the potential for disaster far supersedes the great feelings I've experienced there. If you feel it's chicken shit to choose a more practical place to reside, where disaster and life threatening drama due to naturally occurring periodic weather phenomenon will never play a part in my personal life, well Ok. If you choose to make that choice so be it, it's a free country and you're well past 21 so do what ever you choose.

But, and here's the part you won't be interested in hearing ... DO NOT expect me to have sympathy for you when that seemingly idiotic choice rears up and smites you right 'tween the eyes! Nor should you expect me to wanna slide any of my tax dollars your way to help support the poor choices and the aftermath of those choices that will periodically be visited upon you and the rest of the folks there.

"I gave up religion long ago, I'm more of an atheist leaning agnostic, and some of the most decent, caring, honest people I know are atheists"

Heard that, having tried several different times in life to embrace the theistic view, just never worked for me. For some reason theists seem to wanna lump me in with agnostics simply because my thoughts are always tempered with the concept I could be proven wrong, if there's ever a truly scientific case made for the existence of a "god" (<-- ever noticed how god and dog are the reverse of each other?). I find this unsettling as I view agnostics as limp wristed fence sitters, too damned wishy washy to get off the fence and take a real stand for their thoughts, but ... I digress

"when my son nearly died in a motorcycle accident the first folks to offer real help were atheists while some Christians could only offer prayers and not even share the link to the gofundme page I started which would have cost them absolutely nothing but still could have helped."

Oh, kinda like I thought, empathy and kind thoughts from others wasn't really your goal as your concept of "help" was only financially based. So empathy, prayers and all the positive energy that encompassed just wasn't good enough, huh?

You problee already know this, but if not, let me fill in the blanks. I didn't link to your gofundme page either. Not because of a lack of empathy for you and your sons plight, but quite simply because I don't EVER do that, not for any one, nor any cause. If you wanna feel personally slighted by that, get over yourself, it ain't nothin personal, just my own private policy.

"That said, MrKim has lately become the sort of self centered, little caring, hateful atheist that the theists love to point to when asking where can people derive their morals from if they don't believe in God."

Lately? Fuck no man, I've been self centered all my life, know it well and have never tried to deny it, nor ever apologized for it either.

However, having found in business it's best to keep my thoughts on theology to myself, few people are privy to my lack of a belief in their varied deities, just seems to work best that way. Funnily enough though, my unknowing friends and customers alike seem to view me as principled and moral, appreciate my sense of empathy and caring for my fellow humans and sometimes even seek my counsel. Of course these are people who do actually KNOW me Q man.

"And the thing I find hilarious about it is that his bedfellows are now the self centered, little caring, hateful evangelicals who when anyone disagrees with them start raving about "libocrats" or "libtards", "Ovomit" or "Obummer", or "Killary", juvenile babblings that are the product of whiners who are the actual people who are so afraid they believe they can make the entire US a "safe space" with walls and immigration bans. They've forgotten that freedom is often not safe and E Pluribus Unum. They're the first ones who would be in line to join up if Trump could somehow create his own Gestapo to rid the conutry of dissenters like me who are not neccessarily liberals but are independents able to view some liberal ideas outside of the box of conservatism."

Hmm, some truth to that I 'spose since there's a particular like mindedness I share w/lotsa believers. Most are conservative politically as well as socially, deeply patriotic and have respect for the overarching rule of American constitutional jurisprudence, so yeah, I'll cop to that, though personally I prefer Obozo as our former leaders moniker . I mean really man, with those ears and that uncanny resemblance to Alfred E Newman, just hang a big red nose on that always upturned shnozz of his, a lil spikey red hair and voila .... OBOZO!

About here is where you and I reach that place Thoreau mentioned in the woods where 2 roads diverged and we're obviously on differing paths.

It seems you think any and everyone who wants to come into our country should just be let free to do so, Whether they have anything of value to offer our society, whether they even truly want to BE a part of our society, whether they come from places in the world where the refrains of "DEATH TO AMERICA!" are heard so often it scarcely even causes the raising of an inquisitive brow once uttered, you seem to think we should just take 'em all in.

See Q man, that attitude is just not Ok by me, nor will it ever be. In my view you seem willing to cheapen and undermine every facet of our immigration laws, our society and even what it means to BE an American. You and those like you who think having real national borders, beneficial and reasonable immigration policies based on more than just a want to be here are unreasonable constraints, yeah dude, we're just flat out NEVER gonna agree on that shit.

"Kim, emboldened by your own messiah now in the White House you like to talk tough like people expect Texans to be, like many Texans are including some of my family members who are, by the way, living just a few miles north of Houston and gave me quite the anxious time during Harvey, but you're just a frightened little shit that wants to hide behind walls or miles inland while trying to impress people with nothing more than a vocabulary that's better than most. Fuck off. Rant over."

As one who dudn believe in a god, just as surely I don't have a messiah. I will admit snakes scare the shit out on me, that and hot psychotic women, 'course that's a love hate thing too so .... Oh and lest I forget, Go fuck yourself.

finger smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 27/09/2017 02:01PM by Mrkim.