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ATT Monopoly
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ATT Monopoly

"a screenshot of a social media post"

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Comments for: ATT Monopoly
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2014 10:42AM

I believe there are other communication companies in America so where is the monopoly?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2014 05:30PM

It's 100+ year old crap.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2014 01:08PM

I agree, there is no meat to this conspiracy.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2014 01:43PM

There is no CURRENT meat to it. It is historical that AT&T was forced to bust up by the feds for anti-tust law violations.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 18, 2014 12:43PM

I wish I could have a monopoly selling video games at the fleamarket.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 18, 2014 01:10PM

Fuck that, I wish I had the rights for the sales of stupidity to the American electorate. I could retire lavishly off a single days share hot smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2014 12:39PM

If a company provides a service that no other company provides, is that a monopoly?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2014 12:55PM

It depends WHY it is that way. If it's that way because the company bought out or squashed any possible competition then according to the anti-trust laws of this country yeah, it's a monopoly.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2014 01:21PM

Why is buying out the competition wrong? When someone brings video games to sell at the fleamarket I try to buy them out at their price, is that wrong?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2014 02:22PM

Why don't you do a little research on the subject of monopolies and anti-trust laws and decide for yourself?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2014 01:35PM

Well nobody is doing anything about the gasoline monopoly. In my opinion it is still a monopoly when all gas stations collude together to set the same price for gasoline every day. Gas wars are thing of the past because of their cooperation these days. I do understand monopolies and why they are bad but there are still monopolies around today but they are disguised.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2014 06:22PM

Well nobody is doing anything about the gasoline monopoly.

That's not true. There have been and continue to be lawsuits filed against oil companies for that very thing except for your definition, there is a difference between a monopoly and price fixing cooperation between companies.

In my opinion it is still a monopoly when all gas stations collude together to set the same price for gasoline every day. Gas wars are thing of the past because of their cooperation these days.

Nope, see above. It also must be proven in courts that it violates the law. That's the way the legal system works in this country.

I do understand monopolies and why they are bad but there are still monopolies around today but they are disguised.

I don't think you do understand. There is a difference between monopoly and price fixing, but both are illegal under US anti-trust laws.

The "disguised" are taking advantage of legal loopholes to get away with it. If the laws don't match your definition then you have recourse at the polls, writing to your elected officials, lobbying, using petition, or filing lawsuit. That's how it works. If you are successful then are you going to complain again that the government is once again interfering with the free market?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 21/02/2014 06:39PM by BlahX3.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2014 11:47AM

I doubt there is a solution to everything. If the government does nothing then they are hated for it and if they do something they are hated for that as well. I guess the government is just hated period.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2014 02:59AM

I'll second that notion, but more for what they do than for what they don't (*horse*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2014 01:07PM

If we didn't have a government then what would we have?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2014 02:53PM