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Please help the cause

"a man holding his head"

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Comments for: Please help the cause
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2012 02:59PM

I'd like to see a study on how many domestic violence cases have the woman as the aggressor yet the man s the one charged with domestic violence for defending himself. I know of one case where the man and woman were both charged with domestic violence but in the long run it was still the man who received the most punishment.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2012 04:02PM

That's a topic where almost all the data is compliled by womens groups and the real facts do not bear any resemblance to the truth. Men will rarely ever report violent acts by their spouses and even when they do the cops tend to treat 'em like pussies and won't do shit anyway hot smiley

quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2012 06:42PM

My second wife was an alcoholic and sometimes when she was roaring drunk she'd get pissy and start swinging at me, all 5'5" and 110 pounds of her. I'd just bat her arms away before she connected but she'd get some helliscious bruises on her forearms from that and I was lucky noone ever made anything of those bruises.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2012 09:15PM

I came home drunk one night (about 25 years ago)and my wife-at-the-time slapped me across the face, she was about 5' 2" and 100lbs to my 5'11" 235lbs...I just laughed
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 12:19AM

mine is about 125 lbs., i take full blown gut shots all the time, but you can't hurt steel. tongue
sticking out smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 04:44AM

I know what you guys are sayin and have been there done that as well but, the reality of it all is that while we all admit to our babes acting out with violence who's ever even thought of reporting such acts, much less have done so?

As one charged and convicted of an act of domestic violence I did not commit, having been drug through 3yrs of legal BS over it (and over $7k out of pocket), met many other men who were also in a similar situation in the course of taking the requisite Anger Management course, then the fucking Alcohol and Drug Awareness course I also was required to take (even though neither drugs nor alcohol were part of the case).

The courts/laws/and indeed all facets of the legal system treat white males as plagues upon society whose only redeeming quality is that they have a pocket ready to be picked.

I bet many of us are aware of guys so far behind in their child support that it's truly shameful, and just as surely many of us know how they seemingly get away with this endlessly.

I could go into a long diatribe that could stretch on for pages here but let me just say that as a white working and available father I was drug into court over what was initially a $300 arrearage that was actually paid before the court date and still got a $500 fine + a $1500 "fee" from the other attorney (which I was told if I did not make an agreement for repayment satisfactory to that attorney THAT DAY I would be thrown in jail), 6 months of supervised probation at $50 a month and 100hrs of Community Service, for a crime that did not even exist.

In trying to make my case in court and asking questions of the other attorney the judge stopped me midsentence and asked "Mr. Steele, are you stupid, or just hard of hearing?". My response was "No your honor, I am neither." after which I just shut the fuck up 'cause it was all too obvious what was gonna happen otherwise angry

The judge did at least have the decency to ask if I had anything to say before passing his judgement on me in this case. I replied "Yes your honor, I do. While I agree there was an arrearage in this case in the amount stated, that amount has been paid in full before todays date. Secondly, if any of the fines, fees and such I am to be held liable for from this courts actions today were to be paid towards anything benefitting my child I would do so willingly, but the fact is not one dime of what I'll be paying will go to her betterment, and that's pretty sad." (*butt*)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2012 04:54AM by Mrkim.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 07:52AM

"met many other men who were also in a similar situation" - while I am sure there are other men in the same situation as were Mrkim, I am sure that there are also those that claim innocence that are in fact guilty, just like nearly every person picked up by the cops protests their innocence.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 11:36AM

I am just so grateful to have married a woman raised by parents who believed that women should be like June Cleaver. I had to remove most of her subservience but we live together with 100% respect for each other. Our fights and arguments ended more than 25 years ago and we seldom even have any disagreements anymore.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 12:21PM

Fuck you jgoins, we don't need your kind around here!
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 06:36PM

Went to jury duty a few weeks ago and surprise surprise got picked for a domestic abuse case.Prosecutors gave a great show except for the fact they had no witnesses,no female victim,no security guard that was supposedly at the scene when it went down.All they had was two crooked cops testifying they saw the dude hit the chick for 30 seconds but their stories were totally different .Well anyways to make a long story short three of us(all males)had to argue with the three women on the panel over three hours and gave no reasoning for their logic either,finally they gave up though.Very excruciating day to say the least.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 05, 2012 06:53PM

I've been on jury duty a couple of times. It is astounding how stupid the average person really is. Arguing with stupid people is sometimes something avoidable in life but not on jury duty. It's always boils down to something like, "I don't care what the facts are, this is what I think anyway." Well then you shouldn't be on jury duty. Your job as a juror is very clearly laid out. You consider the facts presented to you and you base your decision on those facts and that is all. It doesn't matter what you heard happened to your sister, brother, father, mother, a friend of a friend of a friend or anyone one else.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 06, 2012 11:16AM

I served on jury duty once before also. It is surprising how little people listen during the trial and especially to the judge's instructions prior to retiring for a verdict. First vote went one way then after my arguments and a few hours the final vote went my way. Fortunately it was a property line dispute.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 06, 2012 05:02PM

One case we heard some of the other jurors were trying to argue that a pissed off insane guy who called ahead and threatened violence shows up holding a shotgun banging on someone's door violently did not constitute menacing or threatening with a deadly weapon.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 07, 2012 10:56AM

Would be if it was my door. A corpse holding a shotgun, very menacing.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 07, 2012 11:27AM

And then that chick gets 20 years in Florida for shooting a handgun into to a wall...
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2012 11:29AM

If somebody got hurt on the other side of the wall then she should be charged. Call the LEO's then wait until the person comes into the house then blow him away.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2012 12:33PM

Her ex was in the room, she had a restraining order against him, he shouldn't have been there.
But Florida law clearly states 10 & 20 so she should have killed the cunt. Dead men tell no lies.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2012 05:22PM

Don't forgot the life after the twenty ...btw heard about some flying sheep the other day in melbourne,what happened?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 09, 2012 11:24AM

Always when you pull a gun on someone you should shoot them dead no matter what. If you have no intention of killing someone you should never use a gun. Aside from target practice I have never pulled my weapon without the intention of killing someone. Fortunately outside of war I have never had to kill anyone yet.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: June 09, 2012 12:38PM

One of the dudes i knew in high school robbed an circle k with a squirt gun and got a whopping fourty six bucks...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 09, 2012 02:56PM

What did you do in the Navy? Did you kill anyone directly? Just curious. I know we all did indirectly. I felt real bad for the guys I knew who had to and I'm thankful I never had to.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 11, 2012 04:55AM

Most weird things that happen in Melbourne are directly related to something DK has done.
Even though he lives in the sticks now...
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 11, 2012 11:21AM

Well Blah that is the only part of my stay in the Navy I never talk about. I know it was something that had to be done but it is not something I am proud of. Would I do it again if I had to, yes. Would I ever be proud of having to, never. It does not matter the circumstances, anytime you have to pull the trigger it takes a little something out of you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2012 11:23AM by jgoins.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 11, 2012 01:26PM

Sorry to bring it up, man. If it was me I wouldn't want to talk about it much either.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: June 11, 2012 02:21PM

Yeah,my brother is the same way. Soon as i brought it up he started getting uncomfortable
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2012 11:36AM

You will usually find that those who do talk about it, it either never happened or they might be a little unbalanced.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2012 01:05PM

That's a good point JG.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2012 10:51AM

I know one guy around here who says he was an Army Ranger and he has killed people with his thumb and is always talking about all the people he killed around the world. I think this guy is both unbalance and a liar.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2012 02:34PM

make him show you exactly the spot he hit with his thumb and watch him stutter.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2012 04:10PM

Maybe the vagus nerve in the neck. It is possible but I suspect that reports of someone actually doing it are lies and using your thumb would probably damage your thumb more than the person's vagus nerve. There's a lot of muscle in the way there.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2012 01:37AM

it is highly possible if you know what you are doing.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2012 11:09AM

This guy has too many screws loose and it is just better to let him wander off, maybe he will play in the highway.