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Time to Clean House
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Time to Clean House

"a painting of a man in a suit"

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Comments for: Time to Clean House
Mach Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2010 05:30AM

Ron Paul will be running in 2012!

Here's a vid from 2008 to refresh with...


Just by the way. Do you support Jack Conway? Rand Paul Rally, infiltrator caught! This is the only way they can find racism in the Tea Party.


Watch this and listen, then think Vice-President 2012......... Paul/Napolitano 2012!

You should thank "god" for the truth, no matter how it comes to you.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 17/08/2010 05:31AM by Mach.
DarkKlown Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2010 08:11AM

Pity he will never get elected.

More change would happen with him in power than 'the same olds'.. no independent will ever get to power with the current system.. and that system will never change.. not without another civil war.. and the only states that could cause a civil war are republican states..
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2010 11:48AM

Independents running for president historically only manage to split the vote in the election. I am afraid Darkklown is correct. A lot can happen in the next 2 years so it is too soon to know what it will look like in the election. The only thing I can safely say is that Odamna will not get relected unless all of America loses their collective minds in the next 2 years.
RichG Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2010 09:31PM

I have to agree with DarkKlown, as much as I would like to see Ron Paul as President. It will never happen.The powers that be, would do anything and everything to stop this from happening,up to and including murder,no doubt in my mind. His election would require this country of ours to become as one,but our Government keeps us apart with lies and innuendos about race,illegal immigration,the economy and other nonsense,to keep the population at each others throats. If we ever came together as one Nation as one people. The Governments control over us using fear and intimidation would come to an end very quickly. But as I have said before we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2010 02:45AM

I understand what you are saying, I am the "conspiracy theorist" guy around here, but, you gotta start somewhere. Sitting around saying something can never happen never got anything done in the past, that's for sure.... if you can conceive, you can achieve.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2010 03:59AM

Here's the rub for me ... although Ron Paul and Andrew Napalitano would be absolutely the right guys for the job ... it ain't gonna happen, and that sux.

Been wrong before, hell, I've been married 3 times, but, this is one time I would really like to BE wrong about these cats gettin elected. Just don't think I am sad

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2010 08:59AM

our Government keeps us apart with lies and innuendos about race,illegal immigration,the economy and other nonsense,to keep the population at each others throats.

Are you saying there are no race problems, no illegals in this country and the economy is fine? Are you sure you live in America? Well I am a bigot and so are most the people I know. There are millions upon millions of illegals in this country now and they need to go. Unemployment is sky high and prices are skyrocketing so the economy does suck.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2010 04:49PM

Speaking of illegals,i knew this guy at a festival that had three illegals working there.So i called the u.s. immigration office and told them this guy had three illegals working there.They told me it would take 6-8 days before they could get around to it and to top that he could not even guarantee them to even check them out.I then told them they would only be at the festival two more days they replies "im sorry,we could only do what we can do"!(*finger*)
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2010 03:45AM

Does seem a bit odd when the legislature is told by the current administration that they MUST pass the Stimulus bill NOW or total bedlam and disaster would ensue, then again that we'd need to pass the Obamacare legislation before we could know what was REALLY in it (though the members actually reading it 1st was irrelevant!) and lastly that congress MUST also pass the Financial regulatory bill so we could understand its impact (while also claiming the fact that Fanny and Freddy [2 segments due to REALLY crash and burn soon] didn need to be included in the new regulations) ... but enforcing existing federal laws is a seeming irrelevant priority?

Kinda smacks of being quite telling where this administrations priorities REALLY are (*facepalm*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2010 12:08PM

In the past 60 years of my life I have seen administrations run their arms up the ass of the American people many times before but this is the first time I have seen them put both arms up there at the same time.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2010 04:01PM

In his speech at the 2007 Boston Tea Party, Rand Paul said that in the first American Revolution,

The British scoffed at the American rabble. They laughed at the imperfect uniforms and tactics of the American soldiers. They laughed at retreat after retreat of the American army. They laughed right up until Yorktown...

Today, we are that American rabble. The disgruntled, the disillusioned, the cynical, the bereaved. Bereaved at the loss of Liberty. The Establishment, in their high rise, penthouse views, laughs at you. They laugh at us. The Ron Paul rabble.

Mach Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2010 04:22PM

Damn Straight! Watch this video and heal your damn selfs! (*horse*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2010 10:56AM

There will never be another revolution in this country because the majority of the American public is too cowardly and politically correct. The only method of revolution we have available to us now is election. The only way we can revolt now is to remove anyone who is currently in office now through the election process. If you want to revolt then cast out all elected officials and place new people in office and keep doing it until it is understood what they need to do. In this day and age a violent overthrow of the government will never occur.