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Surface area required to power the world with solar energy
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Surface area required to power the world with solar energy

"a map of the world with text and images"

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Comments for: Surface area required to power the world with solar energy
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2009 12:16PM

Map source?
shakes Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2009 03:08AM

Great idea until you multiply those numbers by what it costs to manufacture a square kilometer of solar panel. Since a meter square panel costs about $1000-3000, you do the math. My calculator doesn't have that many digits and I'll bet yours doesn't either. Obama's health care bill looks like a bargain now. I'll bet you want the rich to pay for that, too.
FrostedApe Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2009 04:25AM


The Earth continues to warm. The North Polar and Greenland ice caps both melt. Billions of tons of fresh water go into the North Atlantic, lowering the salinity. The northern end of the Gulf Stream current is no longer dense enough to sink to the bottom of the ocean for its return trip to the tropics to pick up more heat. A global ice age begins, killing 99.999% of Humanity from starvation. Advancing ice caps reflect even more sunlight back into space, perpetuating the ice age, which lasts for the next 10,000-40,000 years.

Problem solved!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2009 10:27AM

Polar ice caps melt and you say an ice age will come? If it is warm enough to melt the polar ice caps then how can it be cold enough for an ice age? Seems to me flooding would be the major issue if the ice caps melt.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2009 01:18PM

I saw An Inconvenient Truth too.. I'm not saying I disagree with its message, but it's hard to truly know what's going on.

For millions of years the Earth has run in cycles. Can we truly say this ISN'T naturally occurring now? I'm not saying we should put our head in the sand and do nothing, but I also think we should be doing something intelligent and looking to the future. And I don't think covering significant parts of the earth's surface with solar panels fits under that description ....

I do, however, agree that technology is our saviour! smiling
Dr Knoitall Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2009 04:57PM

and who pays for this? i know for damn sure the Liberals thought of it and they are not going to pay for it, so who pays for it? everyone else so long as it is not them.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2009 11:46AM

Good idea (sarcasm). One well placed meteor strike, earthquake, tornado or something would throw the entire country into darkness.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2009 06:02PM

I think "An Inconvenient Truth" should be classified as fiction and fall into the fully agendized category. Al Gore and his chicken little tactics are more based on capitalization/taxation than what scientific findings are in agreement with.

Several years back I saw an interview with one of the scientists from the "Global Warming" team who related they were basically told if their results led to any other findings besides affirmation of global warming (and GRAVE impacts from it) they would in turn find funding for their other studies suddenly UNFUNDED, now and in the future. Now if that doesn't smack of agendized BS I'm unsure what would qualify as such.

Climatologists aren't in total agreement on it but it seems more are in favor of the cyclic weather systems of our planet naturally moving into what we're experiencing than are supportive of the "global warming" theories winking

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: September 03, 2009 03:38AM

would have been better without the 'willing to pay....' part at the bottom