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Pentagon Evidence
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Pentagon Evidence

"a collage of images of a fire"

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Comments for: Pentagon Evidence
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 05:17AM

Drag it up into your address bar.......

O.k., a commercial Airliner crashed into the Pentagon and just happened to totally disintegrate, Titanium even!. Do the monkeys bother you when they fly out of your butt?
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 05:29AM

Do ya fags ever give up?
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 05:32AM

ok! now that you have proof that you have been lied to for the billionth time from the us government. what are you going to do about it?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 06:40AM

bring them to justice,of course..r-r-r-ight
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 11:26AM

You 'troofers' make me laugh. Anything , from any angle, from any source is cited as 'proof of a conspiracy'. check here for a rebuttal of the crap.[]

To me, the biggest thing to make the claims just silly is this:
How can you expect a government that can't even properly operate a restaurant in the Senate without losing millions of dollars every year to plan, coordinate,execute and KEEP SECRET something on such a grand scale. The very government you claim is headed by a dummy, suddenly is incredibly smart.
Like I said, you Troofers make me laugh.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 02:08PM

Well the goverment had you believe for 40 years that a magical bullet went into and Assasinated president JFK. You believe that didn'tyou?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2008 02:41PM

NOPE, the Government has refused to investigate/name the guilty party that conspired to kill JFK, it's you the Idiot that hasn't done anything about it except shut up and go Baaahh baaaaah.....drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 01:06AM

Do I beleave that bush and his staff planed 9/11,NO!!! Do I beleave that they knew something was going to happen,gave prior knowledge to certin people,planed there responses,and used 9/11 to futher thier political goals. MOST CERTENILY,YES WITHOUT A SECOUND THOUGHT. And they are certinly guilty of not being honest with the American people. In fact they OUT AND OUT LIED to the American people about what really happened on 9/11. Way to many RICH and POWERFUL people made WAY TO MUCH MONEY on 9/11. The odds of three buildings falling in there own footprints within hours of each other have to be in the BILLIONS,something is not RIGHT about all that happened that day and I feel deep down in my gut that the American people are not being told the TRUTH.
And when you stop and think about the loses that occured that day,the only people that really lost anything were the people that lost there lives in the towers and aircraft and there families.
S.Outlaw Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 05:17AM

question is anon, what are YOU willing to do about it? vote? sue? protest in some other forum where your piss poor spelling skills will never be discoverd? continue to remain anonymous, and you will continue to go unheard, put a name with a statemnet, and it will hold more weight with the people.then perhaps we can later work on discovering if you actually have a penis, or if that too is a government plot.grinning smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 06:27AM

Outlaw (yeah right!), if you're that interested to see if guys have penises or not then you are on the wrong site.


Popular Mechanics! smiling bouncing smiley Are you serious? What a fucking joke.

It's simple, the Official Story is the Conspiracy Theory, you don't even have to dig that deep to see that 9/11 was an inside job, Cheney knew the shit was going down and sat on it, that's treason! Norad, again, sat on it. Look into "Experts" on the News on 9/11 and even a day or two afterwards, already telling everyone what happened..... how did they know? They were getting very detailed.... same thing with "terrorist", they found them fast!

9/11 and 7/7 are the same.......... inside jobs

both days had lots of "training exercises" going on while the 'terrorist attacks" took place, wow, coincidence?! 7/7 alone, you have to ask..... what are the odds of a bombing happening in the same location, at the same train station, at exactly the same time that they were training for? Gimme a fucking break, yousooostupidIcantbelieveit..............

NORAD Mission Statement

NORAD continuously provides worldwide detection, validation and warning of an aerospace attack on North America and maintains continental aerospace control, to include peacetime air sovereignty alert and appropriate aerospace defense measures in response to hostile actions against North America
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 11:16AM

You people have no proof of anything, just supposition. Can't you find anything that will stand up in court?
Kill Bristol Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 08:51PM

What's the point buttfuck? The court is packed. It throws a decision every once in a while (like yesterday) just to keep the streets from flowing red, but if the courts and the elections are rigged than (up till now) it hasn't meant shit.

You're right about one thing though. It's not a conspiracy if the Project for the New American Century did it right in front of everybody (and funded it until it's hooks were into the government, Congress, White House and Judiciary) with the bald faced arrogance that only fascists can pull off.

The check's coming due though..


Grab yer ass snorky.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 10:29PM

Looks like Bristol has sand in her vagina....drinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2008 12:42AM

I guess Outlaw LIKES PENIS!!!!!.Its all he ever posts about.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2008 02:20AM

jgoin.... you are the one that sat there and denied the GIF image I posted of WTC 7 falling, saying that, there was no question, that was demolition, but then you said that I couldn't prove that was building 7, you know damn well that it was and that it was demolition. Gee, can you believe that WTC 1 & 2 fell in exactly the same way, yeah those poofs coming out way down were just from the "collapsing floors", isn't it funny how all that pressure came out in specific spots, totally in the center in a pipe like form. It's called video, anyone out there that can watch the videos and say that it's not demolition has a mental block, whether they put it there on purpose or they just can't control themselves is their own problem.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2008 09:51AM

If it were real proof all you Bush whackers out there whould have had him out of office long before now. The simple truth is there is no truth to the stories. As for the videos, have you ever watched movies?
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: June 14, 2008 02:00PM

jgoins Wrote:
> If it were real proof all you Bush whackers out
> there whould have had him out of office long
> before now.
The simple truth is there is no truth
> to the stories. As for the videos, have you ever
> watched movies?
<- la la land.

How? Barely half of any western democracy bother to vote. The only way to remove a US president is by assassination, there exists no democratic way to achieve it otherwise.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2008 08:58AM

jgoins Wrote:
> If it were real proof all you Bush whackers out
> there whould have had him out of office long
> before now. The simple truth is there is no truth
> to the stories. As for the videos, have you ever
> watched movies?

So,those videos aren't real, they are just part of a truth conspiracy, I see.............jdrinking smileygroin
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2008 11:11AM

The videos prove nothing. I have seen demolition and there were always explosions seen on the lower floors before the building falls. Just because the building falls does not mean it was an intended demolishion.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2008 05:25PM

There's a documentary by the BBC Horizon in 2002 about this shit:

"The Fall of the World Trade Center"

Look it up, you can get it on Bitorrent or Emule.....drinking smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2008 11:39AM

The BBC is blaming the design of the towers for their failure, which is more believable than a conspiracy to demolish the towers by our government.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2008 04:22PM

Actually there was nothing wrong with the design of the twin towers, they just didn't design them to withstand the direct impact of a Jet airliner and the insuing fire from thousands of gallons of jet fuel. And I still read shit from Idiots saying that steel doesn't melt........drinking smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2008 12:48PM

You are correct which puts to rest the conspiracy theory. If people think steel doesn't melt how do they think steel is created? Steel mills melt tons of it everyday.