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Paulian Manifesto
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Paulian Manifesto

"a book cover with text"

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Comments for: Paulian Manifesto
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2008 03:42PM

Coming out in April...........


Pre-Order it and the price will be reduced. The best deal.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2008 03:54PM

smiling bouncing smiley and he is doing sooooo good in the polls. smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2008 09:00PM

Does it include the racist newsletters he used to put out?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2008 06:16AM

and he is doing sooooo good in the polls.

Does it include the racist newsletters he used to put out?

also he is against abortion, and is completely nationalist! ron paul is counter-revolutionary!

how he is doing in the polls... f_d mentions here brings up a great point
even if it were not the case that ron paul is really just another reactionary, you can not get change when you work through the narrow confines of a bourgeois right to democracy

i guess on the upside of this ridiculous "super tuesday" being done with now; ron paul is out of this race so we can stop hearing about this "revolution" and maybe even bring in a small number of his supporters to something that is actually revolutionary...
some we can get to struggle about what humanity really needs
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2008 03:00PM

The Beast magically appears once again, wow, you must be pshycic m..........Beast!

I know you can't read this but, some can, read this and tell me he is not for the people, at least read the pieces that are in bold, know, this was from 1984 and look at how it holds so much more true today, the only True Patriot!

shadez, you are such a fake bitch, in the beginning when a couple Paul things came out you were going..... oh, yeah, that's true, that's cool, kinda attitude, then, your socialist dictators got a hold of you putting Dr.Paul down and going off, (they don't want things to get better, it would take away from their sales and marketing cult) then you changed your tune, those dictators are not for the people, they are for themselves, look at the "higher up" ones, look at their history, a lot of the very socialist guys today grew up in NY, parents had money etc. etc.... you know, their parents where communist, check up on them. By the way, have you ever thought of moving to Putinland?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2008 03:08PM

shadez gets on my nerves with his stupidity, not, was rambling and forgot the Dr.Paul...."Before the US House of Representatives, September 19, 1984". Here......


Here is the....... shadez America of tomorrow!

shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2008 10:58PM

true, i was kind of interested in him at first, but there was something i just didn't like... you can call a gut feeling
so i studied him more and his policies and found that i really didn't like him
the only thing he had going for him really was ending the war and fed reserve... but an extremely unrealistic way of achieving that
this "revolution" does not do away with the system of the old which is completely the opposite of the meaning of revolution

and you can't ever expect to have a revolution without a revolutionary theory
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2008 01:01AM

the peasants are revolting....grinning smiley