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why we fight
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why we fight

"a man in military uniform with children"

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Comments for: why we fight
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2007 10:34PM

down Nice set of pics quasismileys with beer
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 12:33AM

Thanks for sharing the humanistic side of the war that rarely is shown buddy thumbs

SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 04:34AM

Quasi, these pics are truly priceless. I have a newfound respect for you. Had no idea you felt this way. Plus, I apologize for any remarks I've made to you under my old SN. Eh... It was last year, probably not even worth mentioning.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 05:20AM

Just think.... 10 more years and these "cute" kids will be picking up rifles, putting a nice 7.62 mm round through the skull of an American GI.
Anon by nature Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 06:23AM

Just think.... 10 more years and these "cute" kids will be picking up rifles, putting a nice 7.62 mm round through the skull of an American GI.

I was just thinking that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 09:17AM


finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2007 09:20AM

Look at that kid in back to the left....... he knows those guys get pissed and/or scared and start killing anything that moves.

Why? Because that can't even figure out why they're there! Bush/Cheney..... Profit
Anon by nature Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2007 06:09AM

Why? Because that can't even figure out why they're there! Bush/Cheney..... Profit
John Howard just recently admitted that the reason for Australia's involvement was to secure oil reserves for Australia.

At least one of them has the balls to admit the primary reason. The secondary was the liberation of the subjugated Iraqi people, or was that a tertiary objective?

I can never work out their reasonings, but one of them has to be revenge for the attempted assassination of GWB Snr - "They tried to kill my daddy" was the battle cry IIRC or words to that effect.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2007 12:12PM

Maybe that kid in the back is thinking, "Damn, that's some cool gear that guy's got on - wonder if he'll let me wear his helmet," or, "shit, I hope I don't get beat up by those asshole kids back in the neighborhood for this."
You can make whatever you want out of these pictures, if you want to be defeatist and negative all the time, go right ahead, but a kid's smile is hard to fake, and some day when they're older they might remember the kindnesses and sacrifices made for them by these soldiers and not pick up that gun or bomb to use against someone else.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2007 09:14PM

Im sure he may consider not setting of the IED when he gets older... thinking how the GI's gave them candy, food, and water..... then the little fucker will remember how we put a few .223 rounds through his mother, brother, and sister....then flip the switch.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2007 10:44PM

Do you hate everybody or is it just Americans?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2007 10:50PM

It's not hate it's reality, it is not a secret that the Government has pictures taken on purpose to push war. War is war, nothing good can come from this war, these people in these photos at best are just people that haven't really been in and around the war......

Propaganda and War go hand in hand!

quasi, I feel sorry for your son.............
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 01:42AM

I feel sorry for you that you are so cynical.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 07:08AM

People exactly like the nutless anon above here are the very reason I want the US out of ALL countries. People only are willing to see the bad in everything the US does and never the good deeds that go along with even things as violent as is the war we're embroiled in now in Iraq.

Fuckit, I say bring all our service people home and may your god have whetever mercy they so choose on your asses once we do. You'll get exactly what you deserve and even then it will be viewed as our fault by whatever twisted logic is chosen to view the issues by at the time.

The world policeman thing isn't workin so I say screw it and all the rest of the world too the
finger smiley

Of course without the US tryin to impart some sort of sanity to the rest of the world I can guarantee some big bad motherfucker will rise to international power in less than 20 yrs, but the rest of the world sure doesn't hold the same view, so again I say "Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads!" the
finger smileythe
finger smiley

quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 03:19PM

We are vilified now for trying to do something and we'd be vilified if we did nothing. If we do leave the rest of the world to take care of itself we better use our military to close our borders and get busy with a new SDI program.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 06:30PM

Exactly my point quasi, so with that in mind, faced with a lose/lose proposition no matter what we do, why continue to put Americas sons and daughters in harms way trying to defend and protect people all over the world who don't give a fuck about us anyway while we also continue to pour billions after billions of American tax dollars to points all across the globe when no one but us cares about their well being anyway and they DAMNED sure don't give 2 shits about OUR welfare ?

We've spent all I care for us to spend in human life and our hard earned dollars in trying to make the world a safer place for people who in all likelihood will never live here and I think it's time we brought our soldiers home to protect our own country and interests and focused our energies as a nation on the problems within our own borders.

I've said it before but still feel it bears repeating : If we as a nation simply stopped ALL immigration and expelled those who have no legal right to be here, stopped outsourcing our production capabilities and spent as little as 20yrs in an isolationist mode we could make great strides forward in education of our people, improving and providing health care for everyone in our society, and protection of what really matters to most Americans, which is AMERICA !

And since we already possess the strongest national defense system I believe further work in that direction would be a very sensible idea. This is most especially true since if we were to suceed from the international police mans bureau the same countries which now decry our and bemoan our intenational presence now would just as surely turn their whines and hostilities against us because we would then choose to NOT stop their latest threats against them.

Since our international actions only allow failure and our villification as a society in the eyes of most of the rest of the world, I ask again, why should we continue to do so at such a great cost to ourselves ?

Like the old sayin goes "When you find yourself in a hole the 1st best step is to stop diggin."
