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"a sign with a person holding a gas pump"

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Comments for: ASS................
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2007 11:03AM

Stop driving when you don't really need to. Leave the vehicle in the drive instead of taking it for an unneeded drive. Conserving fuel will reduce the cost of gas because if they don't sell it they will not make the profits they want, so they will have to lower the price to get us back to driving.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2007 05:26PM

haven't pumped any in a whole month! how's that for conservatism
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 11:42AM

That's great, what are you using to get around? If more people try even half as much as you, the price will drop quickly. We as consumers must let the oil companies know that we will not stand for the high prices. Price increases must be related to the cost of crude and should also go down with the cost of crude as well.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 03:22PM

MY ass
people drive to goto work
kids goto schoolin buses
food and whosale move daily in the hundred of tons.
People have already cut back, You mearly have to look at the tourism revenue to tell that.
I personally drive a crotch rocket to work and thats about all
Grass still have to be cut with gas operated lawnmowers

There is no shortage of fuel or refineries, ENRON did the same thing with elecrtricty and said there was a shortage of elecric and even manipulated the stock market to say so

No .Jgoins ,your wrong ,your just a SAP and dint learn the first time.
By the way the currnt administration was in charge at that time and those people that were part of that energy plan are now in charge of energy at the white house.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 05:09PM

there's no shortage in oil....the wallstreet speculators are our enemies.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 07:45PM

dude, i drove everywhere!
mainly just coast along with the engine off in neutral
and always turn that fucker off and put in park when at a light or just stuck inna jam
also try to avoid driving at all in rush hour(i would show up to my class an hour early and just chill at the school to avoid that bullshit)
don't use air conditioner, instead have the windows rolled down
also driving like this i've found that i don't get the road rage, cus i don't speed so much and try to race others... and laugh at them when they get pissed off stuck behind me going 35 in a 45 mph zone... usually they're in a bug hummer too lol
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 11:06PM

> No .Jgoins ,your wrong ,your just a SAP and dint
> learn the first time.
> By the way the currnt administration was in charge
> at that time and those people that were part of
> that energy plan are now in charge of energy at
> the white house.

dude, why do you just sit around on your ass and bitch about the current admin
why not actually do something
remember, the problem with the way the world is, its root is not the current admin or any for that matter, rather the root is capitalism and one way we can defeat it is to watch how we consume, and reduce the fuck out of it! enough with all of this childish name calling, you're behaving no better than the goverment, and only serve to play right into the hands of the bourgeoisie counter-revolutionary tactic to divide the people

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 31/05/2007 11:07PM by shaDEz.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 11:03AM

Madmex you are wrong, tourism is still high and people are still wasting gas by making trips they don't need to. I see it everywhere, the roads are packed during non rush hours even in this small town, they can't all be going to work. It does no good for you to blame others for the high prices unless it is the oil companies you are blaming. Do you really believe the administration can just force the oil companies to reduce the price of their product. We live in a free enterprise system and if the government were to set prices then we would have a dictatorship and I know you don't want that. Since we live in a consumer based society we have more control over prices than you or anyone else wants to admit. If we don't buy something it has a price reduction or it gets taken off the market. Manufacturers can't afford to produce somethinng that does not sell. We do not have to stop doing things which need fuel, we just need to make certain we actually need to do it. If we go somewhere simply for the pleasure of it then we don't need to do it. We don't have to do this long, we just have to do it until the prices come down to where we like it. Then we can start back and show the oil companies what the price is we like. It will work, the stockholders want their dividends and when the companies don't make the prifit they don't get their dividends so the stockholders complain and the companies do something about it.