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May 2008 - Papers, do you have your Papers
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May 2008 - Papers, do you have your Papers

"a man and woman holding up id cards"

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Comments for: May 2008 - Papers, do you have your Papers
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 05:04AM

RFID's included....... Starting in 2008, if you do not possess a
REAL ID, you will lose the privileges
of being allowed to board an airplane,
access a bank account, enter a federal
building, or apply for social security. You will be tracked!

finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 05:30AM

I hope you Right-Wing puppets like giving your lives away to "Big Business"....

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 05:46AM

WE ALL dance at the end of someones string, like it or admit to it, it's still simple truth.

In the words of Bob Dylan :

You may be an ambassador to England or France,
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance,
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage,
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage,
You may be a business man or some high degree thief,
They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk,
You may be the head of some big TV network,
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame,
You may be living in another country under another name

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a construction worker working on a home,
You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome,
You might own guns and you might even own tanks,
You might be somebody's landlord, you might even own banks

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride,
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side,
You may be workin' in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,
You may be somebody's mistress, may be somebody's heir

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk,
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk,
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread,
You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy,
You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy,
You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray,
You may call me anything but no matter what you say

You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 11:40AM

We are being tracked in many ways already so what's the difference. Unless you live in a cave with no utilities and have no contact with the outside world you are being tracked now. Closed citcuit security cameras, traffic cameras, cash register scanners, utility bills and many many more, so if you are going to be paranoid why worry about RFIDs being added when there are so many other things we aren't really aware of?
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 03:34PM

thats right jgoins ,Give Up...We'll keep fighting them too the end.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 11:49PM

Yeah, we'll all have ID's except for the illegals.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2007 01:03AM

and they'll al have the guns.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2007 12:04PM

But I will have my guns too. Don't give up yours.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2007 02:53PM

Just don't get one! Do you know who has already been pumped for this a long time ago, Big Business, this is a sales and marketing dream come true, this is just the beginning to total control, they don't care if you know, they just push further and further and hate to break it to you, but, once all of this other crap gets into place the guns will be next, "the people" will be so tracked and controlled that it will not be a problem for them at all to take them away, in a "legal", "self righteous" way of course, nothing like Social Acceptability to keep the people in line.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2007 04:49PM

This too shall Pass

Library Of Alexandria
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2007 01:04AM

I agree it will pass. This country is in constant change whith swings in all directions all the time. Life is too short to worry about all the conspiracies running around.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2007 06:45AM

jgoin, are you saying this (National ID) is another conspiracy theory? As usual you better open your eyes, this is already law, went into effect in 2005. What, you think the mainstream media is going to tell the people whats going on? If this is what you were saying, then I can see you coming a million miles away, in 2008 you'll be making up excuses, saying, oh well nothing we can do about it, not a biggie anyway.....blahblahblah......
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2007 01:05PM

No, it is not a conspriacy theory, it is fact already started. There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it. This is a nation of individuals who will never agree on any one course of action so there is nothing any of us can do to stop this from happening. I think the RFIDs are being incooperated into our driver's liscenses because they are changing here in Arkansas. If so there is nothing we can do about it unless we just don't renew our DLs and drive illegally, in which case we will be caught. So if there is nothing we can do about it then it is better to just accept it.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

This is where the widom part comes in.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2007 11:14PM

"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."

I'll tell you what, you are definitely THE follower, if everyone and anyone since the beginning of this country thought anything even close to that we wouldn't even be here, that is very lame and weak, I can see that you always take the easiest way possible and in my opinion THAT is what's wrong with this country these days, people say "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it" and allow the corrupt backstabbers to bend them over for more of whatever they want whenever they want.

No wonder you love Bush, he made you one of his bitches!

"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
"There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it." "There is nothing we can do about it so why worry about it."
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2007 01:04PM

We choose to support the people who act the way we want them too. We do not choose the people to put in office who we think will act opposite to the way we want them to. Just because we support someone does not mean we are brainwash or someone's bitch it is merely fre thinking. If Bush were to act in a way I don't like then I would cease my support for him. If Hillary were to start acting strong on Iran and the other nut job countries then I would support her as well. You support the people you feel will act the way you desire as well, yet I don't call you their bitch.