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Ted Bundy or G.W.Bush?
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Ted Bundy or G.W.Bush?

"a man smiling for the camera"

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Comments for: Ted Bundy or G.W.Bush?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 03:24AM

Both of these assholes are sociopaths, but Bundy only murdered 23 people while Bush has murdered close to 700,000 and counting. Bundy is an angel compared to Bush and Bundy deserves the Medal of Freedom. If Bundy were alive today, he probably would have said: "Heckuva job, Bush."

Bundy has committed a misdemeanor compared to Bush.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 03:28AM

No, that would be aDCBeast. You really that old, beast? I guess it's your little tantrums that make you seem so much younger.
fuck off Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 03:45AM

Republifucks will do ANYTHING to keep from admitting to themselves that they are PATHETIC FAILURES. GROW THE FUCK UP.

YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WRONG. For precisely the same reasons Oooooooooooover and Ooooooooooooover and Ooooooooooooooover....

Not a DC whoosits.....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 04:19AM

Fuck off, FUCK OFF, you ASSHOLE! Your post doesn't make sense. the
finger smiley
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 05:34AM

don't you fucking know what you are??? go on get back to where you belong
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 06:07AM

ShaDEz, your post is nonsense like fuck off's post. You're the product of a dumbed-down American educational system. You're an embarrassment to this board. the
finger smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 08:33AM

shaDEz .. is the product of too many hits of california sensi and maui wowie.

He doesn't have enough brain cells left to comprehend how much damage Bush has done to the world.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 12:00PM

The only problem is Bush hasn't done enough. He should have turned the entire middle eat into a sheet of glass. Weh haven't heard the last of them yet.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 03:10PM

I see that JGOINS is always talking about kicking ass and killing people that dont like it when we invade there country. He speaks of bleeding heart liberals as if hes ashamed of the very sign of weakness. I am proud to be a bleeding heart liberal.

Because i am secure in my manhood i wont sputter grade school threats. Lots of kids who were bullied and harrased in school grow up to be hatefull and warmongers and like to attach themselves to winners. Whether the cause is right or wrong.

Its ok Jgoins ,let the hate go.......Democrates are here ,
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 04:37PM

There more of them then there are of us. I stand by my original post. Pissing contests don't work and the only people who think they do will get us ALL Killed.

Just like in real life (which GW has never had to live....) you have to pick and choose your fights with intelligence.

Still not a DC whoosits.....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 07:19PM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 08:30PM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: December 22, 2006 01:19PM

Alright penis breath

did you ever think that 9-11 was payback for the past 150yrs of British and US exploitation of the people and resources of the middle east?

If you are going to open your mouth and voice an opinion, you should really do your homework first. You won't appear like an uneducated redneck that can't remember the things that the US did to bring 9-11 on itself.

Fuckin tard!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 08:36PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

Go buy a dildo you angry bitch. You will be doing the world a favor.

Your thinking is exactly the reason people left europe and went to the new world. The king and his lords thought they were too fucking good for commoners and should tell them what to think, what religion to practice, etc.

Maybe you should swim back across the Atlantic to suck up to the queen. jgoins the TORY!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 01:02AM

"the things that the US did to bring 9-11 on itself."
Beast, your the fucking tard!hot smiley
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 05:23AM

i made a doo doo today
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 12:24PM

Looks like I got to Beast and pissed him off. Too bad, so sad. Concider the fact that at least the radical Islamists use conversion by the sword to assimilate people to their religion. This makes me think the religion is like the Borg. "We will assimilate you, resistance is futile." I agree with the previous poster that they should be destroyed anywhere they are found.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 05:50PM

I agree with Jgoins, religion has always had this your either with us or your the infidel and must die to apease the gods. Christians do the same thing,ask any native american in north america just how rightous jesus christ followers were.

I think all chriastians and muslims and any other faith that requires that you shut your eyes and do what god wants you to do ,should be killed.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 11:05PM

You Dorks (yeah the old fashioned kind) want millions of people killed, so, you should be the one's that should have to do it, one at a time, you guys talk all kinds of shit but it's easy to see you are just shit talking pussies. As soon as you would personally feel some pain you'd change your way of thinking real quick, I don't understand all you hardass little pricks around here talking all this shit but, hell no, you won't take your tuff coward shit any further, if you believe and feel so greatly, why don't you sign up today, Iraq is wide open to you. That's what I thought, pussy excuses. That's one thing you're good at!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 03:27AM

somebodie's panties are all in a wad
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 11:58AM

Well Mr. Anonymous, I served my time during Viet Nam so now it is someone elses turn. If not for my age I would be there today as well. I doubt you served any time in the military. The human animal will always kill each other no matter how enlightened you think you are so it is better to kill those who threaten us first rather then just sitting back and waiting for them to kill us.
Politician Soldier Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 04:48PM

Bush is a moron. He never gave sanctions or diplomacy a chance to work, and he didn't even try to get international support before declaring war on Iraq. Then, he rushed our military into the country to depose Saddam, and he had no idea what to do once that goal was accomplished.

Iraq is a quagmire and a failure. I've been there twice (in 1991 and 2005), and it's worse now than it's ever been.

The Iraqis insist that religion be incorporated into their government -- but Sunnis, Shias and Kurds have fundamental differences that will never be resolved. Civil war is the only way anything will ever get decided over there.

There is no real way to "win" this war because Bush has never even bothered to define his definition of "winning."

Even Republicans are distancing themselves from Bush in order to give them a chance of surviving the 2008 election. Those who claim that they are Republicans and still "love" Bush are just poseurs who are trying to make the Republican party look like a bunch of mindless fools.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 12:28PM

Sanctions were in place on Saddam for 12 years prior to the invasion and did no good whatsoever. The sanctions only hurt the people of Iraq and didn't bother Saddam at all. Either you are too young to remember or you just never watched the news in the '80s and '90s/
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 02:45PM

Iraq has been a "quagmire" for centuries, you fuckheads try to blame it all on W are really sad, but funny.

you can quit your bitchin' about how stupid he is till '08, you'll damn sure need it to get a Dem elected.

you also better find a better candidate than a black guy or a woman to run. I'd vote for blliary but the American people are in no way ready for a black President or a female President to be the commander in chief. if you think w is hard headed and does whatever he wants, wait till you see the cunt in action.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 09:15PM

Let's just hope the republicans don't run Condi. If that happens the Ralph Nader will get my vote. This may actually be his year if nothing better comes down the pipe.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 09:51PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

You forgot a 3rd option. The sanctions worked very well. Saddam didn't acquire any WMDs and the nuclear inspectors found, quantified, and labeled all of Iraq's WMDs.

The people of Iraq being injured by the sanctions was a choice Bush I made. It was known before the sanctions went into effect. Bush I chose to injure the people of Iraq.

That is why the Oil for Food program started. So Saddam could provide for the citizens of Iraq rather than the people die in mass. Sure Saddam stole but the original objective of preventing Saddam from acquiring WMDs was maintained and the Iraqi people were able to survive. Sure Saddam stole money for himself but that was expected when the Oil for Food program was passed by the UN.

You really think on the surface. BTW, the news (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, all of them) sell BS. They have no clue as to the truth on most matters.


That was fucking weak.

No one has blamed Iraq's past history (before 2003) on dipshit W. No one. They do blame him for destroying Iraq for what could be forever going forward.

W turned what was already a volatile situation for the middle east and turned it into a worldwide problem.

Iraq was fine under Saddam. He was contained.

Funny, dumbass white people of the south and west can't even see that their hatred of blacks and hispanics is what is causing their problems.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 10:32PM

shall i quote you blaming W? i have it saved in a special lying assed beastie bitch file.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 10:35PM

i think I'll save it for another day.

you disprove yourself at will, and everyone knows you're full of shit
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 10:38PM

"Iraq was fine under Saddam. He was contained."

strange that you defend Saddam. maybe Baghdad or Tehran is a better place for you to live. all you're doing here i making a fool of yourself. smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 05:23AM

I quoted testimony before the US congress by CIA and pentagon officials. You have a problem with what they said then you can take it up with them.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 05:26AM


Do you realy know how to read ? Have you lost cognitive function ? Or are you drunk?

I and the AMERICAN PEOPLE blame George Bush for the 1000 mistakes in Iraq since March of 2003.

I even stated in my post that he gets a free pass on Iraq from me prior to March 2003.

You must be pouring the liquor heavy tonight.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 12:32PM

You said Bush 1 caused the people of Iraq to be hurt with the sanctions and blame Bush 2 for even more, but you fail to mention that Clinton for 2 terms did his share and did nothing to stop the sanctions. The obvious fact you neglect to blame is the fact that Saddam were never in power then none of that would have happened. So the right person to blame for all of it is Saddam Whoinsane. You would be the kind of person who blames the rape victim instead of the rapist.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 04:03PM

I'm tired of proving what a fool you are. so i will allow you to see if your brainwashing techniques really work. smiling bouncing smiley

if you notice there are only 2 or 3 people stupid enough to jump on the beast train. then they realize their stupidity and shut up, never to back your ass again. smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2006 07:38AM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

you are a moron.

You really need to do your homework before hitting the keyboard.

The US wanted Ba'athe party to take power in 1968 (Pre-Saddam) with Al-Bakr as its leader because it was a secular party as opposed to other islamic countries in the region.

Saddam continued the secular government through 2003 while other nations in the region grew in islamic governance.

Saddam was the US's buddy during the Iran-Iraq war. Good Ole Rumsfeld shaking his had in Baghdad. Saddam was contained now more than ever.

Clinton did nothing to end the sanctions? You really are an idiot. The Clinton Admin orchestrated the Oil for Food program to aid the Iraqi people.

The original sanctions on Iraq were to appease Israel and no one else. Israel is the problem.

Secondarily, had Ambassador Gillespie told Saddam in no uncertain terms that he could not invade Kuwait in August of 1990, the last 15 years would have been a lot better for the world and Iraq.


You couldn't make anyone look foolish. The inbred kid from deliverance has more intellect and skill.

You compound your stupidity by thinking that being correct is a popularity contest or people have to be won over the day you say it.

The American people have learned over the pst 3 years that Bush was full of shit. And they showed their intellect on the past election day.

You must get stupid drunk to have one night stands with wrinkly 50yr old fat women that look like your mom.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2006 12:38PM

Clinton's oil for food program was a really good program, for Saddam, not the Iraqi people.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2006 02:02PM

you really gotta get some new material beast, those sucked the first 100 times. thumbs
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 28, 2006 05:52AM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

The oil for food program kept many Iraqis alive.

Most of the money in the program went to aid the iraqi people. Saddam taking his cut was expected when the program was introduced and PASSED by the UN.

The UN was not ready to tell Israel to fuck off at that point. Now they are.


I wasn't making a joke.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 28, 2006 12:53PM

No beast you are the joke.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 28, 2006 08:25PM

I know you are, but what am I? tongue
sticking out smiley