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Dems have lied since day one!
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Dems have lied since day one!

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Dems have lied since day one!
Duane Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 11:36AM

So do you Beast.[]
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 11:43AM

A perspective that makes far more sense then you hatred for Bush.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 03:03PM

Uhhh... this wasn't uploaded by Beast?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 03:33PM

Like Republicans haven't?

You need a dose of reality. Try watching CNN instead of Fox news for a few days.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 09:11PM

Never said they didn't.smoking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 09:39PM

Libs are great,they have all the answers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 10:12PM

John Kerry at his best.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 01:29AM

For the pin heads that found this hole yesterday and won't read my past posts.

I hate Bush because he disregarded intelligence analysts and agents in the field to go after Saddam.

British intelligence believed Saddam was not a threat to anyone.

American intelligence didn't believe Saddam had WMDs.

Dick Cheney pressed a handful of inexperienced cia boobs who wrote reports that supported the Bush admin cause for the occupation of Iraq.

When your work gets thrown in the garbage to enter into the occupation of a country for false pretenses, you get pissed off.

Bush wanted to get Saddam because Saddam retaliated against Daddy Bush after Gulf War I. Nevermind that Daddy Bush fucked Saddam over leading up to GWI.

Bush got good american soldiers killed for his ego.

In the true words of "Ray Zalinsky" ... What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 01:58AM

SHUT THE FUCK UP BEAST! You didn't do your homework and watch the video link. From day one you have posted anti-Bush rhetoric, it doesn't mater what if its republican its fair game to you. NOT JUST BUSH! So stop fucking lying you vaginal blood fart.the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 02:00AM

By the way, when its your work I'll buy the pissed off thing.smiling bouncing smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 02:45AM

Watch this and you will know why we should kill them every where we find them. The end is the reason and the means.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 12:37PM

Saddam needed to be remove for well over a decade before we finally did. The only problem was the fact we didn't kill him and didn't take the war far enough. We should not have stopped with Iraq, we should have continued on to Syria and Iran and not take the time to rebuild any of them. If the country is destroyed and then left alone the will not be a threat to anyone for years to come. Trying to build a democracy in the region is good in theory but will not succeed in over coming their blind following of radical Islamists. Leaving the countries in devastation works better.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 09:01PM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: December 21, 2006 08:45PM

you truly are ... an idiot.

jgoins ..... chickenlittle

Saddam needed to be removed through diplomatic channels after convicing him that democracy could work in Iraq. Where a democratic system of government was set up prior to Saddam leaving office.

Saddam did not gas the kurds. DIA.

Saddam did not kill hundreds of thousands of shia. CIA, MI6, MOSSAD.

The current civil war in Iraq existed while Saddam was in power. He was powerless against it.

Hell .. the US military is powerless against the civil war going on.

The only thing Saddam had was the power to steal money from the Iraqi government. And he stole a lot.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 11:16PM

"Saddam needed to be removed through diplomatic channels after convicing him that democracy could work in Iraq. Where a democratic system of government was set up prior to Saddam leaving office."
Your calling me an Idiot.eye
popping smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 12:15PM

Diplomacy did nothing for 12 years, so why would anyone with half a brain think it could do anything with more time?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 06:45AM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

Once again you DO NOT know that the experts have said about the inspections while Saddam was in power.

Every Atomic energy commission worldwide has said that the inspections were working as set out.

You should stop believing the NEOCon, Limbaugh, and Hannity propaganda. They have zero credibility at this point.

Consider yourself a sucker about news concerning Saddam and Iraq for the last 15 years. It seems you wanted to believe something bad about Saddam so you did. This non-obejective view make you a follower and stupid.

Saddam did not gas the kurds. DIA

Saddam did not allow inspections of his nuclear facilities. He did. And the atomic agencies know that. Only politicians in DC said he did not. And they were wrong big time.

Saddam did not kill shia or kurds and bury them in mass graves. CIA, MI6, MOSSAD

Saddam did not do 95% of the things he is accused of. The only things he did was take the necessary steps to stay the leader of Iraq.

Your and other american nitwits hatred extends further. There is no such thing as a radical islamist. Pure CIA propaganda. If you allow that thought to enter your head as true then you must accept the idea that their are radical christians. You know, that bomb abortion clinics, shoot abortion doctors, and blow up olympic venues. You can't accept one idea without the other. Show me your hatred of chrstians. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.

That is how people with their own internal hatred problems think.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 11:46AM

conversion by the sword is what the radical Islamists use and they do exist. I also believe there are radical chiristians but not as many and I also hate them as well. People like you who don't believe there is a threat are the ones who wil allow the threat to grow to the point where threat will become more than just a threat.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 10:31PM

jgoins .. chickenlittle

You are an idiot.

I have always maintained that groups of arabs that have been wronged by British and US tyranny for the last 150yrs finally gathered some means to attack.

There is no such thing as a radical islamist. That is pure sensationalism to get morons like yourself all worked up with hate.

The reality is that there are islamic people being used to carry out military strikes for pissed off leaders of arab peoples. The reason these leaders of the people have such a big following is because they represent the people unlike the ruling class leaders who are unelected slugs.

This is history repeating itself. They are revolting over the ruling class. Unfortunately, the US over the past 60 years is the most powerful ruler of their countries through money and military support.

It is time for morons like yourself to give up the surface level thinking that there are good and evil people. That is retarded.

You need to take the challenge of raising your thinking so this problem can be solved. Currently people who think like you are the problem.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 12:24PM

No, it is people who think like you who are the problem. These people will never stop regardless of anything we do. There only desire is to destroy all who are not Islam and rule those who are Islam. It is people like you who will allow them to carry out there destruction around the world and you will be the first to kneel and pray to the East.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 02:47PM

whoever doubts that will be the first to perish.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 09:11PM

I for one will never convert and if I will have to die instead then I will take several with me.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 10:04PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

you are a joke. People with a mind as small as yours would be the first to die in combat. Your not bright enough.

"It is people like you who will allow them to carry out there destruction around the world and you will be the first to kneel and pray to the East"

1) I work every day so scum like yourself can breath one more day. Kind of like the secret service defends W even though they think he is a dumbass.

2) I believe in no god so praying is out of the fucking question.

People who align themselves with a religion allow their base prejudices to be used against them.

Uneducated muslims are used for these military attacks.

Uneducated christians are used by dipshit W to carry out his attacks.

Same thing.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 12:22PM

Well beastie, I already survived 1 war and will also survive the next one, You do nothing which helps keep us living free daily. Your daily surfing of the internet for reindeer porn is not helping any of the rest of us.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 04:06PM

Rudolph the deep throated raindeer
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 05:21PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 05:22PM
