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Evil Empires
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Evil Empires

"a black and white sign with black text"

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Comments for: Evil Empires
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 26, 2006 10:36PM

An oldie but a goodie.

There are lots of different resolutions available at []

This image is in the public domain- go wild!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 12:04AM

How about go to hell.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 01:32AM

Another stupid image posted by another stupid idiot.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 03:55AM

For all the free thinkers still left on this planet they'd best pray to whatever diety they choose that the US doesn't topple.

If we were to fall today, do you truly think the world would be better for it mr "I haven't enough guts to put a name to my comments" OP ?

Who then would mobilize their miltary to rush aid from their citizenry to the next tsunami striken area and then help in setting up early warning technologies to help those same people who'll likely never be citizens here?

Who then will be willing to put their own sons and daughters in harms war in places like Croatia when overpowering forces seek extermination of a people in genocidal proportions when the rest of the world just turns their back on such inhumanity ?

Who then will try in seeming vain to help people all over the globe at such great costs to their own people and resources ? The French ? The Germans, Chinese, Koreans, Indians ? Who then you dumbass? Who on the whole fuckin planet will shoulder such tasks ???

Secondly, anyone wanting to draw comparisons between a communist run state once known as the USSR and the USA realistically is only showing their own lack of depth in understanding either regime, government or peoples.

If you happen to know any emigrated Russians, ask them about how the USA compares to the country they left socially, economically or maybe just ask 'em straight up where they'd rather be. Though they will tell you they love their country and always will, here in the USA is where they wanna be !
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 04:16AM

Bravo,Mr Kim, bravo. I'm sure that bit of truth will elicit expected responses.
Many complain, yet none leave...they still live in the USA.
Kudos for a well written piece.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 11:37AM

Youi are right Mr. Kim. If the US falls then how many other countries will fall when they loose our support? If the US falls then the UN will fall since we support them more than any others financially. If the US falls like russia did, the good life you are living now would disintegrate and the world would fall into disarray.
The Central Scrutinizer Report This Comment
Date: October 27, 2006 09:12PM

America's not evil. The fascist right wing nutjobs that have just about stolen it away from the Constitutional framework for our Democracy are evil. Big Difference.

It's the same numbnuts who fucked us over from '68-'74 (and set this mideast quagmire up in the Goldwater era with the Shah and Hussein) and then again in '80-88 and now again. It's an uninformed, intellectually short sighted, basically lazy and greedy electorate's fault, but that electorate (outside of an inbred, insulated "ownership" class-85% of America's wealth belongs to about 8% or so of the population) isn't inherently evil. Just lazy, self absorbed and easily seduced by $600.00 dollar tax breaks that won't even BEGIN to pay for the lube that the average person will need to handle the ass fucking they're taking now by the banking industry (changes in lending statutes),Supreme Court Rulings (Hand over your real estate! Who says? They do, thanks to the eminent domain empowering dipshits that voted for these greedy fuckwads) and Big Oil market manipulations.
(The only fair market drag on prices out there during the runup was Chavos/Venezuela. When our government can make him look good, SOMETHING IS VERY, VERY FUCKED UP.)

It goes on and on. And the blind who refuse to see,obviuosly never will.

Now if on the other hand, you're one of the idle rich, just trying to perpetuate your own Gold Lame Gilded existence, I get your motivations perfectly. But understanding you will never make you correct to anybody with a scintilla of common sense. (or Decency.)
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2006 12:13PM

Do you really think the dems will protect you and not watch out for themselves? They will raise your taxes and make you believe it is a good thing. All politicians are the same where money is concerned. I prefer the country remain strong globally. I do not hate the rich for being rich even though I envy them. The same can be said for you, none so blind as those who will not see.
sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2006 01:51PM

Americans are so full of's ridiculous. You think you rules this world. You should ask yourself why so many people in the rest of the world hate you.

You always put your nose where it doesn't belong. Like in IRAK. Where are the weapons of mass destruction again???? The guy you're looking for is in Afghanistan...not in IRAK. Yeah, but there is oil in IRAK, so that is different...sigh!!!

So, let's make war with IRAK and have another country pissed at us. A lot of great mind in the States...sigh!!!

Economically, China and India will soon surpass you. It has already began. At lot of Americans jobs are now done in those countries.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 29, 2006 11:08AM

Well sbro, America may have her problems but when push comes to shove and the next big war comes, you will be glad we exist. Amerca will not go quietly unto the night. We will survive and be around as a major force in the world wheather you like it or not. We will even be around to protect you if need be.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2006 03:14AM

jgoins Wrote:
> Well sbro, America may have her problems but when
> push comes to shove and the next big war comes,
> you will be glad we exist. Amerca will not go
> quietly unto the night. We will survive and be
> around as a major force in the world wheather you
> like it or not. We will even be around to protect
> you if need be.

Americans will be responsible for the next great war. So, I'm not glad you exist since you're the cause of all the problems...especially when you elected George W. Bush...that wasn't so bright
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2006 12:59PM

The Islamic people will be responsible for starting the next great war because they are too simple minded to put a stop to the Islamic fundamentalists and will end up following the terrorists to start their holy war.

Bush will not be in office after '08 so who will you blame then?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 24, 2007 10:31PM

hey MR kim, sorry but america sucks nuts

morally degradent nation and its basically breaking apart right now.

sorry, im russian and i would rather live in russia, currently alaska but im 16 and i have no choice. dont give me that bullcrap that im young and i dont know shit, i know more politics than half the dumbasses that live here. the US army has barely done shit for the world except fight pointless wars like RIGHT NOW, didnt do shit in WW2

russia sacrafcied 20 million to keep germany from invading this pathetic country

what did the US do? they attacked JAPAN, and only because their little port got attacked. oh yeah and they killed


oh wait, they kill innocent peopel all the time

its just in World War Two it was the japanese, now its the middle easterners.

GG fuckface