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"a red circle with a red circle around it"

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Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 08, 2006 05:18PM

fags are the disease AIDS is the cure!
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: April 08, 2006 05:33PM

bigotry is a disease too, yet Talon bullets are the correct cure for that.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: April 08, 2006 09:59PM

i always like the "awareness commercials" telling me how aids affects everyone. (It is true that anyone can contract aids) The fact is, it primarily is spread between homosexual males and intravienous drug users - its their problem, let them deal with it. I have no sympathy for a disease that was completely preventable.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 12:03AM

Fact #1 Outside the body AIDS is a weak virus and will die quickly. You can eat food covered in blood soaked AIDS virus and the stomach acid will kill the virus.
#2 AIDS is only strong in blood to blood contact and in semen.
#3 Dope-heads get AIDS from sharing needles which leads to blood to blood contact.
#4 Fags gets AIDS because they fuck each other up the ass. The semen is shot into the bowels and absorbed into the blood stream. It is easier for a man to give it to a man by fucking him up the ass than it is for a man to give it to a woman by fucking her in the pussy. If fags would just suck each other’s dicks they would not give each other AIDS - but they have to have their daily dose of man-ass!
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 05:22AM

given what 229248 said is true, i still wont come anywhere near a dude with a aids. Too much risk. In the rare event that some of their fluids get into me, I can get aids. If i get aids - I will die of aids. Call my actions paranoid, i still will not come within 10 feet of anything aids.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 05:48AM

if what 229248 said is true, then why don't they use stomach acid to treat aids victims?
rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 06:22AM

no more PIXELS
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 06:28AM

The stomach acid kills the virus before it enters the blood stream you dumbass. Once it's in the blood stream it's over with. Mankind has never found a "cure" for a virus. We have vaccines to stop some viruses but we have never "cured" a person of a virus. The common cold is a virus and is much less complex than the HIV virus, but we can't even cure the common cold. Just don't let someome butt-fuck you and odds are you won't get AIDS.
cesiuminjector Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 10:44AM

i cant accept any odds when it comes to aids. Being around aids infected people is just pointless endangerment of my life to me, perhaps i would make an exception if the person infected were family or freinds. I know its overly paranoid.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 11:12AM

I'm not suggesting you get around anybody with AIDS. I'm just trying to let it be known that it is not that easy to catch and if the horny fags would just use a little common sense, they would never get it.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 12:31PM

I believe we have a cure for just about everything but the pharmicutical companies are witholding them because they make more money from those infected and it is a way of population control. Cancer can be cured right now but the drug companies make more money by not curing the patient. Aids is the same way, they make more money from the aides cocktail then they would from the cure.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2006 07:01PM

Now THAT's paranoid.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2006 01:34AM

thats not paranoia, that's reality...the almighty dollar rules the world not human compassion...don't believe everything you se on tv or read in the papers...

and anon229248, I am not a dumbass, I just happen to have a sense of humor and I am truly sorry for you, because clearly, you do not..
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2006 01:37AM

You know, Lesbians are at the lowest risk for contracting AIDS/HIV. They must be the chosen people.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2006 07:36PM

Have you ever heard the Bloodhound Gang,"I wish I was queer so I could get chicks"its pretty funny.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 05:27AM

There has never been a documented case of a woman giving AIDS to another woman. They have no semen so it would have to be blood to blood contact, which means one woman would have to be on her period while the other woman's pussy sucked it in.
the_anti_christ Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2006 05:58PM

Lesbians fuck women.... so do I therefore I am a lesbian and one of the chosen people.... I'm also male!!!!!!!