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Iraq Civil War coming soon .. Sadly accelerated US soldier deaths too
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Iraq Civil War coming soon .. Sadly accelerated US soldier deaths too

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Comments for: Iraq Civil War coming soon .. Sadly accelerated US soldier deaths too
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 05:54AM

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 06:04AM

The point is valid, the messenger is idiotic. Iraq was a forced amalgamation, under British rule in the 1917+ period, and would probably not have formed into one state as the Brits created.

Instability is the reigning military paradigm, so this comes as no surprise.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 06:07AM

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 06:15AM

Fossil... you want to defend Bush's "puny plan" (The lord humungous) to democractize Iraq ? To show the arab world that democracy is a farce in Arab lands ? To show once and for all that he has no fucking clue about non-white american people.

Civil War makes all soldiers sho died in Iraq to have died in vain. Their lives were taken for NOTHING. No WMDs. No "terrorism". Not a fucking thing.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 06:18AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 12:14PM

Fossil Digger, you really are a fuckwit. Cunts like you should be in Iraq getting their shit blown away instead of the other poor bastards. But retards like you forget about the real world when you spend all your time jacking off in front of your PC. Dickhead.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 02:18PM

oooooo i think i'm gonna cry!

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 02:47PM

Wow ! If indeed they undertake a civil war and kill off a bunch of each other that would be great since surely in the process a few of the same fools making things so hard on us there now would be among the dead .... Hooray !!
In truth, these folks are just like so many others in that end of the world. They've been killing each other off with great regularity since time began, so what would be any different about that now?
Oh wait ... I bet aDCBeast feels like the Iraqis were far better under a totalitarian mad man who constantly siphoned away all the $$ of his subjects while thumbing his nose wildly at the accords he'd agreed to at the end of the 1st Gulf War, which in doing so assured they would continue suffering even more due to the stoppage of aid shipments and the terms of the various embargos levied from those actions.

Oh yeah, they're waaaaaay worse off today being treated like actual humans who have a right to personal freedom. I see your point, all I hafta do is look at the top of your head.
Whatta maroon !
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 03:20PM

hey someone said something that includes reality! good job mrkim!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 03:28PM

I do what I can fossil. Seemed like a lil reality check was in order, so ....... :>P
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 03:45PM

these type of morons crack me up!
i guess that's why i love to provoke 'em.
always fun to get 'em to spout off at the ass, never thinking before posting a retarded comment or picture. ahhhh, i guess i remember being young, dumb, and full of........shit

mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 05:19PM

Yeah it's fun isn't it ? :>winking
I can see it all now ... instead of troops being continually in harms way they could just kick back, grab a few bags of popcorn & watch the show while they keep score!
Of course the media would all pack up and head home due to the lack of any Americans being involved in the action.
Isn't it strange that the only press coming outta Iraq never includes any details of the new construction occuring, or the medical aid, food and clothing being distributed, or even the simple acts of kindness that also are a byproduct of the military campaign?
Wow, since (liberals would have you believe) the media is all controlled by the conservatives, they must really be falling down on their jobs in this regard!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 05:46PM

the reason the press never reports kindness etc... is noone gives a shit about what we do for the people, they only want the "dirt".

buncha soap opera, reality show, watching..... we have no life outside our homes old ladies.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 09:12PM

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Karl_Gump Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 09:31PM

Saddam Hussein has been ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about everything he stated in the buildup to the war.

Arrogant, Evil jackass that he was, he had the one redeeming feature and that shall be his legacy:

He kicked the US in the ass by telling them the truth based on his experiences with the Federal Government during his training and installation by right wing NUTJOBS in the 50's. When he stopped being Nixon's Ho in the 70's is when things began to turn ugly and his sudden "evilness' made big news here.

Wake the fuck up. Dumbasses.

Dumbasses are as Dumbasses do.....

Americans have never BEEN (It's well beyond the stage of "appearing"winking
smileystupider in the world eyes.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2006 10:01PM

shrimp creole, shrimp salad, shrimp cakes, shrimp mind
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 12:00AM

Mrkim ... you are an idiot .. way to look at the small picture.

If they kill each other (in Iraq) then the other malcontents in billions of muslims left with cause another 9-11 military strike.

GET IT DUMBASS ! The US will be blamed for causing unrest between muslims when Saddam had them in check. That is why the US supported Saddam in the 80s.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 12:24AM

we already get blamed for anyones suffering........
dial 1 for a mgr.
dial 2 for the operator.
dial 3, it won't do anything, but it might make you feel better
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 02:25AM

Ok, Ok, one at a time, so here goes ....
Karl, do you honestly believe that Saddam exhibited the same traits initially when he was taken under our wing and trained as he eventually showed to the rest of the world with his tyrannical actions some 50 years later ?

Though lots of folks claim to posess powers of clairvoyance, none of them have ever seemed to have proved them out when held up against serious scrutiny. With that in mind, is it hard to understand how his eventual agenda could have been something he developed over that same period of time ?

Let's put this in a simpler scenario for the sake of a simpler analogy.

Say you're good at your job and are asked to train someone in how to do that job, so you do. Ok, so then 50 years down the road that same person takes the training you imbued them with and used it to pit every employee against one another, make pointed attacks on a particular branch of the company and then commands of his devoted underlings (who now have come to fear him like the plague) that they attack and take over by force a smaller company with valuable assets.

Now then, since you had trained this guy 50 years ago, do you feel any justification in someone holding you accountable for his maniacal actions ? Or do you feel like you had given him the best training possible which he simply abused and in turn used to achieve a hidden agenda and you are not responsible for his actions ?
It's just my feelings on the matter but here goes: If anyone is EVER held responsible for the actions of another, it's bull shit. Only the one carrying out an act is responsible for that act, plain and simple, no matter what ! One of the serious problems in the world today is that everyone wants to blame anyone they can for their own actions and attempt to place blame anywhere except where it belongs, which is with the one who has actually done a wrong thing. It really isn't any more complicated than that ; >winking

Now on to aDCBeast: 'bout time fuck face, been callin you out for days with out even a peep outta you. I'd begun to feel you actually didn have a pair, but ....

If the Iraqis undertake a civil war because their tyrannical leader is held up in court over the attrocities he initiated against his own "beloved" people he's so fond of quoting about in his maniacal court tirades (whatta farce that trial has turned into, but quite another story, so), how the fuck is that our responsibility?
These people have been fighting and killing each other long before Saddam began his own campaigns to do so (or did you forget about the attrocities he levied on his own people he was"controlling", a bit MORE than holding in check).
The unrest was there long before ANY American set foot in Iraq, and if anything, our presence there only cemented a few more of them together as they now perceived a new enemy they could band together TO fight, which is the US Military BTW, just in case you missed the inference.

I admit the Muslims are a malcontent bunch of stupid sheep whose numbers are impressive and their abilities at terrorism are quite well known. However, the blame for whatever actions they undertake in the future will still rest in THEIR hands and no one elses. If that seems hard to swallow, read the above comments to Karl again, dunno that it will realistically get through your obviously thick skull, but hey, stranger things have happened, so there's always hope, even for you ;>winking

BTW, one thing the US hasn't done since WWII, but still lies in the field of options should we suffer another attack of the magnitude of 9-11 is something the Muslim sheep ought to keep in mind. We could make a nice big glass exhibit somewhere if we ever wanted to.

Yakno, the one thing the terrorists never expected, or they surely wouldn't have carried out the attacks on 9-11 was that they awoke a dangerous sleeping giant and managed to do something that nothing had seemed to do since we began as a country.
They united all the diverse folks here in the US as they had NEVER been united before. The outcry for blood was on the lips of people who would NEVER have uttered such an idea before. IF another terrorist attack were to occur, the response afterward might not be so measured the next time.

Comments? Calls for clarification? I'd be happy to help !
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 05:08AM

Mrkim .. Calling me out ? LOL !

Well you are wrong against bitch.

Iraqi civil war has nothing to do with Saddam being in court. Iraqi's have free reign to kill opposing tribes as was told to President Dipshit before the war.

The US military is not a policing agency. It was never meant for that and it is not trained for that. Sadly they will die shooting at both sides of the coming civil war.

Another dictator will have to emerge to end the civil war. He will have to kill some of his socalled own people to restore order.

Hmmmmm ... sounds like another they used to have recently.

You also bought into the BS that Saddam committed massive atrocities when he did not. Most of the "atrocities" are US propaganda aimed at controlling the worlds opinion about Saddam.

That sunnis and shia have been fighting long before Saddam does not contradict one immutable fact. Saddam stabilized the country.

Mrkim .. There is no such thing as a terrorist. That is a bumper sticker word for the stupid.

This civil war will be the basis for military leaders like Usama Bin Laden to formulate more rhetoric against the west. Thus creating more military actions by muslim groups.

The US entering Iraq was probably the biggest mistake in any US president has ever made.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 02:44PM

"Iraqi's have free reign to kill opposing tribes as was told to President Dipshit before the war."

Free reign? I believe every man has "free reign" to kill any man, so what does that have to do with anything anyway? So instead of just spouting unsupportable rubbish, who told the president they would have such "free reign"?

"The US military is not a policing agency. It was never meant for that and it is not trained for that. "

While the US Military was never meant by design to be a policing agency, yes indeed they are trained in such matters as part of their urban warfare training and have carried out like duties many times in the past century.

"Sadly they will die shooting at both sides of the coming civil war."

If such a war errupts, I'm sure casualties will occur as they have been doing since the 1st troops entered Iraq, and likely at a ratio of the dead among the opposing forces as has been occuring since this campaign began. American soldiers are well trained to commit more of the opposition to their graves than themselves and do so.

No loss of life in war is ever good. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters all grieve for their losses in war, however, death of soldiers in war time is inevitable. Does the saying "War is hell" ring any bells?

"Another dictator will have to emerge to end the civil war. He will have to kill some of his so called own people to restore order."

Time will certainly tell if there is any truth in this statement, but simply throwing a statement like that out there won't hold any water, sorry.

"You also bought into the BS that Saddam committed massive atrocities when he did not. Most of the "atrocities" are US propaganda aimed at controlling the worlds opinion about Saddam."

And you can back this statement with what evidence? Again, just making a claim like this does not give it validity, proof is what's needed to back such a claim.

"That sunnis and shia have been fighting long before Saddam does not contradict one immutable fact. Saddam stabilized the country."

Stabilizing a country through oppression of its people, propaganda and fear is certainly one way of achieving that goal. My question to you is if you feel such methods are just?

Saddam may well have stabilized the country, but at a cost of personal freedom of the peoples there, much less the right to hold any opposing views to his own. So do you think that was a good or just thing simply because his iron fisted actions managed to make it happen?

"Mrkim .. There is no such thing as a terrorist. That is a bumper sticker word for the stupid."

Really? What term would you affix to the people who strap themselves with bombs and head into crowds of civilians, pack cars with explosives and explode them in busy areas, or commandeer airplanes loaded with fuel and civilians and then fly them into buidings filled with other civilians? What term would you use to describe these individuals if not "terrorist" ?

To me, terrorist is the term I and many others use to describe these individuals. Soldiers certainly doesn't apply to these cowards. Soldiers fight with honor and dignity. True soldiers would never attack a totally civilian target with the only goal of that action to inflict as many possible casualties upon unwitting civilans and instill as much fear as possible by their actions. That to myself and many others is what terrorists do.

"This civil war will be the basis for military leaders like Usama Bin Laden to formulate more rhetoric against the west. Thus creating more military actions by muslim groups."

If that's how it plays out it will only point up once more how easily led their simple minds are. True Muslims by nature are not violent. Justifying any actions of retribution by way of religeous beliefs is pure bull shit. Though I cannot deny it occurs, it is never just or correct and always goes against the teachings of the religeon the malcontents use to unite the participants.

"The US entering Iraq was probably the biggest mistake in any US president has ever made."

That is you opinion and you certainly have the right to hold it. Just please understand that it is indeed simply that and holds no more validity or truth than you yourself attach to it. This is the nature of "opinions".
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2006 10:26PM

hey kim you're wasting your breath
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 06:07AM

Mrkim .. Yes I can back it up with evidence. In fact the evidence has been presented to the congress over the past decade. It is a matter of public record now.

There is no such thing as a terrorist. Al Qeada is a military organization. But Americans would not understand that the US trained Al Qeada to fight the russians and now they are retaliating against the US.

LOL ! Did you grow up in 18th century england where there are rules to losing a battle ? under financed, man, trained, and generally outmatched militaries fight with unconventional means. A la the american colonists. They used the same techniques to beat the british in the revolutionary war. Guerrila warfare. There were no rules of engagement.

No who taught Al Qeada this "no rules" of engagement ? Hmmmm.... Maybe CIA ? In the camps in Afghanistan that the US government paid for ? that the US just bombed in 2003 ?

You are outmatched on the intelligence game. You are using laughable conventional wisdom that has been steered by propaganda and political rhetoric.

My opinion will come to fruition when the US becomes the laughing stock of the world and the Iraqi government falls.

You are not in the know just as most americans are not. You don't have anything to reason with because you don't know any of the facts.

PS. Stop wasting space by requoting. That may be cool for newsgroups it ain't cool here. It suggests you are an old newsgroup troll.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 07:59AM

Dead on fossil, and tiresome too.

Ok aDCBeast, I acquiesce to your BS. I think you're mislead, misinformed and undereducated, not to mention a real PITA, but .... so be it.

If you ever get to Texas, look me up. I'd love to take ya huntin ; >winking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 10:40AM

Beast,I'll say it because Mr.Kim was so polite.Your such a dumbass!You sound like a fucking traitor.You remind me of that bitch,I think her name is Ellen Ratner a liberal columnist who said right on air she hoped the war went bad so her candidate would succeed.Your all a bunch of fucking liberal loosers.Together we stand,devided we fall.Your the one supporting the world,dupe.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 04:46PM

" does not contradict one immutable fact. Saddam stabilized the country." I seem to recall that Hitler did a great job of stabilising Germany, as did Stalin for the Soviet Union.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 06:07PM


We in my office did not hope the occupation went bad. We knew it would. We told the fucker and he went ahead anyway.

The nationalistic crap is for the stupid. No one should ever remain loyalty to someone or something that violates a basic trust. Bush has done that. That is why 50% of americans think he shoul dbe impeached. The rest of the world wants to put him on trial like Milosevic.

Mrkim ... You should learn to keep your mouth shut if you don't have the facts.

Fossil learned long ago that I blow you chumps off because you don't know anything. Arguing with someone who listens to the crap printed in the papers or shown on TV is useless. The info given by the US media doesn't give the viewer/reader any info on the real situation about Iraq or the phony "war on terror".

Any time you want to go hunting, I'm down. Unlike Cheney, I won't make a pretense about shooting quail.


Nice unfair analogy. And that analogy shows you have bought the US propaganda about Saddam.

Saddam did not order 95% of the actions the US says he did.

If you knew what was going on in Iraq right now you would understand that Saddam had to do very little for the sunnis and shia to torture each other.

The militias that are fighting in Iraq did so without Saddam's hand in it. He mainly killed or imprisoned people who tried to take over leadership of the country. Which was very few. Then he exerted power.

Most people who died during his regime died due to militias conducting raids on opposing tribe's villages. They would drive in on large trucks, jump out kill some, take others and leave. On a daily basis for 20 years the number of people added up.

And when they are disguised as Iraqi forces guess who get's blamed ? Both sides sunni and shia would dress as Iraqi national security forces to conduct these raids. How was that possible ? Because these people were supposed to be in the Iraqi national security force. They had a uniform. But really they were always operating with the interests of their local militia.

Stop trying to be right when using the BS that gets told via the american media. You all don't have a clue just how complex the region is.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 08:25PM

hahahahahahahahaha, it just keeps getting funnier and hahaha, papers hahahahaha, theres a concept
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2006 11:41PM

come on B, you've got crapper, duane the tard....what's mrkim's new kindergarten cut down name? how about mrlimb? that one oughta verify anything you say, right?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 02:30AM

The name Mrkim is good enough. Mr chick.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 05:47AM

That's funny aDCBitch!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 06:36AM

Anonymous@5973 .. you've got to insult someone with an ego for it to be funny. I could give a shit as I have said 1000 times. If you fail to address my message and ONLY attack me then my message stands to be TRUE.

CRAPPER .... Have you gone back to see how many of my predictions have come true ? How about this stunning rate ? 100%.

You fucks seem to think I like being right. But to the contrary .. my fellow servicemen and woman are being killed because the fucker in the WH is a complete moron who doesn't have the brain power to be president. He disregards analysts reports for his own uninformed ideas and when proven wrong time and again has no fucking shame. Execution would be too good for this prick.
The_truths_STILL_a_bitch_huh Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 09:31AM

This DCBeast guy is paying attention. I don't keep up with everything in this forum, so sometimes it seems a like a "sawed off shotgun" approach (as oppossed to Cheney's "full choke" approach, I guess)but he still gets way the fuck more than he misses that I read.

American (win at any cost, fuck who's right) was less suicidal in the past.

There is a latin phrase that I learned as a kid
(and no I didn't take latin) that translates
"who are they that keep the keepers themselves?"

The American Public used to know how to ask that question. They have now (officially) been certified too stupid or lazy to be able to define an answer. If they don't wake up soon, Karma will take over and we will be attacked, because STUPIDITY IS NOT A SURVIVAL TRAIT.

If they can't SAY (or spell, I'd wager) "Nuclear", They shouldn't have a snowball's chance in HELL of getting ANYWHERE NEAR THE FUCKING BUTTON THAT SAYS IT.

And that would take some seats out of Congress on both sides of the aisle, I might add. (Probably distrubtion proportionate, though....)
The_truths_STILL_a_bitch_huh Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 09:36AM

American( Win at any cost,fuck who's right) INSERT 'POLITICS" *here*

Thinking is easier than typing. (Especially with no editing/preview options.)
The_truths_STILL_a_bitch_huh Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 10:19AM

Distribution. Fingers. Not Brain.

And at least I self-correct....
gruff Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 04:14PM

I'm afraid adcb is right on this one, folks. There will be civil war in Iraq sooner or later. []
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2006 11:34PM

just more dem. attempts at a lame ass deformation of character campaign attack for upcoming elections.....pretty pathetic!

though there is a civil war has been coming for 1000 years. not the last few
gruff Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 12:38AM

fd, do you mean that link I posted is a dem attempt at deformation of character? Because it's not. That writer dislikes Democrats in the extreme.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 03:38AM

no, everybody els shitting on bush, sorry i should've clarified
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 05:08AM

CRAPPER .. No civil war was going to occur under Saddam's rule.

Amazing how many times you can be wrong.

Bush fucked this up royally. His childish view of the world has placed everyone on the planet in danger.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 05:24AM

why do you keep trying to convince me that the middle east's problems are all bush' fault?

you claim to be some sort of inside knowledge man and you all you come up with are conspiracy theories.

they've been at war with each other for they're whole existence. sure Saddam controlled them for a while longer (suppressing them even further) what did that accomplish? nothing but more suffering and death. shit if i were Iraqi i would sure want that back.......not! give up man,

squealing about not getting your way on any web site is not healthy, not to mention a waste of time. but i know you think you might be convincing =someone=. why that could be gratifying is beyond me.

seems like you could spend your time doing something way more constructive for your country instead of spreading dissension.

gruff Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 05:31AM

I told you precisely that six months ago, Beast you little chump.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 06:21AM

CRAPPER .. I have only said that Bush made things WORSE ... by throwing gas on the fire.

Daddy Bush caused 9-11 by hiring Usama to fight the russians in Afghanistan.

But the ultimate blames goes to Truman who didn't tell the UN to blow the Israel plan out their ass.

What conspiracy theories ? Everything I say comes true.

I have said a 1000 times that I could give a shiite if you believe me. But I know the temptation is great to believe someone that has 100% of the things they say come true.

Crapper ... the Bush cock suckers on this site should really look at themselves and ask "Why am I a lackey to this Bush dumbass who seems to make bad decision after bas decision ?"

The US and the world are no safer today than they were on 9-10-01. Not 1 iota safer.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 27, 2006 03:55PM

you have yet to answer this: what have you "predicted" that has come true? i haven't seen 1.

theres no way that we are *not* safer now than before. the security that is in effect now that wasn't even dreamed of then and yet to be enacted is astounding.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2006 04:45AM

I predicted the entire course of the Iraq occupation. The entire debacle. Actually you clowns don't know that it is not really a prediction when you have read it on paper a couple months before you all see it on TV.

Nuclear weapons from the soviet republics are in the wrong hands.

Nuclear technology is also in the wrong minds.

Nothing Bush has done has combatted this. In fact, Bush has created a greater reason for those angry with the US's arrogant foreign policy of treating the rest of the people on the planet like cattle to launch more effective strikes.

9-11 was small and should have been a wake up call that the US should look at how it treats others but no. The arrogant self centered little boy known as W couldn't learn from history and be a real world leader. He chose the route of the weak. The route that leads to more violence.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2006 05:59AM

you say we should'nt be the world police then you say it's our fault this stuff happened.....hmmmmmmm. pull out, but don't let these other problems happen........hmmmmmmmmm how can we make that happen? i'm sure you have the answer for that one.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2006 06:00AM

i know! we should let the democrats do it, they know everything.....oh sorry that was you. nevermind
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2006 11:04PM

fossil_digger The teletubbies could do a better job.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2006 11:11PM

i wouldn't be surprised if they ran as democrats
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 08:53PM

Anyone would do a better job than dumbass W. Hell, I think someone from one of those ancient mayan tribes who has never heard of the rest of the world could do a better job than W.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2006 10:28PM

they are 1000 times more ruthless than anyone on the planet today
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2006 02:53AM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2006 08:55PM

Duane the Tard (Anonymous@3154) .... Are you ashamed of your login name ?

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2006 09:26PM

No chickenhead.Just dont think I need to do the obvious for your queer ass just so you can say it and fantasize.