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Bush is the Real Terrorist!!!!
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Bush is the Real Terrorist!!!!

"a boy with a bandaged head"

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Comments for: Bush is the Real Terrorist!!!!
tangyrobot Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 03:25AM

Nice and photoshopped.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 04:07AM

not photoshopped
Republifucks Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 04:47AM


Wolfowitz was plotting this crap twenty years ago. (Google: "Project For the New AMERICAN Century" It reads like an Oliver Stone movie and is REAL!) the press is just doing a shitty job of reporting it and the American people aren't paying attention. It NEVER had anything to do with freedom. That's a load of crap and there's a photograph of Donald Rumsfield shaking his hand (like the test tube baby of that nefarious bunch that he was/is.) and smiling for proof.

The photos are sick making. But not as sickmaking as the fascist extremist right wing coup that we just let happen.

I'm not amused, the photo without the right text is easily abused because of the attention defict public, but it's spirit and intention is honorable. That said, I'd focus my attention on Bush and our soldiers as well as the innocent casualities in Iraq. Gonzo journalism is as hard to do well as the shitty mainstream kind I'm disgusted by every day on TV.
Republifucks Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 04:49AM

I hate trying to proof in this format: The "he" is obviously "Saddam Hussein". I didn't specify and obviously the "Donald Rumsfeld shook Oliver Stone" jokes can now begin. Which the more I think about is kind of funny because it'd NEVER happen!
jose Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 04:53AM

Well, a future with the "armed "forces is out.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 05:12AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 05:54AM

Fuck off and die!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 03:31PM

Assuming it were a real photo, it's interesting that when a coalition force, in spite of all the efforts to avoid it, causes collateral damage it's a big incident, when 'sodom' did it day in, day out, routinely, it was America is evil?? How do you figure?
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:27PM

repub is right, why do you think they're trying to make ol' paul wolfowitz the president (or whatever) of the world bank? i'm not gonna give him all the credit though. Rumsfeld and Cheney are also in on this.
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 07:07PM

Hey 92180,

The U.S. fully supported and funded "sodom" for decades, especially those paragons of morality in the Reagan/Bush administration. So yeah, as a matter of official policy the U.S. supported evil. Sad but true. Then we act surprised when he turns on us and invades Kuwait. So yes, you are correct, for decades we treated it like it was nothing. Dealing with the fallout of that kind of collateral damage is something that the Bush admin. and the Pentagon should have anticipated. Despite much advice, they failed. What a surprise. I feel bad for the soldiers and sailors who were sent over there, they are pawns too. Dont blame them.
HpMan Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 11:46PM

America the Brave
Biggest load of crooks and warmongers going.
No too great record of human rights, (Guatanamo)
Dont give a shit about the environment, (Kyoto Agreement)
{{Clues in brackets for the thick American Shits}}

And the best they could find was dubbya bush!!
AwPhuch Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 07:08AM

What they forget to tell you is that he was mangled by a suicide in other words his own people did that to him...America has gone out of its way to ensure absolute minimal collateral damage
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 12:15PM

bet that little fucker will not suicide bomb anything
DrOKs Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2005 02:11AM

I actually saw that on the news.U see american folks
other countries don't hesitate on showing the truth.I bet my ass that kid's tale was never shown on your televisions.Propaganda bullshit.The truth is that his house was bombed during another "freedom giving"operation of your army.His family member where all killed.Btw,no offence ok?Just stating the TRUE FACTS.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2005 08:54AM

yeah a great nation america is...we send our young "18" adn with parents permition "16"!?! That cant drink or party but we will send you out to die for an old FUCKS' benefit and amusment?!?!?! WTF of mentality is that? "Freedome" I cant belive that you can be convicted for alcohol and get jail time but yet while your a teenager they send you out to die?! I dunno but that sound like a NAZI reincarnation shit there...
lyric101 Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2005 01:49AM

It is photoshopped, and he was injured by an allied bombing raid - wishful thinking may make you feel better, but it doesn't change reality
DrOKs Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2005 01:33PM

DUDE I SAW IT ON THE NEWS.end of discussion.the kid was crying.WTF?they photoshopped video too?that's what u think?open your eyes morons,american television hides the facts in many occasions.What do
u think that by dropping tons of fuckin uranium u re defending the democracy or something?wake up at last
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 04:27PM

You fucking idiots need to pull you heads out of your ass. This is not a war on Iraq its on terrorism. The men and women over there fighting for this I fully respect and I will stand with them until the end. If your out to find someone to blame, then blame the man that you all in powered but do not balme the soliders.