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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War

"a man in a prison suit with a dog"

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Comments for: Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 08:37PM

what? you mean the dog who is being forced into this situation right? The other two had choices.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 09:19PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 09:19PM

Panzer Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 09:36PM

It isn't a matter of whether or not the detainee is innocent, but how humanely we are treating him.
espreso Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 09:52PM

schlachte die sau ab.. wenns ein scheiss kanake is...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 09:57PM

Looks almost like an act of might almost say that the soldier is a terrorist. The US isn't spreading's spreading irony.
USA_SUcks Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 10:18PM

he is fucking that dog like its his mom hmm thats what every american scum does fucks there own moms
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 10:40PM

Yeah like they pray for all the innocent women and children that they have bombed, and all those they plan to bomb in the future!!!
orion Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 11:01PM

fuck him,you cant take any chances
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 11:15PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 11:36PM

Why don't you pro-war dumbasses sign up and go over there? No answer? Thought not.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 12:43AM

I would rather have a dog bark at me than to get my head sawed off. I got bit twice this year on my job by dogs, no big deal. Never got my head freakin' sawed off though.
rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 12:49AM

HEY 20962 how do you know he is not/

American justice in action
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 02:25AM

81249 - If you were tied up on the floor with a rotweiller chewing your face off, you'd pray for someone to hack your fucking head off, you dumbass yank Bush ass kisser...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 03:48AM

nuke 'em all...and all you liberal, tree huggin', anti-war cowards.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 04:51AM

BinLaden, That is not a Rotweiller. I have not seen any evidence of dogs chewing faces off. I did see plenty of videos of cowards with blades cutting heads off though.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 06:04AM

Death To America!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 06:44AM

could you say that in english you French pussy
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 12:30PM

Maybe that dog eats his own shit and his breath smells really bad, and the American is like, "Dude, I know your under arrest and everything, but you have got to smell my dog's breath! Doesn't it smell like shit!?!" and the other guy is like " Please point the other end of your dog at me! The smell would be better!" I think maybe they are working on a school renovation project, and the guy in the orange is a painter, and the don't wear white like they do in America there because they don't have access to clorox to get thier whited bright white like we do, so they chose orange which is a cheerrful color at the very least. I think the picture might be ok or something, you know?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 04:10PM

sounds like a bunch of crying pussy's, but if they get in trouble who do they always call USA
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 06:38PM

the dog is there just to try to keep these rats in line their not bitten the dog could get sick
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 06:53PM

No one calls the USA - they never have to. It is too busy sticking its nose into other countries buisness
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 08:34PM

Kill the muthafucka and let allah sort it out
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 05:03AM


Kilroy Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 08:10AM

You children do too much bitching, but...that's not my point, so here goes. The guy is OBVIOUSLY detained for a REASON, we are NOT detaining people just for walking down the fucking road. The dog may be part of a scare tactic, and you cannot say it's terroristic because it's done in every country by every law enforcement agency. I was supposed to be going to this war, but I got in a car wreck and had my knee prettymuch destroyed. Oh, and no matter what you say, you are all wrong, because when it comes to politics, EVERYONE is wrong because everyone feels differently about this therefore making everyone wrong in your eyes and you wrong in their eyes. So guess what...I'M WRONG TOO! But do you hear me bitchin about what kinda job out president is or is not doing, NO, because I have learned to grow up and take what comes to me in stride. Let the Military do it's job, let the government do their, and the rest of you do yours, and TASTE MY SQUIRRELY WRATH! JESUS CHRIST! * slams door *
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 04:22PM


You are completely mistaken. Yes, the "coalition" forces do pick up people for less than obvious reasons, including being unfortunate enough to be a male walking down the wrong street at the wrong time. The detainees at Abu Grahiab (and elsewhere) were detained for questioning and information. A vast majority of these imfamous detainees were released. They were never charged, nuch less convicted of a crime...terrorism or otherwise. They were simply detained.

Yes, it is a war, but there are still very clear rules that go along with war. When the "civilized" country (in this case the U.S.) engages in war it is expected to do so in the name of civility, etc.; thus following the rules established for minimum standards of decency, etc. for P.O.W.'s and detainees. Obviously the U.S. has been derelict in this regard in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Gitmo.

Why does it matter? you might ask.

Well we will need the help of as many people's around the world, especially in that region if there is to be any short or long term success. If these people cannot trust or respect the U.S. then they will never help and indeed wind up supporting the enemies. You simply cannot claim moral and civil authority and then abuse that very authoirity at the same will never be trusted or respected.

The Bush admin. and the "coalition" have set themselves up without question as the moral arbitors of the world. When they massively and systematically fail to live up to their own ideals then they are correctly branded as hypocrites and not trusted by the people.

If the U.S. cannot or will not have civilized priorities and policies then what are we? What do we really stand for?

Words are cheap. Action can be very, very expensive.

Sorry, but the severe mistreatment of most of the detainees and the outright torture of some others has cost Bush and sadly to a degree the American military the trust and respect of most of the people that we were supposed to be helping.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2005 05:03AM

Hey *81249*, I bet it wasn't a military dog that bit you, dork. Military dogs are trained (read: beaten and abused) by everyone except their handlers, who love them. The dogs will then attack anyone their handler wants. ---- *orion* Can't take any chances? Then you should run off and commit suicide.. can't take any chances dude. ---- *11612* Nukes: good answer! Get "rid" of your "enemies", but fuck up the entire world in the process. Smart move, idiot. ---- *20474* So then, how would you go about determining if "someone" wanted to kill you, so you could kill them first? Wouldn't you be committing murder, technically? And more to the point, Saddam/Iraq didn't want to kill the USA back in 1991 when we bombed the fuck out of them, and then continued to bomb them for TWELVE YEARS! while 5000 kids per day DIED for no reason. Remember reading about that in the papers? Didn't think so. ---- *Kilroy* Sorry man, they ARE actually detaining people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. This guy could be perfectly innocent, or not. There's no way to tell. And you _can_ say that using a dog to terrorize someone is terroristic. Similiar to the "Shock and Awe" that the Pentagon crowed about at the start of the invasion; done to create terror and fear. What's the diff? Oh, right, we doing it for "freedom". Sorry. Oh, and the government is supposed to be doing OUR bidding! They're not supposed to make their rich friends even richer, and kill thousands of innocents based on a lie (WMDs, etc.) ---- *Black_Trans_Am* Agreed, what the fuck does America stand for if it continues to use illegal cluster bombs, "depleted" uranium shells, and white phosphorous weapons? Might makes right? Not really, might makes what happens, but it's not necessarily right. ---- *So the war fucking sucks*, and I wish all the US soldiers could just up and leave, and let the Sunni's Shia's and Kurds carve the country up to what it was (more or less) before the British invaded ("as liberators"winking
smiley in 1912 and created a false "country" in the desert. sigh, keep on organizing folks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2005 07:40PM

its a good thing all these anti war pansies were not around when hitler was trying to take over the world.cause they probly would be crying for hitler too.commy fucks!!!!
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2005 08:16PM

Hey Einstein,

Among other things, you spelled "Commie" wrong. Invest in a book or two.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2005 11:23AM

Black Trans Am my image of you is kinda funny,flock of seagull haircut,courdoroy pants,listening to 80's music.You must watch the Brady Bunch and wish for better days and hope that one day you can nail Marsha,but the funny thing is that I think your a
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2005 02:14PM

Marcia was kinda hot.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2005 07:21PM

hee hee
yourmomasucksitgood Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:57AM

Hey atleast we clothed him, gave him a roof over his head, and im sure we fed him. Hell thats more then his beloved Saddam ever did for him sure.
yourmomasucksitgood Report This Comment
Date: March 27, 2005 03:58AM

Oh, and it looks like we gave him a new companion. A DOG!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2005 08:55AM

im sry for the americans, over 50% pop. is brainwashed... and they say their not, plz give me the answer to these 4 questions... 1.) who won ww1 and ww2... 2.) how much of the worlds pop. was under did the control british empire in a "%"... 3.) what nation did Nicholas II control?... 4.) what nation in the world has the largeist amount criminals?
BlownAwayByIgnorance Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 02:57PM

It still never fails to amaze me that so many people do not care to do self education on the matter of Iraq. Every time that I see a Bush sticker on the back of a vehicle, I think to myself,"geez, these people don't have a clue"
As far as all of us "anti-war pussies" as it has been stated many times over, it takes more courage to stand up and say no more war than it does to join the endless reams of brainwashed individuals blazing bullets under orders given to them.
Open your minds and stop jumping on the band wagon of deciet, murder, and torture.
I feel sorry that those of you that believe that this war is still or ever was justifiable, continue the ignorance.
Those of you that do feel that war is not the answer and stronger regulations of human rights should be implemented, than I hope that you are doing everything that you can to make a positive change.
Keep on with the struggle for the rights of all people! No one deserves torture and their innocent children to die as "collateral damage"
yourmamasucksitgood Report This Comment
Date: March 30, 2005 03:26AM

And I guess the Kurds just had it comming to them? Right? You people talk about innocent people being killed, but most of you are quick to forget about the innoocent people that were murdered by Saddam. His own people at that! You "anti-war" pansies speak of human rights? But what freakin rights did anyone have in Iraq? NONE! ZILCH! NOTTA! They were slaves in their own country! Hell, Saddam probably had more of his own people killed durring his reign, then all the people lost on both sides throughout this war. How would you idiots like to live in a country ruled by that murdering basterd? Can I see a show of hands please?

Didnt think so....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2005 12:40PM

i bet trans am still drives 55 and says thanks after a blow job,if he has even had one.I vote for trans-am to be prez..............of mogadishu
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2005 04:28PM

Death To America!
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 04:01AM

Death to anonymous@197137
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 07:03AM
