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Anon, is this you?
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Anon, is this you?

"a man holding up his middle finger"

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Comments for: Anon, is this you?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 02:34AM

anon dickhead
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 02:56AM

You should PS some balls under his chin for added effect.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 02:57AM

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 03:01AM

Anon wouldn't be drinking BASS Ale, he'd be drinking lucky logger
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 03:57AM

Blah, to make him look even more like the dickhead he truly is.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 04:02AM

By the way, this pic really needs to be NGH'd.

Come on, I know who you guys are and I've seen and admired your handiwork.

smileys with beer
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 04:18AM

Yes, it is me. Where did you get my picture?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 04:23AM

Ok. I'll do it, So what shall we call it? AnonNGH?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 04:24AM

Off the internet. You can get mine, too, if you try hard enough.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 06:23PM


thanks puppets. its nice to know i have infuenced you all to spend time thinking about me.

you all must lead such boring lives.

Keep it up. looks like I have a whole army of puppets.

i love it.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 10:17PM

What ever your definition of puppet is, you are in fact just the same as anyone else here. no I take it back. You don't have anything to offer here. At least Zxz555 has something to say some of the time, as far as you. Puppet? Chiming in? LOL? LMAO? whatever. you are pond water. you serve the human species as a warning sign as to 'What Not To Be.' What you going to insult me now, there flippy?
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 10:33PM

you are a limey piece of shit. when you look in the mirror how many of your teeth are discolored. you're lucky it isn't all of them. you should get on your worn knees and salute the united states that you don't have a german last name. you have america to thank for your , allbiet minimal, hygiene.

you filthy slug.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2007 11:32PM

Anon is talking to himself again.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 12:27AM

i wasnt talking to to myself. nor was i talking to you. i seem to remember you geting pretty heated about me starting on you in another post. guess its okay then.

tomorrow i will go exploring

MrsBlah Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 01:27AM

You haven't gotten me heated. Again, you flatter yourself. You must walk around with a neck brace to help you hold up that big head of yours, Pathetto.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 01:38AM

Logins got screwed up, that was me.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 01:59AM

I dont believe you and looking back on some previous posts you sure have a "heated" tone to your text.


BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 02:12AM

So what? I use words creatively to get a point across and at least I know how to at least make an attempt at writing correctly (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc). Remember, you started all this crap. If you don't like, then stop with your shit.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 02:45AM

i commented on 1 pic, like hundred of people do, and you are the one that blew up. you cant accept criticism about your hound of a wife. you cant take the truth. so, you ned to pretend to defend her so she will at least have sex with you out of pity. that is, when you aren't being too adolescent. i have no intention of stopping. like i said, you are my therapy. as do you have no intention of stopping because you cant. you are addicted to me. you have tried 5 time no i believe. maybe 4. and you cant. you are the junkie and i am the crack. LMAO...

the puppet amster
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 03:19AM

What would you do, O Great Puppet Master? Someone insults your wife and begs for a confrontation. If you are as wise as you seem to think you are then please, Great Sage, enlighten me. I don't care that you think my wife is a hound. I do care that you said so in the way that you did, and continue to. I tried to put this to a peaceful end some time ago and you still had to be the fucking troll that you are. God, you are so thick-headed and pathetic. Get a life. And some manners couldn't hurt, either.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 08:02AM

i begged for no confrontation shithead.

if i put up the picture for scutiny i would laugh off what someone said and not throw a tantrum like you did if it wasn't to my liking,

i dont know wht you think i think im wiser than anyone but you. YOU project all that shit. or you know i am and you try and make it look like i project it. face it fuck'o those are your own thoughts.

i only continue to because you let it get to you. now you are my hobby.

peaceful? when. you are insulting me just as much. perfect example right there. dont come to me on your moral high horse. you are a piece of shit and everyine knows it. stop lying and cop to it. stop playing the "good shrink". youre probably a janitor or auto mechanic.

manners like you ?

fuck off pole smoker.

what kind of fag are you? huh? did i hurt your feelings? aahhh poor little boy.

did i call your wife a naughty name? aaahhh poor baby. fucking man up pussy. stop acting like a wounded bird.

YOU, fag hag, are the pathetic one.

now wipe the tears off your keyboard you fucking cry baby
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 10:24AM

what i see that is really going on is mr. puppet hamster is mad cus he can't get a woman
hamster hamster
hamster of puppets...
ahahahaha, sorry i couldn't resist
don't worry soon that acne will clear up and maybe a whore will then fuck you for some money of course
and feel free to reply back to me, but just like the last time i talked to you, it will be a waste of time because i am not returning to this thread... hope to see you again soon in a new one
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 05:41PM

funny how you go to the whore thing. you must have experience. i have never been with a whore. i did get attacked by one in germany one time. LOL. i can assure you i don't have an acne problem nor problems getting laid. my wife is old fashioned and takes care of me in every way. i bet 100 bucks you come back to look at this because im the master of puppets pulling your strings.

im surprised you know metallica because i thought you were a coon. but coons don't have taste in great music like that. so now at least i think better of you since i know you're not purple.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 06:41PM

ShaDEz at least had the balls to post his picture here. smiling

Anyway, the flame war between Anon and me is over. Forgive me, Anon (and everyone else here that I may have offended). I admit I over-reacted and I apologized in another thread. Let's try to get beyond this and have some fun here again.

Peace and blessings to all. Live long and prosper.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 07:12PM

you faggot liberal hippie. you sound like that criminal nigger rodney king. over? ya we've heard that before. many times. we will see i guess. it seems i have struck another chord when i called you a cry baby and told you to man up. if this is your way, then i don't blame your wife for being sorry she married you.

you are no longer a little man in my book. you are a little woman.

piece of shit little coward who can't deal with a little name calling with calling the principle. i would bet a million bucks your wife didn't know you in school because if she did she would have never married the school puss. LOL.

i certainly hope you respond to this as i am not done with my therapy. i still need much more armchair shrinking from you blah. don't leave me in my most serious time of need. i thought you became a shrink to help people. no?

fucking pansy ass...

too bad that when your daughter is on the playing field and some kid says “my dad can beat up your dad” she will bow her head in defeat and walk away. when she is older she will just drop her pants.


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 09:27PM

Maybe it is real aDCBeast! I think...angry
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 10:53PM

pond water.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 11:10PM

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 03, 2007 11:45PM

I don't know what a 'limey' is, but you are still pond water.

Limey sounds British, but you somehow don't act British, but if you are, I know for a fact you are an embarrassment to the entire UK populous

If you want to discuss this further I will give you my name and number. Hell I will even let you call me collect if you can't afford the call, though I bet you won't cause your too much of pond scum to know not to be mean to nice people. Get a log on puppet.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 12:15AM

give it then...
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 12:33AM

Think very carefully, Are you sure you want to play with me, pond water?
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 05:00AM

did i stutter?
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 05:31AM

get a log on pond water
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 05:32PM

"i certainly hope you respond to this as i am not done with my therapy. i still need much more armchair shrinking from you blah. don't leave me in my most serious time of need. i thought you became a shrink to help people. no? "

I'm sorry, but I'm not a shrink. My wife made that comment, she is the psychologist, I'm a network specialist and I make good money at it. But if I've managed to help you out some with all this, then you are most welcome. Take it easy, we don't want to see that tender-timer pop out of your head over this silly shit.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 06:52PM

oh my dear blah, i have so missed you. LOL. it seems that people got the idea you were one with me. maybe it was because you said so for the 7th time. i thought three was a charm. well im glad to see you still have some strings attached.

so here's what im thinking. maybe since you are just some IT peon. maybe i can chat with mrs. blah. i realize that she was too lazy to get the full psych degree but as i wont pay her i can step down a rung and talk to a "psychologist".

what do you think?

P.S. did you know that kristy's old man had aids and has dildo fetish?
those crazy fucking limey's. you gotta love'em
MrsBlah Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 08:42PM

Not lazy Anon, BUSY. As in a grasshopper with a wooden leg kicking all the seeds out of a cucumber.......

So you are in the British Isles eh? Swing by Dartmouth sometime and say Hi to my sis! Limey.

So you miss my Blah huh? He'll talk at ya more if you become polite by some miracle, as I believe that is what it will take.

By the way I could care less about your assumptions about other people.

Bye Bye Gepetto.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 09:26PM

Hahaha! Nice, baby. I don't think Anon is a Limey, honey. Maybe I misread that somehow. I'm still talking to him, just when I want to, like always.

Anon, thanks for helping make the dreary, wet and storming month of February on the Oregon coast a bit more fun. I really do appreciate it.
anon Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 09:38PM

you two are in the mid west. cntral time zone i believe. thats why your posts are alway 2 hours ahead of mine. i would never go even visit england. why go visit the losers? LOL. i guess that is silly because i have been to germany many times as well as japan ore times than i care to remember.

i loved the grasshopper wooden leg analogy. i will have to steal that one.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 04, 2007 11:03PM

Nope. I'm in Oregon on the central coast, inland about 8 miles on the Alsea River. Beautiful here. You ought to come and see. Summertime is the best here. Otherwise, you get rained on. Almost continually. This is the first truly sunny day we've seen in about a month. Well, yesterday wasn't too bad - we BBQ'd some steaks. I got out with the girl this morning and we cleaned up the yard from all the sticks and 2x4s and other crap my dog drug home over the last few weeks. He's a stick-lovin' dawg and a sammich-stealer, too. We love him. smiling
anonoblahblahblah Report This Comment
Date: June 22, 2015 04:10AM
