pulse Report This Comment Date: January 24, 2025 09:00PM
I don't know if I've ever actually had green tea. English breakfast tea, sure.
But not green.
I'd die without my coffee at this stage.
quasi Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 01:57AM
In my late 20's a promotion put me working a large part of my day in an office
when not out on jobsites and I picked up the coffee habit during my office
hours. I never drank it before and even then didn't drink it at home at all. At
first. After a couple of months of only drinking it at the office, at home on
the weekends by Sunday evening I'd have splitting headaches and after a few
weeks of that figured out I was an addict going through caffeine withdrawal. Now
I have about a cup and a half each morning because any more than that gets me
hyped up. Now, though it will trigger p_j, a little story from my mom. She was a
child in one of millions of poor families during the depression and when she or
one of the other kids got a headache there was no aspirin, but grandma gave them
coffee as a remedy. And green tea is pretty good. On the occasional chilly
Florida days after I've had my ration of caffeinated coffee, I often have a cup
of decaffeinated green tea sweetened with honey.
woberto Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 02:18AM
I do not discern any pick-me-up from my morning coffee but it is a ritual that
I would find very hard to give up.
Addiction takes many forms.
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 02:38AM
I'll have to be the outlier here, I only have coffee to stay awake. Black with
no sugar works.
pulse Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 04:19AM
I'm the same wob; my standard if I'm making it at home is 2 shots of espresso,
1 shot of ristretto and some steamed milk; and I'll have that at least 3 times
per day.
I can comfortably drink that and then go to sleep.
I don't get headaches if I don't drink it; I did an 80km ride this morning, got
home and then had my first coffee maybe 2 hours after. Felt fine. Though maybe
exercise would override the headaches.
pulse Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 04:31AM
A [V] or a Red Bull will give me a buzz; but that's probably because it's
exceptionally rare that I have anything like that, and it'll be a sugar buzz
more than caffeine.
Used to live on V in my late teens.. only in the glass bottle, don't know why,
the cans were never the same.
Now I live on wine.
pro_junior Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 05:15AM
Every day starts the same..2 cups of coffee with a little bit of milk.
Drank it black for decades, only started adding milk a few years ago to cut the
I like tea but whenever I drink it I crash hard an hour later.
Only drink one soda a year. A Coca-Cola on Independence Day..
Hopefully RFK Jr will be able to get high fructose corn syrup banned in the USA
so I won't have to drink Mexican Coca-Cola.
pulse Report This Comment Date: January 25, 2025 07:37AM
That's definitely something I can't stand about US foods/drinks/etc.
Here everything is real sugar, you'd struggle to find anything with corn syrup
in it; only if it's made in the US, which honestly isn't a lot of stuff.
Also, American chocolate tastes like vomit. And I actually mean that.
I do like real Coke.