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get your own shit together first
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get your own shit together first

"a group of people in a row"

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uploader: Anonymous
date: 2025-01-18
Comments for: get your own shit together first
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2025 10:55AM

Every time I drop my glasses.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2025 10:57AM

I'm really glad I don't have this issue. At least, not yet.

My distance vision is starting to get slightly shitty but I don't need glasses. My right eye is definitely better than my left; and my left is slightly blurry at distance.

Unless I'm drinking.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2025 11:12PM

I started wearing glasses when I was six years old and my eyes got worse quickly as I grew but pretty much stabilized when I reached my full growth. I think I posted a photo a while back that is a great representation of how the world looks without my glasses, but this photo is an exaggerated version, though not by much.
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2025 11:52PM

I always had good vision, until recently. As a kid I was banned from reading before 6am and after 6pm as read so much. Unfortunately laying on my side, putting the material closer to the eyes and the constant focus adjustment of the lens means material builds up behind it - thus I need glasses for reading now.

I also had, for most of my life, better than 20/20 long range vision, it was useful in the bush, as I would pick out things on hillsides further away than others would. It also meant I was naturally attuned to a long range precision rifle. A gunsmith recommended I have a 3-9x40 scope (adjustable magnification of 3x - 9x, with a 40mm lens). I think I took it off the 3x twice. In hindsight I would have been better off with a fixed 4x. I had no trouble spotting the target. It's now down to a measly 20/20 at long range.

I don't know how many times I heard people talk of scientists searching for reported sightings and tourists in National Parks not seeing the species that was abundant in those places. You can be sure the species saw them. With age it seems, that's you.

I hope my hearing doesn't go the same way. I don't know how many times I've heard things in the bush before i could see them.