pulse Report This Comment Date: January 15, 2025 09:51AM
That's pretty ace
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: January 15, 2025 11:32PM
That's what you can do when you have a grasp of physics and a technical and
professional knowledge of your materials and items. A technical and
professional knowledge of what you do.
pro_junior Report This Comment Date: January 16, 2025 06:16AM
It's true, most bricklayers have advanced degrees in physics.
pulse Report This Comment Date: January 16, 2025 07:22AM
It's obvious to even the most dimwitted individual who holds an advanced degree
in hyperbolic topology.
quasi Report This Comment Date: January 16, 2025 01:11PM
It's amazing what the crew will get up to when they get paid by the hour.
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: January 16, 2025 11:33PM
It's a principle of Gladstonian politics to always ignore technical and
professional advice, only the leader knows and understands. That's as dumb as
it sounds. It's how the western world is currently run (in Australia,
instituted by John Howard, in Britain, by Tony Blair). Political appointees,
backside kissers, run government departments they know nothing about. It's
called the Senior Executive Service and protects the political party that
appointed them - it's how they get a renewed employment contract.
The growing wealth of the last century, in the West, has been squandered on tax
cuts, not paying off government debt until there is none.
That's not how it is in the East, where people work their way up the ranks of a
government department and actually know what it does. They also rely on
technical and professional advice. In Russia the wealth 'owned on behalf of the
State' (a different definition of ownership, and immoral) can and has been
called on. So Russia can and has turned its economy onto a war footing quickly,
as the West did in World War 2:
The West can't do that now. So when the munitions come freely raining down,
that's why. The war is next year.