Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: March 08, 2024 03:46AM
The AI got the caption wrong.
Or did it?
quasi Report This Comment Date: March 08, 2024 01:20PM
I doubt if even any Texas cops carry that many guns or one in the belt in back.
This dude's overcompensating for his tiny dick and brain.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment Date: March 08, 2024 02:17PM
You are the authority on those topics, so you should know. The way I understand
it, is you failed us all Quasi, by not going to these people and showing them
the error of their ways. If only they could just see through your hate and
contempt for them, I am certain they will be just like you in every way
possible. So go on out there Q, make the world only as you see and understand
it, this world could only be perfect if everyone just did things your way. Why
aren’t you running for President or supreme leader is just a waste of your
fine big dick and superior big brain.
Besides most people put guns in their own mouth, probably because they just
can’t be as perfect as you.
quasi Report This Comment Date: March 08, 2024 11:50PM
988, dude. With all the shitposts on here about how people wear their hair or
identify when they aren't hurting or threatening anyone, that rant was
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 09, 2024 10:04AM
I don't know what's between place and quasi, but the man in the photo, his
brain is fried. Just fried. I like guns, and if I felt a need to carry one for
self defence, it would be out of sight and a .22 Magnum. I've seen in real life
the damage done by various calibres to leather bound meat, bone and muscle (I
inflicted some of it), so that will do for something as comparatively weak as
human skin. Unless someone is wearing heavy winter clothing the organ behind
what a .22 Magnum hits will fail. Except for a lung, that will fill with blood.
But I don't live over there, didn't go to its schools and don't watch their
film or television.
He could be like the Greeks and Italians who immigrated to Australia after WWI,
who saw guns as a sign of manhood, shot livestock, tractors parked in paddocks,
water tanks, road signs, left farm gates open and were such a source of cultural
tension that Australia issued its first firearms licences in the 1930's as a
result. If we had never let them in, we probably still wouldn't have such
things. As we had no problem before.
It's amazing what protestantism and the Living Wages Case will do to stabilise a
society. For the impact of protestantism you just have to look at the history
of Britain and northern Europe - private warfare stopped. And the Living Wages
Case means people are not desperate, even when they have a job.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment Date: March 09, 2024 01:37PM
Alright Paul, simple terms, you hurt people and then blame them for it. I once
thought of you as a friend, that was my mistake. You are a bad person.
pulse Report This Comment Date: March 10, 2024 03:00AM
I'm looking after my sister-in-law's dog at the moment. He's not playing well
with mine.
They're both Cavoodle's (or I think maybe Cavapoo in US? maybe), and they just
randomly attack each other for no reason. If one gets a toy, the other steals
it. Not because they want it, but because they're a jerk and just want the other
one not to have it.
And they're still better behaved than most of you fuckers these days

Place nice or I'll put your toys under the
woberto Report This Comment Date: March 10, 2024 04:30AM
Maybe he's a deputy or something and the bum-crack pistola is not his own
I am more concerned about the massive set of fucking keys! Who rolls like that?
quasi Report This Comment Date: March 10, 2024 02:56PM
In the U.S., guns have gone from being a useful tool to being a status symbol
and fetish. This guy is the human version of a peacock or, perhaps more aptly,
one of those monkeys with the bright red ass they like to show off. At the very
least, the gun in his butt crack is just asking for the wrong someone to walk up
behind him and grab it, and before he can turn and use one of his other guns
he'll be on the ground bleeding out, along with other nearby people. It's just a
really vain and thoughless display.
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 12, 2024 12:53AM
Thanks for putting things in context quasi. You and pj in a former post about
school shootings over there. Yours is not a culture I want anything to do with.
But from a previous post of yours, you don't want anything to do with what you
see every day.
pro_junior Report This Comment Date: March 12, 2024 04:28AM
quasi, for reasons I don't understand, wants people in other parts of the world
to believe that this is everyday life in the USA and it isn't.
I'm in the 55-60 age group so I've been around awhile. I've also been around...
I've seen 47 out of 50 states.
I've been to malls, grocery stores, parks, monuments, museums, etc. in all parts
of this country.
And in all my years, in all the places I've been, and the thousands of people
I've encountered, NOT one fucking time have I ever seen anyone, anywhere, open
carry more than 1 weapon.
Furthermore, the occasions where I've seen anyone openly carrying a gun, be it a
rifle or a pistol, has been very few times.
Does it happen? Obviously, as you can see in the above pic...but it truly is not
the norm.
Most deaths in the US have nothing to do with guns...heart disease is the number
one killer here.
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 01:39AM
heart disease is the number one killer
From what I know of the yank diet I quite believe that. Are you like me and
prefer the leafy outer regions to the inner city grime? I mean before the
virus. I always preferred a recital in the suburbs, where you don't have to
dress up, recognise half the faces you see, can meet the performers and the cost
is 1/3 the Sydney Opera House (and that's the cheap seats). Quasi may see
things you don't and the opposite is true.
The virus response reflected culture: in Australia a 1/4 acre block in the city
no longer cuts it, it's a 1/3 acre, preferably at least 4 bedroom arts and
crafts house, or you plan to escape the city. Many people have done just that.
Over there deaths by firearm were rising by 30% a year, suicides plateaued and
murders took up the slack. What a thing to say!
quasi Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 08:20AM
Open carry is legal in only a few states so of course this doesn't depict
everyday life in America and that makes open carry overall a rare thing.
Pictured is just one twit playing dress up. What is more common and legal in
many states is concealed carry which in some states, such as my own, doesn't
require any training or permit - you don't know who is packing and any idiot
could be.
While the U.S. has about 4% of the world's population it has 40% of the world's
privately owned firearms. For every 100 people here there are about 120 firearms
while 70% to 75% percent don't own firearms; that's a lot of guns in the hands
of some folks. The guns are status symbols and talismans that are said to
represent freedom but often represent the desire to be dominant or just plain
fear. People have been shot for knocking on a door to ask directions. A guy just
went to prison last week for shooting a young woman to death - she was in a car
with some friends and they had pulled into the end of the guy's driveway to turn
around because they were lost. Schools, stores, chuches, sporting events, county
fairs, driving down the highway.... most normal public activities have been
subject to shootings which has caused fearful people to arm themselves for
protection and their fear and inexperience leads them to shoot at the wrong
Our streets are not awash in blood and there are not armed people everywhere you
go but there are still so many of them that you never know when and where
there'll be another shooting, another "mass casualty event" . It's way
out of hand.
quasi Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 10:52AM
Oh, and while heart disease is the number one killer overall, firearms are the
number one killer of children in the U.S. having surpassed car accidents for a
few years now.
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 11:06AM
I question the statistics you provide: most countries don't know or care how
many guns are within their borders. Australia's government didn't until 1996
and I still don't. But the rest is as imbecilic as our impression of yanks.
Given the doctrine that 'crisis is an opportunity', could it be deliberate?
I mean, apart from so many vets taking their 303's home after the first world
war, then private purchases during the second war (it turned out the first war
wasn't the war to end all wars after all so government had better hold onto a
lot of guns), most guns in Australia were bought due to some idiot importing
rabbits: whole suburbs of the cities organised themselves into army style units
to go shoot them during the rabbit plague in the 1930's. It was with active
government support and saved farming and environmental damage.
Then came american political doctrine, dressed up as moral, like crisis above,
so crisis management by government departments that don't allow people with
technical and professional knowledge of what the department does to run them, as
had been the case, as they prevented crisis from happening (there's also this
suss issue here: [] I think donations and cushy jobs). And to keep it
short, doctrine from Ayn Rand: "The weak should fear the strong, the
strong should be bold, the strong should take from the weak." There's no
greater weakness than being disarmed. So in the late 90's to about 2016,
desperate social climbers in Sydney's north, who need a political party for
their jobs, expressed (I don't remember the exact words) that governments don't
go to war with each other, they only do to their own people! To understand
reality was mental illness and the Australian Submarine Corporation was closed.
It made our own subs, but its staff and management were critics of that
political party, so they're all defenestrated: may not be on a professional
income nor part of the middle class. That sounds myopic but I was threatened
with it ("Denied the benefits of society", the first of which is
money) and have lived it.
You two have argued this before: []
But if the list of factors here is known, and nothing done about them... []
And the Icelandic testing requirement is known to work but not adopted (tests
also in Canada and New Zealand) []
And imbecilic is putting it politely, this is an american doctrine: []
woberto Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 12:07PM
pulse you gotta do something about these 'bots.
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 01:16PM
Oops, I meant what quasi describes is imbecilic, not quasi.
As for woberto calling me a bot, would you prefer shorter (pulse,
I question the statistics you provide: most countries don't know or care how
many guns are within their borders. Australia's government didn't until 1996 and
I still don't. But you describe a circumstance as imbecilic as our impression of
yanks. Given the doctrine that 'crisis is an opportunity', could it be
You two have argued this before: []
But if the list of factors here is known, and nothing done about them...
And the Icelandic testing requirement is known to work but not adopted (tests
also in Canada and New Zealand) []
And imbecilic is putting it politely, this is an american doctrine:
Anon Report This Comment Date: March 13, 2024 01:18PM
Links don't copy in copy/paste...
pro_junior Report This Comment Date: March 14, 2024 12:58AM
. This dude's overcompensating for his tiny dick and brain.
So quick question, if you see a dude without a gun do you assume he's a genius
with a massive cock?
pulse Report This Comment Date: March 14, 2024 03:49AM
I know I am
woberto Report This Comment Date: March 14, 2024 04:17AM
pulse likes to take his massive goat for a walk.
Me on the other hand...

woberto Report This Comment Date: March 15, 2024 12:43AM
Ahh, good times...

pulse Report This Comment Date: March 15, 2024 12:41PM