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Four more years to fuck up this country
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Four more years to fuck up this country

"a man in a suit waving his hand"

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Comments for: Four more years to fuck up this country
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 06:22PM

Hey, anything is possible when daddy has a lot of money and your friends with a country that owns part of the United States.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 06:23PM

please let me make a correction, I meant to say you're, not your
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 06:31PM

No, its 4 more years to let shitbirds like you exercise free speech without having a brain connected.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 06:48PM

shit 4 more fucked years, I shall bore you with a tiny story about a republican that still doesn't get it. I have a friend who is a hardcore republican who insist the country is better now than when (Clinton)he had a job, made money and had a nice place to call home with plenty of lady friends cumming over and yes I mean cumming. He now is unemployeed, can't seem to get a job, no money had to move back in with his parents, $20,000 dollars in debt but still insists Bush is the best thing for the Country. You tell me what the heck is wrong with most republicans that can't see the light.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 07:05PM

quit bitching you kerry loving loser
DiscoPants Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:00PM

No, its 4 more years to let shitbirds like you exercise free speech without having a brain connected.

try something for me "m8"

Try standing outside the whitehouse shouting kill bush kill bush, god bless the muslims and then do me a fvour and take a picture of what happens.

Free my arse, free as long as they agree more like.

Wake up, smell the coffee, try using your god given brain to make a choice you werent told to make and get back to us.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:04PM

What is Bush's left hand doing?
DiscoPants Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:09PM

pushing the devils head away from his dick.

"not in public, ive told you before"
Alx Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:46PM

I know I've seen that guy before. I just can't place him..

Wonder if Americans pays as much notice to the upcomming election in Denmark..!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:53PM

I think it's kind of funny that Clinton left office just as it was crumbling. Bush took over and is now trying to fix Clinton's mistake.
FUCK_USA Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:06PM

Nazi Yankee Scum
FUCK_USA Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:08PM

24530 you brainwashed stupid yankee fuck. you are SCUM
FUCK_USA Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:09PM

FUCK_USA Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:10PM

yamon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:40PM

The only dumb thing about our nation is the degree of tolerance we allow dumb fucks like you under the umbrella of "freedom".
It's ironic that the right of freedom of speech is usually used (and abused) by the most ignorant of people.
stryker Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:41PM

anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 10:01PM

Four Moron Years...
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 10:02PM

24530: Iraq was not Clinton's mistake. Nor was the "tax break". These next four years are all Bush, baby.. he made his bed, now he lies in it. And boy, is it stinky.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 10:09PM

The funniest part of this whole 'argument' is that BOTH Bush and Kerry are corporatist assholes. And there are ideologues on both sides yelling nonsense at each other supporting "their man".

The problem is that money has fully corrupted the political system in the States.. both parties are on the take and toeing the corporate line. Bush is just more connected, and likes to play the 'holier than thou' card by pandering to evangelical Xtians. He's a total sinner, remember his cocaine days? They were fun. Remember how he skipped out on his military duty? He doesn't give a fuck. At least Kerry saw the other side and had some passionate opinion about it.

You want more freedom? Get corporations under control. How do you do that, I wonder..?
Holy_Focker Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 10:10PM

what the fuck are you smoking nigga...Bush is the worst President to come along...usually a presidency is made by the man in office and not by creating fear to retain office. Most presidents have made a contribution to the country but this guy you so bluntly follow has crippled it, because of hicks that marry into their own immediate family and can't think for themselves. Come on and quit giving your boy a blow job, I think he came too hard and busted your brain. Like a great character in south Park said, "You eat shit and you die!" fucking hick!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 10:32PM

The only reason Bush hasn't fallen onto his monkey looking face is because he has surrounded himself with people that are capable of doing the job....then when the media starts to slam his bad decisions he begins to offer his own people for sacrifice. Let him stand alone with no advisors, speech writers, or anyone else that normally covers his ass and then see how well he would do. Do you honestly think that we will win this war by killing everyone that disagrees with America? Don't you think we will create more enemies? Can we actually afford to keep fighting all these wars? The need to fight terror is understandable...but you cannot rush into something like this alone and without a plan. The protesters standing with signs were quickly silenced by the police. Is this freedom of speech? They should have the right to be on the front row and protest.
yamon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:15PM

A presidency is like a business. One man does not run it. To be a leader, you put people in place that support your policies. I own a trucking company, but I don't drive a truck, work on a freight dock, handle accounting, generate every single report. I rely on my people to give me accurate reports and information to drive the company forward.
You think any president in history was a one man show? Fuck. Clinton had the same stable of speech writers and PR people, and he still managed to lie, fuck up and (what every single democrat and liberal rarely seem to acknowledge) HE WAS FUCKING IMPEACHED!
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:44PM

But yamon why put yourself in the same statistic as every other DUMB FUCK that is supporting the biggest fuckwit to run your country...if, and I say this knew what a fucking joke your president is making your whole society look like (outside of CNN and all that other bollocks you get brainwashed with) you really; and I mean REALLY realise what power hungry, self centred assholes you are portrayed as. Sorry but it's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...shit! you stupid fucks even believe that crock of preachin's why your president got in, and still is smiling
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:55PM

somebody should of shot that murderer today...funny thinkin about that?...Murderer's killing murderer's.
I am an Atheist and as much as I want to believe there is a God, I can't see ANYTHING to back the bullshit up...but...if their is a God... please give me the strength and forgiveness to SCULL FUCK BUSH UNTILL HIS EYES BLEED WITH OIL WHILST I FORCE FEED HIS OWN MAGGOT DICK DOWN HIS TURD PRODUCING MOUTH
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 01:41AM

I am also an atheist and don't have 100% support for Bush. I was in Europe in October, a couple weeks before the election, so I KNOW how America is thought of. BUT I also know the news you fuckers get: CNN MSNBC USA Today and that Herald Tribune shit (which is NY Times). If you want to talk about bullshit in America, it's our media and how they distort shit in the name of "ratings".
The world thinks we're assholes? 2 tears in a fuckin bucket. We own the world stage! Props to my man George Clinton for that (modified) quote.
Coldspray Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 01:42AM

Hey stussy................they make meds for that. You gonna be OK dude? Take a bong hit before you pop man.
YaMon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 01:44AM

For some reason my laptop identified me as Anonymous.
That was me, YaMon. You fucked in the head EuroWanks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:19AM

Now that brought a lot of Bush hater response didn't it. Well they can just grab their dicks and hold on for the next 4 years and see what the greatest President of or time will do,
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:19AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:20AM

YaMon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:48AM

Minus USA. Where do you stand?
France? Fromage and wine (whine)? Uh huh ha! We were the shit a few hundred years ago!
Eastern Europe? The EU? Until the reality of things settles in. Western Europe is only going to carry your ass (and exploit it) for so long.
The Euro will fall into place. Convenient, but eventually: um!?
Germany? Slipped through the cracks of WW checks before. Europe remembers and so do we.
Russia? Civil war and unrest + terrorism from everywhere.

North Korea? Iran? China?
Let's talk.
Serious fucked deals.

Rest on your little encapsulated worlds all you fuckers anti-USA.

USA is the reason that stupid fucks strapped with bombs on YOUR continent aren't detinating.

Bush is here for 4 years to make sure dip-fucks are kept in check.

The battle is China and North Korea.

You worried about blue collar shit? Worried about global situation?

Forget Kerry or Media.

Look at $$$ and where Wal-Mart and their ilk are leading us.

Think people.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 06:01AM

get over it.. it is what it is..

stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 08:11AM

I'm not anti-America just anti-Bush, anti-religion. I spent Xmas in New York and really warmed to the American peoples good will and hosptality. As some of you know I just like to stir things up a little on this site and try to get some heated reactions. Bush is a dick though all the same winking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 12:32PM

It does not matter who the President is, shit still would be fucked up. just deal with it!
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 01:43PM

It is interesting to see that some americans think that the rest of the world is anti-american...that'svery pathetic
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 03:45PM

I thought this was amusing...written by an American. Maybe it's 50/50 over there but I get the feeling most American users on here are Bush supporters...I can't work out a pattern?

Bush shall be prez declared the Supreme Court
Though his popular vote was actually short
Into DC strode this brash Texan
Thanks to his brother's tarnished election

Bush thumbed his nose at the rest of the planet
The Kyoto Treaty he couldn't stand it
Polluting the world is our God-given right
You can't stop us we've got the might

And then one day as he slept at the wheel
Terrorists struck and his surprise was real
But as the twin towers trembled and shook
Bush continued to read children a book

Exploiting this tragedy with no hesitancy
Was the new mission for his presidency
Revenge against terror he shall seek
Even if it leads us up shit's creek

So into Afghanistan our forces roared
Mountains and caves our soldiers explored
But despite much fanfare and drama
They couldn't find that elusive Osama

From this lack of success Bush sought to distract
What a convenient time to go after Iraq!
But this decision he would be forced to justify
No problem - I'll make George Tenet tell a lie

Selling this sham wasn't going too well
Our allies told George he could go to hell
So to the UN Colin Powell he sent
Lies about weapons he did invent

But despite the weight of his impressive reputation
The coalition comprised merely one nation
That is unless one counts the Brits
Who share the beliefs of Paul Wolfowitz

Bush said Iraq must be rid of Saddam Hussein
Smart bombs on Baghdad he then did rain
But Iraqi defenses were of little barrier
Soon the president stood upon a carrier

Mission accomplished he did proclaim
For this statement he'd soon face blame
Contrary to what the Neocons said
Iraquis wanted Americans dead

To the terrorists Bush said bring it on
We'll take on Korea, Iraq and Iran
But by hypocrisy this statement was marred
From a man who deserted the National Guard

Soon the press began to hound
Because no weapons could be found
With the military failing in its stated goal
Time to pull Saddam out of a spider hole

Now Iraq's been freed of this evil man
The new administration will be American
Rebuilding your country will become our toil
Just so long as we can suck dry your oil

This war wasn't fought for oil - that's zany
Emphatically claimed a lying Dick Cheney
Soon it became all but certain
The war was fought for Halliburton

But before the opposition had a chance to react
John Ashcroft rolled out the Patriot Act
Now if anti-American comments a dissenter may say
Could lead to indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay

The mood at home grew increasingly dark
Especially after a book written by Dick Clarke
Clarke noted Bush wasn't curious intellectually
Perhaps that's why he rules so ineffectually

This rogue traitor they had to discredit
So they claim that Bush never said it
But the world can now so plainly see
Iraq was always his top priority

A doubting public he must now entice
Who better to do so than Condi Rice?
At first he kept her from the commission
But public pressure led to permission

Rice lied to the panel without shame
And said the intelligence was to blame
We were sure Saddam possessed a stockpile
But the administration was just in denial

Back in Iraq things are becoming grim
The odds of succeeding have grown increasingly slim
The world has come to question our intentions
Credibility ruined by inhumane detentions

Saddam's torture we vehemently decried
Our actions these words soon belied
Our honor now tainted by abject abuse
That it's only a few soldiers is just a ruse

Mistreating detainees was an administrative intention
That's why they tossed out the Geneva Convention
The president was shocked claimed a defensive Rummy
But to buy that story you must be a dummy

When the going gets tough some leaders show pluck
Our weak commander just passes the buck
George Bush has filled our future with only grief
It's time to elect a new commander-in-chief

Written by Jonathan T. Barker 5/04
hope Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:21PM

wow!! from someone outside the u.s. didnt think that you hated this guy as much as the rest of the world. we never get this side on the news you have opend me eyes guys..
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 12:07AM

I don't like George W. Bush, but I love bush!
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 03:14AM

I am from the United States and I don't like the fact that junior has gotten another term, but I have to live with it. Until the next election anyways. Not everybody in this country believes in Bush.
USA__space_race Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 05:01PM

Half of your country is going off in to paranoid fairy land...dont worry so much about China, you would lose and most of them are nice people just like YOU.. their numbers outway you grossly. You have enough difficulty taking Iraq with a population of 21,000 imagine 1.3 billion. Im British if you care, so i dont hate you Americans (just a little wacky in places), our empire was cruel and morally wrong even with "god" on our side! war is never good! Dont worry so much, just be nice to the world and they will like you the way they dont at the moment make no mistake.. so something
Kevin Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2005 12:26AM

I don't think any of little peons in either China or the US would matter if the heavy artillery were brought out.

What would matter would be the number of survivors after the initial fall out.

What say you?
Ozzy_that_hates_bush Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2005 10:00AM

it seems bush is going to be our dictator too Howard would do anything bush wants including/probably sucking dick to.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 07:09AM

you libs gotto get a life. As long as you have presidents that screw around on their wives like Kennedy and Clinton or sit around and do nothing like Johnson and Carter, you seem to be happy. Just remember, when you have a government big enough to give you everything you want (as libs like it), you have a government big enough to take everything you have.