Results 151 - 180 of 311
11 years ago
That would be great. Sundays blow goats here. (insert DK joke here)
11 years ago
Hahahaha! You dorks. I don't know who to believe. Especially about the goats. I am a sure I speak for all the others when I say the site was missed during the outage, as crazy as that may seem...
11 years ago
Glad it's back. I only noticed 1 day gone and was laughing because it being coincidental with the FBI pulling the DNSChanger servers off the net.
11 years ago
A sao is a marine ringed worm
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
11 years ago
I broke the rules.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
11 years ago
While DK experimented
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
11 years ago
A friend had Sirius long ago and it was pretty cool alright. I can see why you'd miss it.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
11 years ago
They all suck after a while so I just turn the radio off. Problem solved.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
11 years ago
Yeah, what do you want Skidmore?
11 years ago
I think I have given up on hoping you'd make much sense anymore Digger.
11 years ago
The sky is only blue sometimes Skidmark. Thumbs don't show the whole image a lot of times. Sometimes I'd like to know if some anonymous weasel dick posted something I'd rather not bother with. On the other hand if a person I am familiar with posted some goofy looking piece of shit I'd probably want to look at it and find out WTF they were thinking, if anything, or if that's even possible. It d
11 years ago
why shouldn't it matter? It matters to me because it would give me a choice of what/what not to view based upon who uploaded it. There are some people who consistently post things I have no interest in. There are some who consistently post things I am interested in. I think it would be nice to be able to have that information before clicking on a thumbnail.
11 years ago
I would like to know who uploaded the thing first. why else? Fucking duh. Other reasons don't matter.
11 years ago
I'd still like an indicator in thumbs view showing who uploaded the pictures.
11 years ago
Toothless drunks? Brainless drunks is more accurate. I hope we can keep gumming at Plus for years to come. Thanks for keeping it going.
11 years ago
What happened to Tommy T? He was a good contributor too.
12 years ago
Shut up and drink your beer, there are sober kids in India.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
I withdrew a job application after they sent a questionnaire outlining requirements I couldn't meet. Isn't that something usually included in the job description to begin with?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
A dog smells his own hole first. Just because it has been "discussed" before doesn't mean it isn't worth a second thought, or rather a first thought, since apparently nobody gave any serious thought about it to begin with. If there is to be a voting system at least make it mean something to someone, hopefully to those who vote, unlike current incarnations of "democratic"
12 years ago
It might be interesting to be able to see who voted on what and their votes are.
12 years ago
I have two mammary pillows... until she rolls over.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
I used think I was hot stuff. I was too. Not anymore. Technology has passed me by and I know it and admit it. I try to stay somewhat informed but things are changing so rapidly now that it is impossible and I look deeper into things that I'm dealing with at the time. The age thing is a much bigger problem that most realize but only for older people. I don't blame employers for not wanting to
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
Haha! Skidmored! Good one! Good for you PJ. I imagine you will be good with that truck driving gig and it will work out fine for you. No one will hire me for anything. I'm too old for anything except maybe a geezer greeter at Walmart. I got an app in for a PT tech job in Stinkin' Shitty (Lincoln City) that might be decent but I don't expect to hear back from them this time. I interviewed as a
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
I like the pics of your adventures. Keep em coming when you can. The aerial photos are interesting and must be helpful to look at concerning your travels. I used to have some topographical maps of the area I live in but now I can view that stuff online. Pretty cool.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
I've never known anyone who took a pet chicken camping. Or a Kindle for that matter. I have had a few actual GOOD experiences calling a tech support number too. Some people do a damn good job and some companies still place a high value on customer satisfaction. I've had a few fun experiences with tech support calls too. Once I got a nice guy in Puerto Rico who liked my joking attitude and said
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
It's not a claim, it's a fact. After arguing till I'm blue in the face I pretty much don't care anymore. There isn't much point in attempting to discuss anything when it so quickly degrades into nonsense. With jokes however, it is quite the opposite. The difficulty seems to be a more a matter of perception rather than reason.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
OK I admit it, that joke has been into a frothing gelatinous mass. In reality I do not blame a person for getting out of a fucked job however they go about it. BTDT. What's a Blurf?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
Press the Rewind button.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
Very cool PJ. Congrats. Just don't Skidmore your way out of it
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
12 years ago
It beats the hell out of the local country stations. That genre has a pretty rigid play list on air as far as I can tell. I don't mind the music style in general but the same fucking songs every 2-3 hours gets old in about 2-3 hours. At least the classic rock stations here throw something different at regular intervals and for the most part do actually stick to actual classic rock.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter