Results 421 - 450 of 456
17 years ago
Your imaginary friends don't count, toad.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
I glance at the online version of the local newspaper every day and one thing I never miss is the list of people who've been arrested. Of course I'm looking to see if anyone I know has got into trouble, and I pay attention to any crooks living in my neighborhood, but I also notice some of the different names. The most unusual name that comes to mind has appeared 3 or 4 times in the last couple of
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
There are only 15 of me, which is probably for the best, and one of them is my youngest son. It's amazing how much he is like me in some ways.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
My middle son (19) just tried to hoodwink my mom into buying him a new Honda S2000 for him. As of today he has a 2003 Mustang with a V6 in his own name. Boy is he pissed at me.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
You are only coming through in waves.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
That's a sweet car, pulse.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Relax. I do believe it's working. Good.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Can he bolt one to that new car of his?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Camry or Fusion? Oops, that's a whole other thread.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Me too, kirsty.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Kirsty, Kirsty, Kirsty, next thing you know you're going to be eating hot dogs, barbeque, and playing baseball. Oh my God, what have we done?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Come on, where are all you Brits out there, you're making this too easy for us damned Yanks. Or have you all gone over to the dark side and that British tea drinking is but a memory, or a myth?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Hi. My name is Quasi and I'm a coffee addict. If I don't get at least one cup of coffee a day I get a terrible headache. No shit, man.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Having a dial up conection, I'm used to some slow page loading, and plus613 was actually rather quick loading, but not anymore. I'm not complaining about that but I do find that when I click on an image, instead of that image, I get a block of adjacent verticle images highlighted then the topmost image is what begins to load. I don't mind having videos here but I'd still like to be able to choose
17 years ago
I thought that was why we call it Thanksgiving.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Thank you, sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Or I guess you could be a gentlewoman, I don't really know, but, you know what I mean.
17 years ago
Who let all this riff raff into the room. There's one smoking a joint, and another with spots, If I had my way, I'd have all of them......... Saying hello, nice to see ya, glad ya could make it, sorry you don't have much positive to say but sit down and have a drink with us anyway,since we're all going to hell we might as well try to make the best of it.
17 years ago
Texas time is only an hour or two earlier than me, this is more like Nome, Alaska time, almost to the International Date Line.
17 years ago
Everything seems to be working very well now but I think you need to reset the clock - it seems to be off by a few hours. I checked my personal settings and am in the correct time zone. Seems like a minor problem but sometimes minor problems can affect other areas and cause real problems. Thanks again for your hard work and this great site. Checked this posting as soon as it came up and it
17 years ago
You're makin' me feel really old with this "who's George Carlin" stuff. The guy has a really great mind for one of us old farts. He's old enough to be my dad so I've been hearing his stuff for a long, long, long time. He's great. Check him out, kids.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
We appreciate all your efforts to make this a great site. Thank you.
17 years ago
Guess I'll have to buy a round of Aricept with a Cerefolin chaser for all y'all. Now what did I do with that percription pad I copped from the doctor's office?
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Only if spending 400 bucks a month so that you can do things like remember the paperboy's name gives you a buzz. She keeps telling me, "Don't get old," but I don't like the alternative. You guys just need to stay away from the stuff that gives you a buzz and I bet your memories will improve.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
It's OK, digger, my 81 year old mother has been taking some great drugs that have helped stop her memory slide. I'll see if I can score you some, buddy.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
You're repeating yourself, digger. I'm tellin' ya, the memory is the first thing to go.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
You're absolutely right, zxz 555, they do make it easy to skip right past, though it's a terrible waste of space. I find it much less annoying than something unavoidable like being caught in traffic near one of those soon to be deaf folks who has the baseline thumping so loudly his car is jumping around. For those of you who have not raised children, this vicunt invasion is just a phase which
17 years ago
Spam, eggs, spam, spam, and spam.
17 years ago
Could it be the asian chick at the donut place who's comin'? I heard she's got more holes than you can shake a stick at.
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
Not funny, shaDEz. My wife had severe depression and used your solution 15 years ago. She didn't come back. Left me alone with one son just a week shy of his fourth birthday and another still in diapers, not to mention her parents, brother, sister, grandparents, nieces, nephews.... Oh, yeah, and this was after trying the drugs & drink thing. So I get depressed, too, and have thought abo
Forum: Everything else / general chatter
17 years ago
At least these vicunt twits aren't out blowing up their neighbors while they're doing this. While it's still pretty anal, creating their sillines is still better than building bombs. They'll soon realize that telling the same joke over & over again gets old and get some new maretial. How about it, losers, can't you do any better than your current meaningless drivel? I think you're smarter