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Re: Image comments for Happy Mexican
Posted by: Pablo Escobar
Date: 14/11/2016 03:54PM
Whoa! You're missing some major differences between these two my friend.

Sure, there's no changing the fact Trump will now become president but the reason
why there was no uproar when Obama was elected because Obama didn't have a damning
personal record like Trump. Why else would so many people be upset?

But it didn't stop the other half of the country voting for Trump
so that's that. When you have over 50% of the USA voting for Trump, it actually explains
why there is so much wrong with America.

Congress had the opportunity to "make America great" with Obama
but congress ganged up on him instead
and stopped him from making the necessary changes needed.

Now what's going to happen, as Beast explained the other day,
Trump will be pressured to sign tax cuts for the wealthy and then invade Syria.
You don't wanna go to Syria, at any cost.

Voting Trump in was a huge mistake. You may have been right in predicting his win
but you are soon going to find out that you were so so wrong not voting for an experienced politician
instead of a greedy, selfish, inexperienced businessman with only one thing on his mind;
his business empire. This guy is going to be the biggest political fuck-up in human history.

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