Having always been a fan of the idea of no one posting images or comments without having a username, I know that's not really much of a solution since there will always be those who think themselves so cool and slick that they'd just game that idea by creating multple usernames.
My thoughts have always been if you wanna fling up pics or talk smak, you oughta at least have big enough ballz to put a name to your uploads or posts.
It seems we share a similar view on both moderation and censorship, maybe for slightly differing reasons, yet that commonality is still something to be appreciated. Over the years I've been moderated and outright banned from sites that "claim" to welcome open debate and freedom of expression and that was always because I was willing to go toe to toe against the mainstream ebb and flow. As my lil sister says, I'll never get to wear the "Plays Well With Others" T-shirt
On the more specific topic of racist ULs and posts, our current presidential administration has done more to divide the races here than any I've ever seen and that's spilling over into many different facets of our culture, society and just as surely the digital media. Though many of us had hoped electing a black president would help calm the racial divide, it's done the exact opposite and not for the ideas most outside here think.
The easy target/whipping boy concept that it's because of the racism focused against our 1st black president is NOT the issue driving the debate nor the divide. That is much more a conflated ideology and creation of the mainstream media than it is a reality within our society.
If rampant racism were truly the cause of our societal ills then that should then be a prevalent feature of life here in Texas, a center of old school conservative ideology, but it isn't. I meet n greet any and all kinds of folks every day in my job and the divide is just not there, nor do I see it seething just below the surface. I'd be willing to gander that in your recent trip to the states you didn see racism at play where you were either, or did you?
Where the divide comes is between those who choose to work for a living and those who choose to live off those that do, instead of providing for themselves. The level of expected entitlement and generational abuse of a system intended to lend a temporary helping hand to those in need has driven a solid wedge between those who work, and those who don't.
The lil burg I live in these days is about as a conservative a place as you can imagine, yet everyone seems to get along just fine, which is diametricly opposed to what the media would have folks believe. But, there are areas I travel to in places like Dallas and Ft Worth where the hardore liberalist agenda is afoot and the tension can be so thick it's crushinlgy so.
Annhoosal, as I'm about to head out into one of my own occasional 16-18 hr days from hell I need to end this diatribe for now but as always, welcome your thoughts, perspective and of course, further debate
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 18/05/2015 10:49AM by Mrkim.