Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:02AM
> revert 23 Jan. 10:11, from:, marine
> is veronica about?

Yes. :-)
Posted by: DevilDog [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:07AM
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:13AM
A poster calling himself "revert" posted that in another forum (a chat on my homepage) and then I sat there thinking "where have I seen that name before?"...

Unfortunately, he's one of those posters who don't even try to refresh the chat so the chance of him seeing a reply there is zero. :-\
Posted by: DevilDog [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:32AM
OK! Sounds good to me.
Posted by: revert [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:35AM
*veronica* why don't you give yourself a name?

Anyway I was doing some searching on google and found [] just wanted to know what you've been upto. =)
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:45AM
Why should I give myself a name? "Anonymous@199228" feels quite comfortable to me. :-)

I've been up to... buying food... sleeping... that's about it. :-)

If you mean more of the same, here's another idea that's been sort of bubbling at the back of my mind when I've looked at the pictures in your gallery:

Posted by: revert [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 11:56AM
Looks interesting and I'm always interested in UI design. But we can only do so much in our free time so are still focusing on features that users want.

Once that is complete we may start working on the third UI of plus613. For all the changes that your suggesting I think the website is fairly easy to use given the type of users that seem to manage to post forum topics and alike. =)
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 12:06PM
Frames usually suck, but for things like this, when you want to look at a long list of pictures (especially animated gifs) they can be useful.
Posted by: DevilDog [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 12:50PM
Here is an idea that I really think could be help full. I always forget which pics I post on and would like to follow up them. If there was a way to search for my postings on pic's that would be awsome.

BTY sorry for budding in.
Posted by: Tiw [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 23, 2005 04:36PM
Yes, that is a good idea.
Posted by: revert [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 10:41AM
More user comment and forum tracking would be nice for yourself and also for other users, *devildog*.

I've been planning on something like that and will hopefully start working on it soon.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 03:43PM
Idea for this page:


Instead of reloading the page with the reload button in my browser and keeping track of what time the newest post was from there could be a "refresh" button in the page which would do the same reloading but with some kind of separator between "new" and "already read" discussions.
Posted by: pulse [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 05:10PM
I've liked the thought of maybe some variety of read/unread icon for a while. It could probably be kept track of via a cookie in the browser.

Hrm, we'll see.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 11:31PM
A non-cookie solution could be that in the list the links to the discussions contain info about which post is the latest. Something like this:


for this page after your post, and after I send this message it would be:


That way, when you view the list and see visited links (which, of course, is marked with a different colour than new links, which, in turn, are marked with a different colour than ordinary text...) you will know which ones you have seen and which ones are new.

This solution won't require anything more sophisticated than the user using one and the same browser each time they visit (which is relatively likely). No cookies, and no need for that "refresh" button I described above.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 11:32PM
[those semicolons were added by the forum software]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 11:33PM
[and they should have been question marks]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 24, 2005 11:34PM
[the &s that is]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 25, 2005 01:16PM
Here's a "model" version of my frames idea:


(note: the icons are quick-and-dirty sketches, colours have not been set, etc. this is just to show how frames could work with the pictures)
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 25, 2005 03:46PM
Another one:

Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 25, 2005 03:47PM
[btw, your page titles are a mess]
Posted by: revert [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 09:16AM
What *Anonymous@199228* is suggesting above is to use the most basic of features of the web, different colour coding visited links.

Simple and yes we will implement that.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:03AM
No, not only that (if I want that I just have to turn off CSS). I'm talking about changing the URL slightly, so that the URL to the same discussion will be "new" when there's a new post in it.

The result to the user would be:

bla bla
bla bla
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:04AM
[right now I get purple links at the top and blue links at the bottom and the occasional blue link at the top when there's a completely new discussion]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:42AM
Also, since you seem to have trouble with load on the server, it could help you by helping the users to avoid clicking on pages they've already seen...

And generally, how "big" are your pages? Many of your images are not-too-big ("postcard size", less than 100kcool smiley but how many kB of html is there with each picture? (I'm not counting logos and backgrounds and stuff, because those end up in the cache.) Is it really necessary to give "top rated" etc links with *every* image page?

< tries downloading a page "with everything" >



68159 for the things that are *not* the main content (the image of a car)

Not counting logos and stars and stuff:


How "heavy" is the average "page" compared to the average picture?

Here's another idea for you: requiring people to read a how-to FAQ about images for the web... or maybe just *including* such a FAQ on your site and recommending it to people who upload pictures... (OK, maybe you do that already, I haven't checked)
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:49AM
[That last comment is because I noticed that the picture on that particular page was about three times as big as I would have guessed from just looking at it...]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:50AM
[Yes, you can educate users. They may not enjoy it, and some may leave because of it, but they will also benefit from it (faster pages...)]
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 26, 2005 10:59AM
revert >> Also, you're not going to "implement" link colours, you're going to "un-disable" them. :-)
Posted by: DevilDog [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 27, 2005 03:54AM
Cool! Thanks Revert.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 27, 2005 08:58AM
If those 40kB per page could be reduced to 5kB, and if unnecessarily big pictures could be "optimized" you might not need that "donate" button.

Then there's the problem of how to optimize some unknown subset of 8000 pictures...

Maybe looking at the ones >100kB would be a good start.

"Chosen"/"Approved" users could get access to a list of such pictures and use a special uploading page to upload "optimized" versions which you could then check (put original and new version next to each other and see that the new one is OK) and use instead of the originals.
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (213.64.199.---)
Date: January 27, 2005 12:06PM
Also, when you get the feature to only view (or not view) certain categories that could help reduce server load too. Another idea is that you could have sub-categories (especially for the porn category) so that people can more easily avoid pictures they don't want to see (when somebody chooses not to look at a certain picture there will be one less hit on your server, and it will save them some time too).
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