Posted by: pulse [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 19, 2005 05:01PM
I'm bored at the moment, so I figured I'd update the site stats for smiling smiley At the bottom, I'll also include the weekly bandwidth usage graph so you guys have an idea at the kind of traffic this site is pumping out (it'll update live, so the graph you're seeing is the what it really is).

Busiest month: Currently Jan 2005, growing every single month. As of right now, the server has used over 256GB of data in the month, and we're on course to go well over 400GB.

January 2005 statistics as at 11am January 19:
Busiest statistical day of the week: Monday (Average 207,000 pages, and 15.15 GB bandwidth)
Average visits, per visitor, per month: 1.6
Highest unique visitors in 1 day: 9,589 (Tuesday, January 18)
Highest bandwidth usage in 1 day: 18.81 GB (Tuesday, January 18)
Unique visitors so far this month: Over 82,000
Visitors so far this month: 132,000

December 2004 stats:
Busiest statistical day of the week: Monday (Average 163,298 pages, and 8.27 GB bandwidth)
Average visits, per visitor, per month: 1.6
Highest unique visitors in 1 day: 6,488 (Wednesday, December 29)
Highest bandwidth usage in 1 day: 13.07 GB (Wednesday, December 29)
Unique visitors so far this month: 83,360
Total visits in December 2004: 146,216 current weekly bandwidth usage: (30 min average)

This site is going to get bigger and better through 2005, we hope you'll join us for the ride! Any stats you'd like to know? Tell me smiling smiley
Posted by: woger [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 19, 2005 05:34PM
Cool, it's a terrific site, I'm glad it's popular smiling smiley
Posted by: Stiffler [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 02:13AM
Very cool. What are the dips in between each day? I'd assume that it would be nighttime usage but people all over the world use this site so that actually doesn't make much sense.
Posted by: gruff [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 02:25AM
Where does the money come from?
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 02:59AM
pulse's pocket.
Posted by: gruff [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 04:11AM
good man pulse
Posted by: gruff [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 04:12AM
Stiff: yes people all over the world use it but users will be concentrated in US/European time zones. The dips are for Asia and the Pacific.
Posted by: pulse [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 20, 2005 06:56AM
You're all correct, well done smiling smiley
Posted by: Anonymous [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 21, 2005 07:20AM
yeah cause tehres no ads that i know of to fund the site.
Posted by: pulse [x] - (203.217.41.---)
Date: January 21, 2005 02:28PM
No, there's no advertising of any sort on this site. We don't see a dime back for time/money that goes into it.

Running a site like this gets pretty expensive too, especially when popularity picks up like it has the last couple of months. We only just upgraded to a whole new server 2-3 months ago, and already it's struggling to keep up. A new server upgrade to a high end multi CPU beast is going to have to be in order soon if the traffic continues to rise at this rate (you can see in the graph above it's solidly increasing week to week).
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