quasi: I quit playing world of warcraft... at least until the new expansion comes out! lol

Over the last 3-4 years i've put together 2-3 different new skins for the site but none have managed to get past the gatekeeper troll known as pulse. This was the first one he's ever given encouragement over, which was 'i don't hate it'... and for him to say that it's like getting deep throat on the prom....
Blah: weird the forum comments being marked viewed or not hasn't changed at all. I agree with pulse that thread pages don't have the 'new' marking (should fix that today). I've Ubuntu on my work laptop so I'll install firefox (chrome user) today and see if I can replicate it.
As for the gallery thumbs with unread comments no title thing, i'll fix that as well today hopefully...
FYI I've disabled hotlinking so the massive increase of users online is due to the users who where loading images via hotlinked images (rather than using the specified linking code below a image) are being redirected to the actual site. Seems most of these users are aiming for the dark side but are loading images from this sides image server. I'm gonna fix up the redirector to be site neutral today.