This would have to be the 15th physical server this site has run from. I replaced the hosting server about 6 months ago with this one (the other is still online, doing nothing - might make it a second web server), but def no logs going back that far. We'd have gigs of the suckers. All the previous except for current & last were rented servers, I own all the hardware these days.
2003-10-12 would've had me in the UK still, about 6 months or so before I came back to .au - so that's probably on the right track for the place I remember revert living back then. So yeah I'd have to guess Oct '03 was when we launched the site.
10 years this year. Scary really, the amount of bullshit that's come through here

It used to be a really popular site, having a thousand+ users online wasn't uncommon, pictures would get dozens, even hundreds of votes, etc. Back when Geocities was all the rage and sucked ass. These days it's all about Facebook and imgur is probably more what this site should've become. We always wanted private spaces/galleries/comments etc. Could've been Facebook but .. you know .. good.
Ah well I'm happy. We've got some cool users, the ads on the porn side pay probably 50% of the running costs (I just absorb hardware purchase, pretend it doesn't happen) so it's all good really. I'll stop reminiscing now