Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 22, 2008 12:04PM
You'll need to add your email to your account details, super old users like yourself that where on the old auth method (3 years ago?) might not have a email address in your account and it's kinda needed for some of the extra functionality.
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 22, 2008 12:06PM
polls are back btw.
Posted by: quasi [x] - (64.215.250.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 01:08PM
Woberto, that ain't english, buddy, but I think it means the same thing as what DK said, doesn't it?

Yes,DK, I am super old, but I've only been on here less than two years and do have my email set.
Posted by: fossil_digger [x] - (76.185.240.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 04:00PM
lmao! i made the best avatar ever! smiling bouncing smiley

shit the gif doesn't work

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 22/08/2008 04:01PM by fossil_digger.
Posted by: woberto [x] - (121.91.22.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 04:14PM
Same error when trying to update email details.
Nearly 4 years
Posted by: zxz555 [x] - (83.108.35.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 07:57PM
automatic colouring of links into blue is not happening when comments are created with the insert url button. Hence the confusion in the "what ya listenin' to" thread. example: is that your real hair? proving strangely that it works here but not in the last post i did in the other forum topic?! confused smiley
Posted by: pro_junior [x] - (24.21.92.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 09:21PM
I've always thought the default blue for links wasn't really light enough to be distinct from the black text, so I always use the text color option when I post a link...
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 22, 2008 09:36PM
Anti-spam software on this server has detected that your message might be spam. Therefore, your message has been blocked. If your message was not a spam message, then we apologize for the inconvenience that blocking it might have caused. If you keep having problems with your messages being blocked, please contact the site administrator for help.

Note: If you have disabled JavaScript within your browser or if your browser does not support JavaScript at all, then this might be the reason why your message was blocked. Some of the anti-spam measures are dependent on JavaScript.

Unable to commnt on picture threads. Keep getting this^

I've not disabled JavaScript. Went into security settings and made sure all was enabled.
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 23, 2008 12:16AM
woberto: i've set your account to have a dummy email address, you should now be able to set a correct one.

skull: does posting also not work in another browser you have? like if your using IE can you try firefox?
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 23, 2008 12:23AM
as you can see link text is highlighting nicer

quasi: u shouldn't be getting issues adding a avatar.. are you?
Posted by: woberto [x] - (121.91.22.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 12:23AM
Ta muchly.
Good feature, hope it stays.
Posted by: quasi [x] - (64.215.250.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 12:36AM
My avatar shows up in the avatar selection box but still seems to be a no show otherwise.
Posted by: pulse [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 23, 2008 12:44AM
So you click under where it says 'select' and save changes and it doesn't display?

Originally mine spat out an error when I did that but it worked anyway.
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 02:11AM
Bit of trouble with comments posting today. I'm sure you guys will have it fixed by Monday. Ya always do.
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 02:13AM
My comments are posting now. Just taking several minutes to make it to the thread. No biggie.
Posted by: quasi [x] - (64.215.250.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 02:26AM
Didn't work the first try but took hold this time.
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 23, 2008 03:11AM
skull: the site uses a caching method which means that comments/stats aren't always 100% upto date. Can take upto 5mins for caches to flush.
Posted by: SkullandChains [x] - (207.32.60.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 07:19AM
That's cool DK. I'll be sure to give it time to post rather than get anstsy and post the message twice, as did previously. Other than that, I like the new format. Able to post PMs without my screen freezing as well. thumbs up
Posted by: zxz555 [x] - (83.108.35.---)
Date: August 23, 2008 08:14PM
Please could we have the options quote & reply in the image comments too? when replying to a comment by another user I have to remember (!!!) who said what because i can't see the comments after having clicked to post my own, it would make answering multiple users and funny spellers a lot easier. smileys with beer

um, my my image uploads page does not work beyond page one. And... this is a bit cheeky after all the hard work you guys put in but couldn't the my image uploads page run backwards so that the newest post are page one? I'm guessing there's a practical reason why it works the way it does now, but it makes more sense if it works as the gallery works, I think. And can I have pepsi with my fries?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 23/08/2008 08:30PM by zxz555.
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 24, 2008 01:58AM
I removed the 'quote & reply' to lessen the amount of posts where people focused on peoples spelling and not the content of the message. I don't understand how your saying you can't get past page 0, i took a look and could use the next links and also the pulldown page jump fine can you explain in more detail what you mean? and the 'my image uploads' page shouldn't of ran that way.. bug fixed.
Posted by: pro_junior [x] - (24.21.92.---)
Date: August 25, 2008 12:47AM
on gallery page, the 'filter' button is gone...
as before, you can open scroll down menu and just click on what you want to see...but when looking at site on blackberry I need the filter button sad smiley
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 25, 2008 01:27AM
You should be able to enable javascript on blackberries to work with the site. I'm looking into finding something that will only show form submit buttons to browsers that don't have javascript enabled.
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 25, 2008 03:32AM
Ok people without javascript should now be able to navigate the gallery.
Posted by: pro_junior [x] - (24.21.92.---)
Date: August 25, 2008 12:37PM
righteous thumbs up
Posted by: Placelowerplace [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 25, 2008 05:11PM
when trying to save a picture from either site plus/porn in IE
the save as dialouge comes up every time as "untitled" save as .bmp

and in Moz it save as a .jpg or gif just fine, but the naming nolonger includes the www.613.blah blah blah,
it now reads like this "display_image&imageID=159048.jpg"


(and yes I am aware that this is a setup to bash on IE users, but none the less I'd like to know how to remedy)
Posted by: fossil_digger [x] - (76.185.240.---)
Date: August 26, 2008 04:21AM
dynamite. grinning smiley
Posted by: Placelowerplace [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 26, 2008 11:06PM
Don't know or don't care?
Posted by: DarkKlown [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 27, 2008 12:10AM
We're using a redirection script to actually source out the image to one of our external webhosts, we need to do this because we have limits on the amount of hits these external webhosts will allow, so by having the redirection script i can count the amount of hits they get and if they come close to their limit not have images loaded from them. (which would cause a 'red x') I'll take a look at making it a bit cleaner in how it redirects so that if people do try and right click the filename is a little more sane.
Posted by: Placelowerplace [x] - (Moderator)
Date: August 27, 2008 05:17AM
O, but I have no idea what that means in terms of IE users wanting to save thier favorite picture. I DO however unterstand the hits vs ISP "bend you over" policy. So ok does that mean I can save my pictures without the threat detect that IperialistExplioter7 does?
Posted by: quasi [x] - (64.215.250.---)
Date: August 27, 2008 09:26AM
Hi. My name is quasi and I have IE.

No problem saving pics here, just have to rename them.
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