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"a close-up of a flag"

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Comments for: OLD GLORY
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 03:12AM

ooohhh the intelligence is just too much for me to handle!!!
me_too Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 04:31AM

This crap is getting old!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:09AM

ha ha ha....thats right! fuck you fuckers!
Rugs Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 05:58AM

LOL, you lot stay obsessed with Americans eh?

Get over them and on with your own bloody lives...Do you have lives?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 07:21AM

Would the resident of the flawless nation please stand up?
Bob Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 12:47PM

LMFAO. Please do keep posting this stuff it's hilarious. Firstly a American make some shitty racist comment, then someone posts and anti-american pic, then the americans get defensive and hurl racist abuse at the poster before posting lots of images of their favourite Bush. It's a vicious circle but a funny one.
who_cares Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 02:56PM

Face it...America is and will always be the greatest country in the WORLD...This kind of shit will never end because the lesser people on the rest of the fucked up planet will always be jealous yet, envious of the lives we live...They hate us because they are the weaker population (Whether there in America or not)....Or they just have nothing else better to do and they think it's "cool" in which case, they should take a relieving leap off a building....I'm sorry your pussies hurt so much over this great country you live in or want to be a part of...if it makes you happy to post American hate pics, so be it....just remember it's doing no day your ass is either going to get beat down or killed by someone like me...because like you, I'd be doing the word (America) a favor....Kill yourself and your family...have a wonderful American day...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 03:51PM

"Who cares". there is no way you're American. You have to be from some other place trying to stir up shit. in other words a troll.
who_cares Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 04:46PM

No my friend...this picture stirs up shit...and I am most definitely an proud American, born and raised, I pay tribute to the flag and support everything my president does, the Commander in Chief, whether I like his decisions or not. Did you even read the last post?? Does it sound like I'm some fuckin towel head or some other insignificant fucken foreigner for that matter?? I guess I am trying to sture up shit with the assholes who have now respect for the USA....especially those assholes who are fellow Americans (or people who received there American citizenship because they WANTED to be part of the US) living here that hate there own country, in that case GET THE FUCK OUT!! Its that simple. If you hate America soooo bad, go somewhere else, like off a cliff. Unless you realize that you couldn't make it anywhere else besides the US in which case, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND COLOR you fuckin baby! The US has made mistakes in war we all know that, but the war starts with other people fucking with us and our assets. Except for Vietnam, that was fucked up. We've never made a mistake big enough to really hurt our country, it could happen, who knows?? But that’s life, now get on with it or get out. I don't want another you?? That’s the beauty of America...We get slammed to the ground but, we quickly stand up taller than ever before and rain hell on those who are to blame or pose a potential threat. Like it or not, that’s life.
Irishman Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 06:05PM

To "Who cares" And you wonder why people don't like you.
zekesentry Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 06:58PM

Hey Irishman, good point.

I posted this picture to piss off OLGORY< but she has yet to take notice.
zekesentry Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 06:59PM

I meant LOGORY or whatever the fuck her name is.
zekesentry Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 07:04PM

[] This is what my post was in regards too.
gnarly1972 Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 07:12PM

zekesentry Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2005 07:20PM

How come racism is okay when it is against Americans? I mean everywhere you go, people are the same. You have the good, the bad, and the ugly everywhere.
Marquis Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2005 03:42PM

Children, most of you are nothing but children or just acting like them. I've served in the US forces. I've done my time. I've been in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and so on. What I'm saying is racism is everywhere. Get use to it pussies.
Pieter Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:36PM

zekesentry how can you really piss off LOGORY? He is a die hard anti-american who are similair to the die hard pro-americans : views never change, racist and idiots. Born that way, die that way.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 01:44PM

It looks like LOGORY is finger USA ...nice smiling
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 03:56PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2005 08:59AM

im sry for the americans, over 50% pop. is brainwashed... and they say their not, plz give me the answer to these 4 questions... 1.) who won ww1 and ww2... 2.) how much of the worlds pop. was under did the control british empire in a "%"... 3.) what nation did Nicholas II control?... 4.) what nation in the world has the largeist amount criminals?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2005 12:02PM

Not sure if you know "who cares" but the Ten Thousand day War you refer to as fucked goes a little deeper than that,First: The U.S. had to bail out france(again) in 1959 etc etc....then look into china's part for some interesting tidbits
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 04:50AM

Groan* Here we go again, on and bloody on about America! No wonder they have a complex.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 08:07PM

So what piece of shit poster posted this and what piece of shit country does it live in?