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Cindy Sheehan Mother of Our Troops (Real American Hero) Proud of Our Troops
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Cindy Sheehan Mother of Our Troops (Real American Hero) Proud of Our Troops

"a woman wearing a scarf"

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Comments for: Cindy Sheehan Mother of Our Troops (Real American Hero) Proud of Our Troops
a_father Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 12:20AM

She is a True American with Good Values! Please support her []
supporter Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 06:10AM

She is such a great person.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 12:34PM

shes a fake! she put it on this site trying to get money, look at the 2 comments @242130.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 02:30PM

I doubt she would even know about a mostly perv site as this one. Besides, the 242130 just means the comments came from the same computer, might not be the same person. Besides, Bush is a coward.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 09:14PM

She is an attention freak. Her son died in Iraq and she blames the US Government for it. Duh??? He VOLUNTARILY joined the one forced him to or tricked him. If you join the Army, you could get hurt or killed. Pretty common knowledge actually. He chose to accept that risk in return for a paycheck. HIS decision. If she was so concerned about her son, why didn't she help him find a job that had no risk? Sorry he died, just like I am sorry for all the brave soldiers, marines, sailors and airman who have died over there. What makes his ass special? His attention-hog mama?
straitdude Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2005 09:20PM

Anonymous@70198 you are an ASS! Go fight the war to stop the Chinese from taking Cheney's oil in Iraq you, fuckin chicken shit!
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 12:37AM

Fagot 242130 there is nothing wrong with 70198 or the woman.Its a free country whether you like it or not.Tell me something if the chinesse do get the oil and are supeirior,do you think life will be better under there rule.Just what the fuck do you want for gods sake.You bitch so fucking much one would think you were paid.........oh! you must work for the DNC or France because you hate America so much.Your really just a dick,you really dont know what it takes to run the country or keep us where we are on the food chain.So tell us what you want,paint us a picture of your perfect world,RETARD!!!
skull_thebiker Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 12:52AM

duane@2439 do you agree with Anonymous@70198's insults to Cindy Sheehan? Anonymous@70198 was calling a dead soldier's mom "attention-hog mama"? Personally I thought that was freedom of expression and her right as an American citizen?
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 03:40AM

Look freedom of speech covers everyone,Im not going to say hes right but he could be.I know that if I had died while in the military I would not want my mother complaining that it was the government and making it seem like I died for nothing.Two loses rolled into one,the morale of the troops down listening to the bickering only meaning more American dead.Morale is important in the military in some cases it means life or death.Having been in the military I understand that.It goes with fighting for what you believe in I have heard people on here say things like they hope more Americans die to teach our government a lesson,and then claim to be Americans.They deserve to be drowned in cesspools.People who profit from our downfall really fucking irk me.Soldiers are dying and they are at war,they deserve our full support.Certain media outlets prosper on the back of this anti-American movement like Micheal Moore.He talks of freedom fighters in Iraq who are really from Syria,Lebanon,and Iran and blow up innocent civilians and compares them to our minute men.This is all like a bad joke,Im sure the Iraqi people would not call them freedom fighters probably more allong the line of scumbags,murderers or animals.The terrorist attacks escolated under Clinton and now everyone thinks by doing something we will just make things worse,well we were going there anyway so lets just get our shots in now.I certainly dont want to hide in the corner and wait to be killed.As for the woman her son died in combat she should be sad but proud.He sacrificed alot.Maybe he was scared and told her so,thats ok.Maybe he was not and shes bitter becuase hes gone and thats ok.I just dont see the world like Sean Penn or Harry Bellafonte I see it more from the average perspective not from a cocaine induced paranoia of the rich.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 03:47AM

[] listen to Bills talking points.See I can put web sites and things from my side up here but you dont have to agree with them.
someguy Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 05:06AM

Duane you doofus Fox is not news. lol
Beast Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 07:21AM


Your tard status is at critical levels. Stop watching the "Indoctrination" channel known as FOX News.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 10:42AM

You post crap up here all day long from independent news agencies that all hate Bush.Deal with it.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2005 09:23PM

Duane the tard

I don't post anything from news agencies.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 01:07AM

What the kiddie porn guy is back,welcome to the conversation beech!Are you tired of calling little girls "cunts" dumbass?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 02:03AM

FUCK HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beast Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 06:16AM

Anonymous@5973 Fuck You. Ass.

It's no one's job to be put in harms way without just cause. President moron, who wouldn't know the smell of napalm and burning flesh, chose to put men in harms way. And for what ? No WMD. No protection of the Iraqi people.

The Shia were the bad guys until dipshit came to office. You do remember that the US paid Saddam handsomely to oppress the Shia because they are of the same strand of islam that most IRANIANs are.

Bush is real good at attacking people who were friends yesterday. That is how terrorism was born.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 11:09AM

Who cares the wicked witch is is dead,la la the witch is dead.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 07:14PM


A witch is born. The Shia are the same nutcases that rule Iran.
William_Leatherwood Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 07:15AM

I see a great contrast between Cindy Sheehan’s first comments about her meeting with Bush in her interview on June 24, 2004, that was just several months after her son was killed, and the latest comments she is making about that same meeting with Bush. Cindy Sheehan first said after her meeting with Bush, that she ” now knows that Bush is sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqi’s.” Then she went on to say and I quote, ” I know he’s sorry and feels pain for our loss.” She used two descriptions to describe her impressions of Bush after Bush’s meeting with her, “Sincere” and ” He’s sorry and feels pain for our loss.” Now its quite the opposite description of Bush, if you were to listen to her new interpretation of that same meeting with Bush, you would think it was two seperate meetings. Cindy Sheehan now says about that meeting with Bush that ” Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject,and he acted like it was a party.” That statement indicates just the opposite of what she originally said about Bush, in that she even used the word “sincere” in describing Bush’s demeanor in her earlier interview. The question that now remains concerning her two completely different versions of that meeting with Bush, is, which one is the true story and which one is the lie? Cindy Sheehan’s versions of that meeting with President Bush just don’t match, they are not remotely similar.

William_Leatherwood Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2005 09:37PM

I notice the “sheehanites” love to repeat Cindy Sheehan’s redundant and what they consider to be “revelational” question , “What noble cause did Casey Sheehan die for?” Now I guess we have to return back to the elementary class of Saddam 101 to answer that question.

1. Saddam Hussein was a threat to peace in the Middle East. His aggression was only held in check by constant monitoring and economic sanctions that he then used as an excuse to starve and brutalize the people of his own country , all the while, building himself more and more elaborate and gaudy palaces. Was it “Noble” and should have Saddam been removed from power? Ask the Kurds, the Shiites, the Kuwaitis, the Saudis, the Iranians, and the marsh Arabs. I think they’d all say yes.

2. Saddam brutally tortured and killed hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of innocent people. In my opinion, that alone was sufficient for getting rid of him. “Nobly sufficient”

3. Saddam Hussein supported terrorism in the Middle East and around the world. It has been well-documented that Saddam Hussein paid $25,000 to families of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel . Just eliminating that incentive to kill innocent Israeli woman and children is “noble” reason alone to remove Saddam. I know Cindy Sheehan is cringing about that one.

4. Terror groups associated with Al Qaeda were operating within Iraq in terrorist training camps such as Salman Pak before the war, and had been funded, at least in part, by the Iraqi government. There is no direct link, other then sheltering the terrorist, between Saddam Hussein and the attacks of September 11, 2001, but there is no doubt that Saddam was part of the larger problem of terrorism.

5. Saddam Hussein disregarded numerous United Nations resolutions, 17 in all, dealing with disarmament and inspections. His military fired anti-aircraft weapons at U.S. and U.K. aircraft patrolling the no-fly zones on a daily bases, so he never lived up even to the initial cease-fire agreement that ended hostilities at the end of the first Gulf War, let alone any of other numerous resolutions by the U.N. Security Council. Any one of those violations would provide legal justification for the war.

6. The “domino effect” theory for moving the Middle East towards democracy and away from terrorism has a good chance of working, and yes that alone is a NOBLE reason to be in Iraq. Witness Libya’s recent renouncement of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Iraq itself is moving inexorably toward democratic self-rule, despite the efforts of terrorists and “dead-enders” and the “anti-war defeatest at home” to sabotage the process. If our government stays the course, we will win in Iraq and that victory is for all Iraqi’s.

7. Removing Saddam Hussein, in my view, was a major part of the larger strategy for the Middle East to move the entire region away from Islamic fundamentalism, theocracy and brutal dictatorship, which give rise to terrorism, and towards representative governments, ruled by law and respectful of individual rights, which will bring peace and stability to the whole region. Yes that is a NOBLE reason and cause to be in Iraq. The insurgents want to keep the blood flowing long enough to distract from that goal, and also so in America dissent will rise against the war in Iraq resulting in a withdrawal.