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"a man holding a statue of liberty"

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Comments for: bushula
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2005 09:44PM

It's all Bush's fault! Whaaa!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 01:28AM


If the fucker is going to try to take credit for things that he had no part in then he should take the shit too.

But as I see it. Bush has stripped Miss Liberty of her liberty.

Bush has told the world loud and clear that America doesn't want anyone's tired or poor. And certainly not it's huddled masses.

The Bush administration is damaging this and other countries at exponential rates. Thank god it can be undone in the future.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 01:34AM

he'll be gone soon.....things will get much better
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 03:54AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 04:35AM

Bush has told the world loud and clear that America doesn't want anyone's tired or poor. And certainly not it's huddled masses. And especially not the ones that have explosives. Haven't had and bombs going off lately, just the ones under the leeves in New Orleans, right?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 05:03AM

English anyone?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 06:46AM


But if your name is Bin Laden, you get a free pass to do anything.
Republifucks Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:04AM

Oh, it's Bush's fault alright. (Along with the rest of other neo-fascist buttfucks that populate the White House these days, whose names are already wretchedly familiar) But the electorate validated it with a 2% mandate that makes me pretty fucking sure that whatever whackjob terrorist network decides to take another jab at us that there aim will be a lot "redder".

And that pisses me off becuase I live in one 'em.

Frank Zappa said it best:

The most plentiful element in the universe is not Hydrogen, it's stupidity. Becuase it's self replicating.

The American Electorate: Certified 52% DUMBER than your actual bag of hammmers.....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:09AM

I repeat myself. "Whaaa! It's Bush's fault!"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:15AM

not in my name!
Im a democrate. I have the same opinion as gays, people from peta, jesse jackson, al sharpton, lewis farrakhan, barbra streisand, michael moore, michael jackson, rosie o'donald, 90% of hollywood stars, kayne west and nambla! these are good people that dont have their own agendas, they care about you!

Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 08:11AM

OK KIDS......Beast and you other ones that can't handle putting a name in here; HERE WE GO AGAIN, So!!!!!!!!!!LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The chain of responsibility for the protection of the citizens in New Orleans:
1. The Mayor
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security (a political appointee of the Governor who reports to the Governor)
3. The Governor
4. The Head of Homeland Security
5. The President
What did each do?
1. The mayor, with 5 days advance, waited until 2 days before he announced a mandatory evacuation (at the behest of the President). Then he failed to provide transportation for those without transport even though he had hundreds of buses at his disposal, which now sit under water!!
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security failed to have any plan for a contingency that has been talked about for 50 years. Then he blames the Federal Gov't. for not doing what he should have done. (So much! for political appointees)
3. The Governor, despite a declaration of disaster by the President 2 DAYS BEFORE the storm hit, failed to take advantage of the offer of Federal troops and aid. Until 2 DAYS AFTER the storm hit.
4. The Director of Homeland Security positioned assets in the area to be ready when the Governor called for them
5. The President urged a mandatory evacuation, and even declared a disaster State of Emergency, freeing up millions of dollars of federal assistance, should the Governor decide to use it.

Oh and by the way, the levees that broke were the responsibility of the local landowners and the local levee board to maintain, NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The disaster in New Orleans is what you get after decades of corrupt government going all the way back to Huey Long.
BTW, "Anonymous@20467" you must be really dedicated considering you can't even spell your party's name.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 08:47PM

I think Anon@20467's comments were least I'm hoping they were.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 05:18AM

Ninepointfiver@79212: You are exactly right but I don't think most of the posters here could concentrate long enough to read or understand your response.. busy rolling joints..