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This deosn't look good
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This deosn't look good

"a road with a large crack"

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Comments for: This deosn't look good
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2012 04:21AM

Typo on the title, sorry.

Just south of town here and the only road connecting us to south county. Not good.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2012 05:15AM

Engineering fail?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2012 07:55AM

this is fairly common here in the pacific northwest...
recently there has been alot of rain in a short time around Salem, OR, which is if I'm not mistaken, closer to blah than to myself...there's been quite a bit of flooding of the small creeks all around that area over the last couple days.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2012 06:02PM

I'm in Newport now. I think we're about the same distance from Salem in air miles.

PJ is absolutely right, the road erosion is pretty common, especially here along the coast. I don't think there's a lot engineers can do to avoid it without driving up the costs of roads sky high. This one is also a difficult location for working on due to the terrain. It's down to one lane of course. There was a worse one in north county where the road sunk and a semi trailer got stuck high centered there. Road was closed for several hours.

We definitely didn't get it as bad as the valley did but we got hammered pretty hard here on the coast especially from the winds. Some locations recorded gusts well above 100mph. All the rivers in the county flooded too. Where we used to live in Tidewater along the Alsea river was completely flooded. I'm sure glad we're not there now.