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Most overrated sex twins on the net
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Most overrated sex twins on the net

"two girls in pink shirts holding a blanket"

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Comments for: Most overrated sex twins on the net
Mint Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 06:23AM

please tell me you are joking calling them SEX twins
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 05:22PM

yeah they are over rated
i down loaded one of their movies once - boring as hell
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 05:34PM

Mint Wrote:
> please tell me you are joking calling them SEX
> twins

No I'm not joking. Type Milton Twins at google images. They're all over.
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 06:09PM

shaDEz Wrote:
> yeah they are over rated
> i down loaded one of their movies once - boring as
> hell

Girls don't hit their sexual prime 'til after 30. By then they know what the fuck they're doing, what they want in bed. Sexual drive is much stronger as well.

Well, I've never seen their (the twins) vids. Wouldn't want to either. I see people rave about them on other sites. Here's why I think they are overrated.

1. Their faces are ugly. Perhaps when they hit their 20's, become women, they'll look much better.

2. Not tits. Their chest reminds me of a 12 year old boy's chest. thumbs

3. No ass. thumbs

4. Not one hair on their pussies. Probably shave so's to look much younger than they really are. thumbs

5. Too skinny. They look malnourished. I swear, if I had an hour alone with them, I'd feed them!
disappointed smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2007 08:43PM

I would fuck them anyway.............
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2007 08:25AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> I would fuck them anyway.............

dude, those whore are boring as hell, i doubt you'd nut in over three hours of trying to jack to them if at all
there is a movie of those on torrentspy dl it see for yerself, fucking boring as hell... unless if your thirteen maybe

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 16/05/2007 08:26AM by shaDEz.