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Saddam Judge sees through US bullshit charges vs. Saddam
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Saddam Judge sees through US bullshit charges vs. Saddam

"a man wearing glasses and a white collared shirt"

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Comments for: Saddam Judge sees through US bullshit charges vs. Saddam
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2006 11:12PM

Just one teensy problem with this...there are NO US charges against Saddam Hussein. He is being charged in an Iraqi court by US involvement in either the charges or the trial....prove otherwise...of course, you can't but Democrats pay no attention to facts or truth which is why they are the minority. If the US wanted a piece of Saddam, it would have been ridiculously easy...the US captured him...they could have then flown him to Gitmo. Democrats have shit for brains as usual.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2006 11:32PM

Yes, Saddam has never even killed a fly, all the thousands of people he's killed are just lies....
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 12:04AM


Who do you think instructed the Iraqi on what charges to bring against Saddam ?

The US. You don't know WTf you are talking about. The US instructed Iraqis on what charges to bring from the start.

Saddam was supposed to have "gassed the kurds". Why wasn't he charged with that ? Because the US CIA and DIA has already proved that false.

But the CIA and DIA did not conduct an investigation of deaths from the Iran\Iraq war which means there is no evidence to prevent Saddam from being charged with bogus crimes.

If the US doesn't do the investigation then Saddam could be convicted. Which is exactly what the US is counting on.

Of course all this is BS because Saddam did not violate 1 Iraqi law during his presidency. S Iraq has no jurisdiction to bring charges against Saddam.

Only the World Court could bring charges but the US know Saddam would be found NOT GUILTY.


Yes they are lies. Most of the people Saddam is accused of killing were killed in the Iran\Iraq war.

Other individuals were killed in the Sunni\Shia war that went on even when Saddam ruled Iraq. The killings happened independently of the government.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 12:15AM

more bull shit from the dumb ass
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 12:19AM


easy to say. prove it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 02:11AM

I can tell from your comments!That's all the proof I need.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 02:54AM


Another BSer. Someone who can't back up their statements.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 02:56AM

Saddam didn't gas the Kurds? YOU are the ONLY person on this planet that has that mindset. You are so f**ked up that it isn't even worth responding to...everything you post here is just mind-bogglingly wacked out. Your HATRED of anything and everything Republican has you spewing the most idiotic and mentally deranged garbage one can possibly imagine and you try to pass yourself off as perhaps "normal"....dude you fail. It must suck being angry and bent out of shape every day of your miserable life just because most Americans are Republican.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 04:56AM


Stephen C. Pelletiere seems to know that Saddam did not gas the kurds.

He wrote that teh DIA (defense intelligence agency) confirmed that Saddam did not gas the kurds.

He has promised to testify for Saddam should Saddam ever be charged for gassing the kurds.

Try this article bitch.


This article also disproves other Saddam myths.

Get a clue people. The US government has been and continues to lie about Saddam.


I do not hate everything republican. I hate GB. He dismissed reports that proved Saddam did not have WMd and threw them in the garbage for 1 report of a lying piece of shiite.

He discredited the CIA for his own end. Treason.

Most americans are NOT republican. 57% of american are registered democrats.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 05:59AM

too bad they all don't vote.
then the dem's would have the world fucked up even more by *allowing* shit like this to happen not doing anything to help, only finger pointing,neh neh neh neh neh.....the demochumps need to all move to france, they can collude with everyone over there!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 09:34AM


*Lame* as usual. always seeing the small picture.

It is conservatives that caused 9-11 and terrorist acts around the world by forcing their cultural and business ideas into 3rd world nations.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 12:31PM

Well, Saddam Hussein is a despotic jackass.
Just like the right wingnuts who designed him and put him in power when "Republifucks: The original series" had more ambition than sense back when all this shit got set in motion post war....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2006 11:31PM

first of all
Why are they judging him in USA, when he did not commited any crime on teritory of USA??
Oh I forgot, whole world is USA-s...
Fuckin republicans
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2006 03:16PM

What about the crimes Goergoe Bush and Dick Cheney have instilled on the poeople - worldwise. Lies and deception. And we in Australia are copping your American shit. And you even have to come to Australian sites and talk shit!

Fuck you all!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2006 03:18PM

that's "worldwide", as i know that about 10 of you American fuckers will spot a mistake in writing, but not when it happens right under your nose. You fucks!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2006 08:05PM


You would think australians were still in british shackles with the way they support George Bush.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2006 10:04PM

they're not?!
damn we better get some marines down there *pronto*!!!!!
TasDevil Report This Comment
Date: January 17, 2006 11:31AM

Why "down" there, f_d? America may be in the northern hemisphere but that doesn't make it =top= of the world, despite your own presonal superiority complex.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2006 09:25AM

Americans, God will judge you...

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 02:42AM

well if america is in the n. hemisphere and australia is in the s. hemisphere.....that would make it *down there*.
superior? you're damn right and don't forget it!.....:~}
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 02:44AM

249163: that sounds like one of beasts conspiracy theory trials.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2006 10:31AM


Unfortunately God's judgement comes in the hereafter.


You are going to bag on someone's religious beliefs ? Talk about lame.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2006 03:43AM

hey you're american too.....i think.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2007 01:38AM

Mrs. Brown I don't want to get busted for fake awards by your side ! If , your name is Mrs. Brown but you know dr. SUSAN BLOCK OF BEVERLY HILLS !