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I'm in london right now. I made this to ease the tension I'm experienceing right
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I'm in london right now. I made this to ease the tension I'm experienceing right

"a man with a bandage on his head"

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Comments for: I'm in london right now. I made this to ease the tension I'm experienceing right
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2005 03:29PM

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2005 07:24PM

Unfortunately, the term "sand niggers" insults one ethnicity at the expense of another. Two for one Shadez? Or was that a rage-accident?

This is a war where the innocents get it the worst, and quite directly, and both sides profit (politically speaking) when their own people are injured.
The hatred this event generates will be used to continue the cycle; more bombs, more dead, nothing solved. We should convict Islamo-psycho-fascists and make them rot in jail for the rest of their lives.
Militaristic responses won't work in our favor. We have to respond so that their militarism doesn't act in their favor either. But our gov'ts won't. And the real reasons the US is in Iraq will not be revealed openly, and thus we will stay, and inspire more suicide attacks. And it will go round again. and again.

I hate this war. It's the worst yet. And it will never end.
USA Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2005 08:16PM

What do you think we should do John_Stone? Stay at home and read the bible? What that going to do? They are a Nation of Cowards. They can't even read thier own bible right. Where does Ala say to bomb others? Satans bible doesn't even say to do that. Now their not even taking their own lives with the bomb, thats what sucks the most!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2005 09:50PM

shadez you fat american cowboy mother fucker you got some fuckin balls to talk shit online you fat fuck.. go out and say that to a muslim guy see if he doen't slap the shit out of you you fat motherfucker...
pwnd_u Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2005 11:34PM

I was in jail on 9-11 and some white guy called a arab a sandnigger. The dumb ass wonder bread was bleeding out of his ears and eyes after the beating.
the_great_one Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 03:16AM

your a liar...everyone knows that ex-cons can't use computers. plus, i know for a fact that you're 43 and you live in your mom's me
Hey_Sous Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 03:22AM

english_white_and_proud Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 01:08PM

right as a proud white English man why do you( americans) feel the need to talk so much shit, you know what this feeling is like 9/11
This just shows how much balls you lot have to take the piss out of a similar event.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 02:53PM

Should we shag now or shag later?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 08:29PM

later, my place, around 7 ~_~
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 09:35PM

Im with shaDEZ fuck em,and I will go out and stick my dick in a muslim tonight and see if he slaps me,I dont think so he will probably ask if I want it sucked clean so fuck you 162197 dickless.pwnd_u I dont live in prison so fuck you too!Muslims dont over populate my neighborhood so unless I go to the 7-11 I think Im safe in saying fuck sand niggers.Well sense muslims act that way in prison maybe we should jump thier carpet riding asses at the local gas station and steal thier gas and slurpee machines it would kinda even the score.Oh and I want a buritto with that.Thank you please drive thru.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 10:00PM

Most of you will look very stupid when you find out that Muslims were not responsible for this bombing.

You will look doubly stupid when you find out the people were WHITE !
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 10:03PM

If it kills more muslims then Ok Ill go for it Im still pissed over 9-11 and the beheadings so its of no concern how they end up dead I just want it done!
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 10:04PM

pwnd-u your a moon kricket arnt u!
stomper Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2005 10:58PM

Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 02:59AM

duane@2439 If Muslim nations had US style military technology you would not see beheadings. You would see equal armies face each other. As the USSR and US found out that means no fighting actually takes place.

These muslim fighters are willing to go up against the best trained and most well equiped army in the world. That takes balls. Just like the American colonists of 1770s.

The US along with Britian have been taking advantage of Muslim nations land and people. It is time to start deaing with muslim nations fairly. Allow them to grow economically without telling the lies that they hate the US and are only out to detroy it. That is horseshit.

stomper: you are a moron. Brits have infected America with there imperialist ways long enough. Tell the queen to deralict my ballz.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 04:44AM

So you would have us overthrow there monachys becuase that is why they are oppressed not us.They are some of the richest nations we dont hold them back thier religion hold them in the stone age and thier monachy has all thier funds so please explain to everyone what you are talking about and be specific.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 05:17AM

USA@156170: I humbly suggest that the US/Western Europe uses it's intelligence forces to arrest and convict bomb plotters. End the military assault on Iraq/Afghan as they are not serving our stated purposes. Bring Sunni and Shia and Kurds to the table and divvy up Iraq into 3 lands.
Patience is the key. Mass murder is a crime.
Pursue the criminals. This whole "enemy combatant" bullshit is only for justifying cyclic brutality. If the the West is so morally superior, then we must act like it, and not like 12th century barbarians. Otherwise we'll go at it tooth and nail and everyone will suffer.
USA Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 08:56AM

Blay, Blay, And more Blay!!!!
What happened was a bunch of cowards that hide behind mask,and have no balls did this. Stop blaming the USA.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 08:16PM

You Muslim's think you have the right to be treated as equals yet you act like animals so don't be surprised when you treated as such. You bomb innocent people going about their everyday business. Until you stand up against thoses faceless cowards that use your God as an excuse to kill and destroy people's life's that have done nothing what's so ever to you, YOU will be treated with the same content as if you had planted the bombs yourselfs. JUSTICE WILL BE OURS
stomper Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 08:18PM

Anonymous@12827 AMEN
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2005 08:52PM


Another american that fails to take responsibility for its actions.

Were you a follower of Clinton ? You act like it.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 01:50AM

Beast, you is a follower of Moore so fuck you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 01:51AM

fuck you, you fuckin kkk faggots.. you think your fuckin white race will rule, fuck, go to hell you bitchy kkk fags, white trash motherfuckers.. you bitches got some guts talking shit you fat cowboy motherfuckers..
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 01:52AM

Please include me with stomper and 12827 but not with clinton.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 02:02AM

And shaDEz is very much on target with how I feel too.SICK AND
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 02:22AM


Your moronathon continues. Duane is so sad he leeches from you. Damn Duane if you are going to cheat off someone at least pick a person who knows something.

I am a follower of GWB because he is my boss. We differ on the facts because I actually gather them. He and his team of idiots don't like them so he makes them up.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 02:33AM

Beast your a fag,tell me where you get your info commie.Hows the climate under my balls,shitface.Im not sad just confused why oxygen thieves like you are allowed to live,I guess it proves God has a sense of humor.
Beast Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 03:02AM


You don't have ballz so who knows what the temp is ?

God ? who the F is that ? Another made up entity !
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 04:00AM

jesus fuckin' christ this Beast isw a fool!
what is you like 12?
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 05:28AM

Beastiality you have a little fumunda cheese on your nose.As for God you will meet him one day,and with your atitude it will probably be soon.
Your_Mother Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2005 08:48PM

sand niggers suck shit
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 07:07AM

If you actually look up the history, you'll understand that Iraq has been undergoing weekly bombing for the last 14 years. 1991-present. With 2003-present being a little harsher than the previous 11.

Take a moment to think: How would you feel if the most powerful military in /history/ had been bombing your land, the very one you live in, the one your grandmother lived in, been bombing regularly, with friends dying every once in a while, because the bombs would fall randomly, or miss targets, and people would die, so there were lots of funerals, and they'd bombed the water plant, so the water gave you the shits all the time, and the electricity was only on 15 hours a day, and fresh food is impossible to get, but everyone smokes cigarettes..

Think about that. Think about how much that hurts. How much pain that is. How to stop that pain instead of making it worse. How do you do that?? You.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 07:09AM

Now imagine having to make the flash decision to jump out a fucking 80 story window, because the pain of slamming into concrete was /less/ than the pain of being burned alive in 3500degF fire that smelled of burning plastic and flesh. The pain of knowing you will die, now, today, right this instant.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 07:11AM

Now, think: Who is fucking propagating this war? Who are the players? and what do they /really/ want?? Are you going to take the side of someone making the war worse? Who is making the war worse? Are you with them?
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 12:13PM

John I just dont believe the conspieracy theory that America is evil.People over there might have a hard time dealing with the war but they need to get on the wagon and support the U.S. if not its only worse under the ruler they had.Look at the ethnic cleansing that was going on before we got there,far far worse than Kosovo 2700 something wee killed there.100's of thousands were killed here.Yet people continue to question our motives.Sadam had WMD's at one time and refused to let UN inspectors search where they wanted,it was part of the conditions for the end of the gulf war.Sadam even wanted us to believe he had WMD's.If you go back to before the war even French intelligence had Sadam having WMD's after 9-11 we cant take that chance so if its another cold war which is really all it amounts to.We loose a few they loose alot.If you didnt check the French and Russians were selling them weapons and weapons systems right before the war.Violations of the sanctions on Iraq.They were also the biggest profiteers if the sanctions were lifted it meant billions to thier economy.This was not a peace mission they were on but an attemp to make money.They were not even going to fogive the dept Sadam held to them even though the people of Iraq gained nothing from Frances money to Sadam.There were serious violations of the sanctions that were never addressed such as the oil for food program which was as crooked as it could have been.If it were a private company scaming offshore interpole would allready have hundreds in custody.I dont trust the UN they didnt uphold any of the resolutions and profited off of Iraq while Sadam was buying weapons.The UN,Russia,France and China hold Sadams hand while he violates the sanctions(instituted by the UN to keep us from deposeing Sadam),hell they should be glad they didnt get there hand blown off.
St_George Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2005 06:07PM

We need support no one but ourselves.
Repatriate the English - the rest of the world can fuck off; I've had enough! Pass the ammo!
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 12:10AM

Hey man I like England!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 08, 2006 05:35AM

WHITE FLOWER! I . . . like . . . white flowers. Okay? Jeez.